VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

Lolz at the first bluter!
Totally at the second!

I think its important to note the difference in types of breeder.

1# YouTube Breeder

Likely a fraud reutilising stuff posted on message boards (like the guy passed off Shed’s work and tutorials as his own) these are easily spotted - did they ask you to follow them? Because successful breeders don't need YouTube revenue. Sometimes aspirational #2’s start here

#2 Weedz Breedz Bros - Pheno Hunters

“Limited” Releases. Big Events. Graffiti Logos. Hot new strain hyped up. “Secret Dropz” announced on Insta. Seeds can go $50 a pop. Take a popular stable strain breed it 2-3 Gens and get out next years hit release.

#3 Established Farms

Slower release schedule's. One a year but have large scale operations where they can afford a longer pipeline to stabilise the strain for mass market. This is where commercial growers get started. Although they may try out some popular/fashionable strains in a side grow to check stability etc. 50 plants ain’t no thing to commercial at that scale - they need to be sure the 5000 they plant are uniform and consistent.

#4 Pure Breeder

The science guys. University degrees in biology. 30 - 40 years of breeding down through generations. Having the skill when an entire strain is lost to the world how best to recreate it. Global personal contacts of breeders and strains and intercontinental strain swaps - like between Europe and the Americas. Typified by a very small 20 or less list of strains available. Often trade marked brands. The “Go To” type of large scale farmer that doesn’t breed themselves.

Its often where #2 type will start out.

That’s my take on breeders. Some Seed banks grow their own of the #3 and relabel.

Anyways - my take on it. I got time for all but the #1 group and only buy #4 or #3 in that order.


You forgot one type;

The mischief low key individual that travels around hooks up with local growers and brings seeds back to their homeland. Propagates the seed and makes seeds that will never see the public market. Private seed reserves are a thing, there are a bunch of private seed collectives in Cali. There are seed collectives in France and Barcelona (I have personally been to cannabis clubs in Barcelona where they smoke and sell only in house genetics) stuff that will never see day light because it’s not meant for commercial purposes, it’s private and out of hands of monetizing goons you described in your #1 #2 #3.
#4 are not breeding your next weeding cake or grape ape, they are isolating chemotypes by cannabinoid content and derivatives, one by one and making corporate money selling patents to big pharma.

Maybe internal support between us the “community” of growers may be the incentive for a real effort and movement to create sustainable breeding.

Bashing peoples efforts or categorizing people isn’t gonna help solve the genetics problems we see today. Is helping other growers level up and start rethinking growing as a whole that’s going to start giving us options to create a more traceable and organized seed bank.

CRISPR design your own genetics will be a thing within 2-3 years - home growers with a budget 6-8 years I reckon. That makes all of this trivial want a blue button pop out when the plant is optimally done? (Actually the colour blue is really hard in plants so lets go with red!) it will be possible!

Its just meant to be a tongue in cheek helpful not a starting point for refinement and def not conflict.

@ReservoirDog I have a specialist asset at online takedowns for fraudulent or non cool behaviour on YouTube. But Shed mentioned Rob from 420 is on it so I suspect we can stand down 🤣

Most importantly - Bill dude! Hope your sleeping and getting some rest mate.

Take care buddy.

Oh, I see what's goin'down... y'all think I'm a know-it-all, that I love the sound of my own, uh, keyboard, that I constantly chime in with, "do this" and "not that". In other words, gatekeeper bullshit! lol!.... Just joking. Hmmm, crap, now I can't remember what it was you thought I had an impending opinion about... lol!

Fek me! Yo @InTheShed , you want I should whack this creep, or what? Make it hurt? Make it last? You know, as it happens, we have a special on right now for customers looking for the trifecta. Please note, disposal fees are not included in initial quotes, as they require a unique skill set, usually from a second technician. Though perhaps we should call them artists, for they are %100 effective in communicating with third parties when using their favoured medium. Another service we provide is convincing a single person to change their mind about something, or, at least, their behaviour going forward. This too is a special skill set professionally represented in our organization. We have printed brochures we can send you to peruse at your leisure, and we have people ready to take your call and walk you through, step by step, what the options available are, and how to leverage them in your favour.

