VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

Those Gelato autos in the solos are crazy tall I'm guessing they are in there for their life ? I have a herbies Gelato auto going on my outdoor grow but not in a solo
No it's too much work, feeding 4 x a day.
1.5 gal Air pots coco Bill284 Method.
Was supposed to start today but life. :rolleyes: You know.
What's tomorrow? :rofl:
Hope your doing well my friend. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Good morning Billstar :)

I actually think these are your best plants yet!
Hey T.:ciao::thanks: thank you so much.
I appreciate that from someone with such an amazing garden. :adore:
Now if you could do something with that Dunny Hole.:rofl:
Hope your having a great day. :passitleft:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I've got a couple of these and used to use them as a intake fan they worked good and I think work perfect for CO² and sealed environments.

Cool unit, thanks .:thanks:
I have a lot to learn before I need one though.
Still trying to figure out what the heck I've done. :rofl:
Hope your doing well Amigo. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Turn that fan to face down and its a good approximation of that diffuser.

Bonus - that air up top the fan pulls in is warmer and dryer. So you blasting warm dry air into the wetter air (along with Co2) and getting a cycle going.

Good morning Nick.
I made a change to the intake and have a light leak. :rolleyes:
I just noticed light shinning out the fresh air intake from the lung room.
Got t get that fixed before lights out at 5.:rolleyes:
Good thing I caught it before lights out.
Could have been another disaster.
I thought the fan pointing up would spread co2 more.
As a posed to pushing it straight down.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
No point it down - even thinking about it bouncing down you'll more likely lose it to the outside. Maximise it by going down on a low speed.

I'm 50/50 at the moment. Either carry on putting it in the back of the horizontal swing fans or putting it into the AC intake. Probably stick with the fans so it sprays it all over the canopy. Same as the guy in the second video I sent you.

Here you go:

Trying to uppot today.
I have my helpers.
Everything ready to go.








#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Awww they are so cute! Has Howie caught any fish for Charlie yet?
Morning TC.:ciao:
Howie took Charlie into the river first day he had a chance.
Now Charlie loves the river.
He runs in every time he gets a chance, poor drown rat.:rofl:
Didn't get the uppotting done yesterday.
Wasn't a great day, barely got everyone fed.
Hopefully things go better today.
How are you keeping Amigo?
Everything ok?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Bill, I have a question if you do not mind. Can you use citric acid on PM during flower?
I did last summer.
A little late though.
Rh was sky high.
But no harm to buds.
Morning TC.:ciao:
Howie took Charlie into the river first day he had a chance.
Now Charlie loves the river.
He runs in every time he gets a chance, poor drown rat.:rofl:
Didn't get the uppotting done yesterday.
Wasn't a great day, barely got everyone fed.
Hopefully things go better today.
How are you keeping Amigo?
Everything ok?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I’m sorry Bill, I’ve been in a lot of pain the last few days my shoulders FUBAR again other then that I’m surviving hoping we get going on some work on Fridays soon wish I saved more money since we lost both the Friday and saturdays since the start of spring lack of overtime is killing me but they are telling me it’ll be back.

Haha Howie sounds like what I expect Dante to do with Scarlet. He’s doing way better then I expected but I know it won’t last once she starts developing more of a personality.
I’m sorry Bill, I’ve been in a lot of pain the last few days my shoulders FUBAR again other then that I’m surviving hoping we get going on some work on Fridays soon wish I saved more money since we lost both the Friday and saturdays since the start of spring lack of overtime is killing me but they are telling me it’ll be back.

Haha Howie sounds like what I expect Dante to do with Scarlet. He’s doing way better then I expected but I know it won’t last once she starts developing more of a personality.
Morning TC. So so about your shoulders and the pain.:Namaste:
Maby no overtime is better for your health. :rolleyes:
Dante & Scarlet would have a ball with Howie, he is so friendly.
Post a pic of of them.:thumb:

They must be getting big.

Hope your feeling better, try and take it easy.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎

@Bill284 Method

Uppot solo cup to 5 gal bag

@Bill284 Method


Stay safe
Bill284 😎

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