Vulx Volcanic Soil Amendment: Corporate Introduction

Seeing as this is the "introduction" thread I am going to start a Q&A thread.

I will try to keep track of questions people ask elsewhere in the forum there as well. Generally, I prefer to keep other people's threads clean, so for those of you following here, please help by recommending Vulx questions off-topic from the thread they are in to the new thread (when I make it).

I think a year long introduction is quite sufficient.

Thanks everyone!
I've been using Vulx for a few generations of these Pineapple Expresses. I'm getting about 3oz. per plant on average, and I can't imagine these won't match or surpass! Not only do I get super, repeatable results, but I also continue to be amazed and pleased by how Vulx allows my plants to be so much more forgiving on the timelines of my watering! @Vulx, how long will this stuff last as I reuse my soil? CHeers y'all, have a great day!

I'm only adding a small bag of perlite to home depot 40lb/bag cheapo potting soil. It seemed to me from the beginning I wanted the least fertilized soil possible to start with since I was going to be adding it back in with the nutes. So as far as additional additive, Vulx is it. Are you guys saying the soil itself loses the capability to hold and release nutes over time? I'm essentially only relying on it to hold the moisture for a short time while the plants use it up slower right? Oye jeesh I think there's gonna be some science coming up here soon...
Incoming science!

Most potting soils are buffered to a specific pH (mid-6's) with lime (some with calcium though). Over time, the pH buffering capability dissipates, and the pH of your soil will no longer be what it was when you bought it. This will make it more difficult for your plants to access the nutes you feed it. When your luck buffering runs out, you can see deficiencies that didn't exist in previous grows.
Hi All:

Firstly, I want to wish everyone well in these chaotic and uncertain times. Please heed the warnings of the CDC and your local health officials. If anyone has any doubt this is serious I will just say that I've gotten a grim taste of reality (though thankfully I nor any one else at Vulx was infected). We have initiated policies and controls to ensure both the health and wellness of our staff and that all shipments are thoroughly disinfected prior to shipment.

I feel it's my civic duty to say that I don't know what the ethereal phrase "social distancing" is supposed to accomplish, so I will say it plainly: stay the hell home. Tip delivery drivers well. Be nice to your fellow humans. If you're having trouble, message me and I can at least see if there's anything I can do to help. I always reply.

Now, onto business. Some shipments from the past week got delayed while I was making sure that packages and product were handled in the most sanitary way possible. They're being processed now.

Warmest Regards,

Beau, Vulx
Now, the second and third order of business. For the next 2-4 weeks, I am going to enact a STEEP discount for Vulx.

For the second:

In these times it is imperative that you be able to grow your medicine, and since I have faith in Vulx's ability to help, it's a bit of a moral necessity that I do this.

And the third:

In order to make it easier, we are adopting 85g/gallon as the standard, and finding packaging for 960g of Vulx - in other words enough for a 1.5cu ft bag. Dump and mix thoroughly.

In that realm, I am also making an 85g sachet which will do your 1 gallon starts.

Thanks for all the continued support.
Thanks in no small part to the people here, Vulx continues a great success trajectory in the world of commercial cultivation. Newly added to our serviced regions is the Emerald Triangle. If it works for these growers here, folks, it will work for you.

I did a professional photo-shoot today, but I snapped some of my own shots to share with y'all here and some friends because, well, these places are just cool, man.

Starting with the small/relatively unexciting stuff, these Gelatos are still in their starters and will soon be up-potted to their new homes and amended with Vulx.

Until now, we've mainly been serving customers growing for flower, with one notable exception. One case is not enough for me to say definitively to a customer that spending the money on Vulx for a mother plant would get a return that would make it financially viable.

These Doc OGs were just amended, and they're going to be moms! Cute little ladies. Didn't get to snap their non-Vulx counterparts. Or maybe this is half and half - I'm not sure to be quite honest.

MAC is a slow-growing strain, I learned, so the owner of this farm actually suggested we try Vulx there. So we amended 20 gallon smart pots and up-potted the MACs from 3 gallons. 5/8 were amended (the guy is very familiar with these genetics).

Here are the non-amended MACs.

And here are the amended MACs.

It's a little hard to see the difference, so here is a side shot of the non-amended MACs again. This time, take a look at a couple things. Firstly, they are by the side of the hoop, and therefore get more sun. Also take note of the side-branching.

Now compare that to a closer look at the amended MACs and the side-branching. It's clearly thicker across the board, and the plants are just taller and bushier.

In the beginning of this endeavor, I was still unsure of Vulx's capabilities, and it took a while to learn how to apply its effects practically. Nowadays, I don't even give it a second thought. Sh*t works.

That said, I did not expect that I would see a difference in those MACs after only a week of being amended. I wanted to make sure this wasn't confirmation bias so I asked the owner of the farm, and this is what he said. It was a conversation so probably not exact but the core points are there.

"When we transplanted they all looked the same really, but now yours I think are a little taller. The lateral branches look fatter, and all of them are definitely bushier. The MACs by the edge got more sun, too, so I'm not sure what else it could be but your stuff."

So, all in all, a good visit. Plus, WOW, look at these Sour Apples. They were just so vibrant in person. This guy really knows his stuff - I wish I could let you smell his personally-crafted genetics. I mean, wow. It was so good that at one point I was convinced that smelling some of that flower got me stoned.

And, even though I was literally there for a photoshoot, I just couldn't help but to grab a selfie. When you visit a place like this, it's just what you do.

Hope you all enjoyed the photos! I'm going back on Friday to amend 1200 sq ft of dirt (two 6x100 beds) and hopefully I will have some more photos for you of that process. I don't care who you are, seeing this stuff grown at this scale with tractors and stuff out in the open is just cool.

Cheers, everyone!
Without reading this whole thing, is there a coupon code for 420magazine members? I saw you mention discounting your product, but today is the first I've read about it, so I don't know if the 1.6lb for $25 is the discounted price or if there's a coupon. Looking forward to trying this on my next grow.
If you could look into the status of order #10953 it would be greatly appreciated.

I don't know why, since your order was sent to fulfillment a long time ago, but scheduled delivery is April 11.

I've refunded you in full.
I placed an order on March 28. Last week I chatted with someone who said it should arrive Saturday or the first of this week. I still have not seen it, nor have I received a shipping notice. Can you tell me where my order#10956 is? I've tried your chat and now can't get any reply.
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