Bingo. :bump: Fekking millennials. ...............Har!:rofl:

OK, serious time. The shoe's on the other foot now, Bill, and I'm not sure which one I'd choose, if forced, between worrying that you're going to fall and seriously hurt yourself, or being the one always falling and hurting myself. I'm in my low vertigo time of the year so I'm not always falling and getting monthly concussions like I do in wintertime. But don't worry, migraines always backfill the space left behind by the absent vertigo, and with extreme prejudice, I might add. They last 12 to 72 hours, and they are often the kind s o bad that you flop around on the bed, howling from the pain (which makes it worse, but there's a pain line, I've discovered, in front of us all that if crossed will cause desperate and often irrational, physical movements to 'escape' the agony, that, if the pain level were merely 10% less, you would simply lie still and quiet until released from it one way or the other. So I can't decide which is worse, feeling like this all the time (for some of the time), or worrying about you having a serious issue, and there is very little I can do. I know what it's really like to be so prone, and I can picture the possibilities, in detail, and then be fekking haunted by them. You can't fob me off with folksy charm and truisms, I've got my eye on you, my friend. I use a tall, ski-pole style walking stick(s) these days and it's saved me from a few doozies.

Now, what the hell was it I was supposed to have comments about again? Ha! Ha!
It's not vertigo like you, it's a muscle/ nerve problem.
Spent too much time time talking when I should have been listening. :rolleyes: Glory days. ;)
My right leg just gives out when you need it most.
I'm gimpin around now.
Bruised and swollen.
At least I don't get debilitating head aches, can always be worse right.
So your suggestion was a gram / litre of nutrient and a gram / gallon of of the kelp ?
I think that's it.
No worries on the nutrients I have a ppm pen.
But the kelp concerns me, as it's strong.
I actually am putting in 1.5g in 7.5 litres.
After cooking my girls with the bloom booster I'm nervous.
It says 1-4 on the package but no real instructions.
I haven't sprayed them just root drench so far.
How far off am I on my mixture?
Talk soon Amigo.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
there is another French company thats high end
Yep they are def #3.5! Looks cool. They know Simon who is my #4 Level.

“Serious Bubblegum”

From your link. Serious Seeds. In Amsterdam. They bred off that and credited it which is proper awesome and respectful of them.

See we were agreeing all along! Cannabis Enthusiasts both, mate! Same seeds 🤣

Ok so I just wanted to clarify, I screwed up. :rofl:
The only girls that got Nanners were at 10 weeks.

I should have checked my notes sooner.
Banana Pudding I thought was 40 something days was actually 69.
The little yellow tips ( nanners ) were soft and wet so no issues, no seeds , no worries.
My Apologies to @Herbies Seeds for the incorrect age on that girl.
As soon as I get a minute ill post the rest of the pics.
Thanks Everyone. :ciao:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Speaking of @Herbies Seeds , Herbies Bruce Banner is knock your sox off good! Also their GrandMommy Purple and Blueberry Hill! ! Oh my head good! Sox both off, toes curled good!
I've had my eyes on the grandmommy purple for a while 💜 🙏
Speaking of @Herbies Seeds , Herbies Bruce Banner is knock your sox off good! Also their GrandMommy Purple and Blueberry Hill! ! Oh my head good! Sox both off, toes curled good!
I have some arriving around Wednesday. Can’t wait. Our first grow strain. Still & Co’s favourite strain to grow I think.


It is awesome. 4 in solos and two for mothers.

Maybe clone off the solos too. Its a keeper for a daytime saliva hybrid upside your head!

I have some arriving around Wednesday. Can’t wait. Our first grow strain. Still & Co’s favourite strain to grow I think.


It is awesome. 4 in solos and two for mothers.

Maybe clone off the solos too. Its a keeper for a daytime saliva hybrid upside your head!

Blueberry Hill is another I'm getting to know! It's pleasant as it gets and blows me away! Woofa!
It's not vertigo like you, it's a muscle/ nerve problem.
Spent too much time time talking when I should have been listening. :rolleyes: Glory days. ;)
My right leg just gives out when you need it most.
I'm gimpin around now.
Bruised and swollen.
At least I don't get debilitating head aches, can always be worse right.
So your suggestion was a gram / litre of nutrient and a gram / gallon of of the kelp ?
I think that's it.
No worries on the nutrients I have a ppm pen.
But the kelp concerns me, as it's strong.
I actually am putting in 1.5g in 7.5 litres.
After cooking my girls with the bloom booster I'm nervous.
It says 1-4 on the package but no real instructions.
I haven't sprayed them just root drench so far.
How far off am I on my mixture?
Talk soon Amigo.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I always refer to gallons in written comments for simplicity and clarity. Do you mind this? So I have only had tomatoes and peppers to test the stuff with to this point, but feel confident results are still helpful.

Foliar: Retailer's Recomendation is 0.5 grams per gallon, which indicates a very strong product. I have a milligram scale that I calibrated, and calib'd my 120$ ppm meter too. My water has under 10ppm (unreadable by my pen) dissolved solids so I trust my numbers, however, I also made some distilled water that I used for some foliar tests. Point is, my PPMs all start at essentially zero in my water either way. My distilled water test results are below, but note that my tap water results are the same.

