War Breaks Out Within The Marijuana Legalization Movement

Regardless the pitfalls and greed inc. that will crop up(get it)it's better than having gangsters killing each other and maybe you if your grow is in the wrong place.The way they deal with it here is just insane.Landlords are under the gun to make sure their property is grow free and if they should find a grow,you lose your house.It's on you to prove you had no way of knowing.In one municipality you can't even claim ignorance as they have written all kinds of draconian little bylaws to move grows to other places.Worrying about the little niceties is far better than the alternative.There are still a lot of politicians that think they can go up the food chain by attacking the stoner's.
There must be a tax and regulate model that includes the right to grow your own as a protection against monopolies. As much as I respect Jack, I do not see it as realistic. I would set the rates of taxes to be the same as a product like corn. That would keep the rates low, self grows can continue unmolested and sellers can make a legal buck that is reasonable. Everyone wins in a situation like that.
There should be no opposition to allowing personal grows as there will always be a majority of people that just don't have the time,knowledge or space to do a proper grow.I have grown some of the lamest pot ever because I just didn't take the time to learn.There are always those that do and those that just watch and buy the best.I don't know about there being no trouble as there will always be those greedy capitalist monopolists that want the law to work in their favor and against competition.Big Pharma has a stake in this as well.Not that they deserve one.No one knows what the end result will be but it's,in the end,just a weed.We certainly don't want to have people telling us what we can grow in our garden.I heard about a guy that was busted for growing poppies in his yard.Seems he'd been doing it since he was a child in India.He came to Canada and winds up in prison for growing flowers.At least the courts ruled against the government monopoly on growing for the medical marijuana industry in Canada.We have such a weird system.The government fights tooth and nail against any reforms and the people are a majority in favor of reform.It's just never a major issue at election time so a minority makes the rules.We keep waiting and waiting.I have waited for over 45 years and things move so very slowly and each day more lives are ruined.:peace:Whatever the time,we have to keep pushing for legalization.I would just hate to have to buy dope from the government that has harassed and jailed me for all these years.There will always be people that will grow for themselves and their friends.Just like there are still people that distill their own alcohol.Some just don't like the government.
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