Volcano Vaporizer - Is It Worth It?

I smoked for some 40 years.. pot and tobacco. Not anymore.

I used to go through an oz/week.. now I vape a gram every 3 days.. you do the math. :cheesygrinsmiley: :peace:

While volcano is the best, I enjoy my portable, stealthy Vapor Genie.. I never leave home without it.
Wow! I posted this thing ages ago.. Good to know that it is still under discussion... Anyway.. I bought the volcano a while ago and have to admit that it is incredable and worth every penny. It truley lifts you to the next level.. I rarely smoke now... Although vapor still makes me cough like crazy... I am thinking of investing in a Phedor Vaporizer has anyone used or heard anything about this product? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
~Peace and Love~
hazeydream said:
Wow! I posted this thing ages ago.. Good to know that it is still under discussion... Anyway.. I bought the volcano a while ago and have to admit that it is incredable and worth every penny. It truley lifts you to the next level.. I rarely smoke now... Although vapor still makes me cough like crazy... I am thinking of investing in a Phedor Vaporizer has anyone used or heard anything about this product? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
~Peace and Love~

Mr Hazey, if you're coughing perhaps you have it too high and you're burning the herb. Most seasoned Volcano users vape at 5.5 to 6.. no higher. The first vape you is always flavor-packed. Then I take the container, pour the bud out in my hand and break the herb down to almost a powder, vape again, repeat one more time.. you know you're done when the herb tastes like popcorn and turns brown.. black is burning (coughing). Save the remains for olive oil or just pop it in your mouth and eat it.

Good luck, enjoy the Volcano.:peace: :cheesygrinsmiley:
does eating vaped bud do anything worthwile? I'd think it would just worsen the cotton mouth.. or do u not get cotton mouth with vapes?
^dude.......why in the hell would you want to eat vaped bud
It has THC and you can cook with it, I guess you could eat it straight up too if you really wanted to lol.
I still got a cheap one for sale, still has 4 1/2 year warranty left and has receipt. Goin for fairly cheap, PM me for more info.
You don't get cotton mouth while vaping.. just get well medicated!:cheesygrinsmiley: :peace:

As far as eating goes.. just makes for an easier clean-up and it can't hurt you.
Don't know if it helps you as far as medicating.. as I said.. can't hurt.
Still have one, needing some dinero so im selling for 250$, PM if ur interested or want to talk about it.
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