I tested using distilled 0ppm water (made from my max 10ppm tap water), I made a 5 gallon labratory-use ''carboy'' full just so any measurement errors would be reduced by having to weigh more product, though they could only have been very small "errors'' given the calibrations and lab-style container. (yes, it did take me ages to make that much distilled water, two days!) I added 2.5 grams of seaweed extract to 5 gallons distilled water and stirred well. This is the recommended dosage for foliar of 0.5gram/gallon (3.78litres). 30 mins after mixing my ppm meter reported a 40ppm (@500, US-factor setting) TDS (multiple times). EC reading was 0.1.

I filled a one-litre sprayer and added a squirt of peppermint Castille soap as a ''spreader''. I sprayed very liberally 12 tomato plants that were just starting to flower, indoors, and set my lights to a 500PPF (Photone app), iPhone) at the canopy, fans were all turned off. 24hr results were a slight darkening of the green in tomato leaves. After three days it seemed the green lightened. There was no appreciable damage to plants or other noticeable changes.

Experiment (foliar) with 4 pepper plants was on the same day, same tent, same conditions, same batch of kelp extract mix. In fact, the results were mostly the same. Pepper plants at the time were budding but not flowering. I noticed no colour shift in pepper plant leaves from spraying like I did tomatoes. No damage was apparent after one week, and all plants remain healthy and growing well, with tomatoes beginning to produce fruit (all indoor plants) and peppers blossoming.

All of my vegetables have been, and are being, fed by the same company's (GreenLeaf) "all-in-one" fertilizer, Megacrop. This product already has mixed into it a very healthy dose of this same seaweed extract product, so I have been hesitant to use at suggested rates as a root drench, esp. given I'm growing mostly in SIPs which have a perched reservoir of this mix constantly on-hand.

The critical consideration for using the stuff, how, and how much, it seems to me, is what your potassium levels are already at, and how much more you're comfortable with adding. I run, typically in veg and often in flower, something like an 8-10-12. Were I to use the kelp in combo with my normal ferts mix, at GreenLeaf's recommended top dosage for "root drench'' (5gram/gallon) I'd be bumping my npk to... (I'm calculating, gimme a sec...)

Well, at 5 grams/gallon, already using a 8-10-12 it would put me closer to 8-10-24, which is a lot of K. I think, however, that at most times, I'd be happy with using a 3 gram per gallon dose. But I'm kind of a high K grower, of late. However, my phosphorous levels are tied to my K, given I use a two-part system (with some magnesium sulphate), so I don't want to drop my K too much to make room for the kelp and its 18% K, cuz I'll be dropping my P.

My recommendation would be to not use the kelp at all on the plants that you are feeding M3gacr0p, because it's already in there. Whatever you're feeding in the hut, well I would use the kelp but at 3 grams per gallon, and probably no more unless I was jonesing for a big K hit.

Apologies I cant be succinct, appears to be a congenital flaw. I always start out trying...

Love you Bill, so hang in there mate, I'm coming for my cowboy steak someday!
Speaking of @Herbies Seeds , Herbies Bruce Banner is knock your sox off good! Also their GrandMommy Purple and Blueberry Hill! ! Oh my head good! Sox both off, toes curled good!
Morning Stone :ciao:
You recuperate from the party yet?
How are you feeling today? 🤪
Hope your not hung over.
Thanks for the tip on the strains.
I'll check them next. :thanks:
Have a good day Amigo.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I've had my eyes on the grandmommy purple for a while 💜 🙏
Morning Gv.:high-five:
It was one of the second strain I ever grew.
Love that strain, she was fantastic, wish I had a mom from her.
Take care buddy. :passitleft:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I always refer to gallons in written comments for simplicity and clarity. Do you mind this? So I have only had tomatoes and peppers to test the stuff with to this point, but feel confident results are still helpful.

Foliar: Retailer's Recomendation is 0.5 grams per gallon, which indicates a very strong product. I have a milligram scale that I calibrated, and calib'd my 120$ ppm meter too. My water has under 10ppm (unreadable by my pen) dissolved solids so I trust my numbers, however, I also made some distilled water that I used for some foliar tests. Point is, my PPMs all start at essentially zero in my water either way. My distilled water test results are below, but note that my tap water results are the same.

I tested using distilled 0ppm water (made from my max 10ppm tap water), I made a 5 gallon labratory-use ''carboy'' full just so any measurement errors would be reduced by having to weigh more product, though they could only have been very small "errors'' given the calibrations and lab-style container. (yes, it did take me ages to make that much distilled water, two days!) I added 2.5 grams of seaweed extract to 5 gallons distilled water and stirred well. This is the recommended dosage for foliar of 0.5gram/gallon (3.78litres). 30 mins after mixing my ppm meter reported a 40ppm (@500, US-factor setting) TDS (multiple times). EC reading was 0.1.

I filled a one-litre sprayer and added a squirt of peppermint Castille soap as a ''spreader''. I sprayed very liberally 12 tomato plants that were just starting to flower, indoors, and set my lights to a 500PPF (Photone app), iPhone) at the canopy, fans were all turned off. 24hr results were a slight darkening of the green in tomato leaves. After three days it seemed the green lightened. There was no appreciable damage to plants or other noticeable changes.

Experiment (foliar) with 4 pepper plants was on the same day, same tent, same conditions, same batch of kelp extract mix. In fact, the results were mostly the same. Pepper plants at the time were budding but not flowering. I noticed no colour shift in pepper plant leaves from spraying like I did tomatoes. No damage was apparent after one week, and all plants remain healthy and growing well, with tomatoes beginning to produce fruit (all indoor plants) and peppers blossoming.

All of my vegetables have been, and are being, fed by the same company's (GreenLeaf) "all-in-one" fertilizer, Megacrop. This product already has mixed into it a very healthy dose of this same seaweed extract product, so I have been hesitant to use at suggested rates as a root drench, esp. given I'm growing mostly in SIPs which have a perched reservoir of this mix constantly on-hand.

The critical consideration for using the stuff, how, and how much, it seems to me, is what your potassium levels are already at, and how much more you're comfortable with adding. I run, typically in veg and often in flower, something like an 8-10-12. Were I to use the kelp in combo with my normal ferts mix, at GreenLeaf's recommended top dosage for "root drench'' (5gram/gallon) I'd be bumping my npk to... (I'm calculating, gimme a sec...)

Well, at 5 grams/gallon, already using a 8-10-12 it would put me closer to 8-10-24, which is a lot of K. I think, however, that at most times, I'd be happy with using a 3 gram per gallon dose. But I'm kind of a high K grower, of late. However, my phosphorous levels are tied to my K, given I use a two-part system (with some magnesium sulphate), so I don't want to drop my K too much to make room for the kelp and its 18% K, cuz I'll be dropping my P.

My recommendation would be to not use the kelp at all on the plants that you are feeding M3gacr0p, because it's already in there. Whatever you're feeding in the hut, well I would use the kelp but at 3 grams per gallon, and probably no more unless I was jonesing for a big K hit.

Apologies I cant be succinct, appears to be a congenital flaw. I always start out trying...

Love you Bill, so hang in there mate, I'm coming for my cowboy steak someday!
Good Morning Res.:ciao:
Don't fret about a couple extra paragraphs, I can still read for now. :rolleyes:
So it has kelp in it, therefore I don't need to root drench with it?
Just foliar?
I'm almost out of Plagron.
I need to decide what to run in the hut.
I have Remo and MC.
Mc in the greenhouse all summer for sure but the hut.?
If I use Remo can I use the kelp drench with it?
I use a liquid product from Canadian Tire. 😂
No suppliers up here, so.
Or I could just run mc in both, be real easy that way.
Have you got your booth running yet this year?
Talk soon my friend. :high-five:
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Morning Gv.:high-five:
It was one of the second strain I ever grew.
Love that strain, she was fantastic, wish I had a mom from her.
Take care buddy. :passitleft:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Good morning Bill, thanks for the recommendation 🙏 I've seen everyone growing GDP but not much of GMP and the strain sounds great so Herbie's GMP is definitely going to be in my first multi strain photo grow 😁
I wish I had the room to keep mother's altogether... I think I can make space to temporarily keep small mother's but for long term id have to keep a cloning cycle to keep a strain going so would have to be something extra special.

Happy growing, excited to see what decisions you've made in your future posts 😁✌🏽


Apple Betty

Day 70 of Flower

@Herbies Seeds










#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I have some arriving around Wednesday. Can’t wait. Our first grow strain. Still & Co’s favourite strain to grow I think.


It is awesome. 4 in solos and two for mothers.

Maybe clone off the solos too. Its a keeper for a daytime saliva hybrid upside your head!

Blueberry Hill is another I'm getting to know! It's pleasant as it gets and blows me away! Woofa!
Morning Stone :ciao:
You recuperate from the party yet?
How are you feeling today? 🤪
Hope your not hung over.
Thanks for the tip on the strains.
I'll check them next. :thanks:
Have a good day Amigo.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
All good Bill. I have one or two and it's time for weed. I did enough alcohol damage for this life.


Banana Pudding

Day 70 of Flower

@Herbies Seeds

She pulled through even though

I cooked her with a untested booster










Congratulations on you saving and harvesting her, great work my brother.👏 CL🍀 :woohoo: :thumb::yahoo::welldone::bravo::adore::cheer::circle-of-love: :420:
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