VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

Nope, buddy I'm dieing.
Picked the wrong day for this.
Pneumonia is kicking my but right now.
I thought I was up to some activity, but I'm clearly wrong.
I'm going to cook it off in the shed now before I keel over.
I may have to let Stacey handle the rest while I rest. :rolleyes:
Don’t blow yourself up! Be careful with that stuff. CL🍀
What you made just now is green dragon tincture ( made with consumable alcohol )
You could consume now but with wicked alcohol burn
Rick Simpson never had access to everclear he used ISO
If you don't like the alcohol burn for oral use you can evaporate it off & make CCO (concentrated cannabis oil) If to thick you can add MTC oil
Do you use steam inhalation ever? See if Stacey can find a bottle of Olbas at the pharmacy or health shop. A few drops of that in some steam will soothe and I believe it helps to cure. The essential oils in it are good for healing pneumonia.


Olbas Oil Contains: Eucalyptus oil 35.45%w/w,Dementholised mint oil 35.45%w/w, Cajuput oil 18.5%w/w, Menthol 4.1%w/w, Wintergreen Oil 3.7%w/w, Juniper Berry Oil 2.7%w/w and Clove Oil 0.1%w/w.
Hey Bill sorry to hear your ill. Wishing you a speedy recovery 🤞🤞

I have some bits saved to make some oils but I always bake with mine just to be safe. If Stacey is cooking it in a shed make sure their is plenty of extraction.. had many friends with no eyebrows or hair lines 😬

Get that blanket and dogs on ya 💚👍
Do you use steam inhalation ever? See if Stacey can find a bottle of Olbas at the pharmacy or health shop. A few drops of that in some steam will soothe and I believe it helps to cure. The essential oils in it are good for healing pneumonia.


Olbas Oil Contains: Eucalyptus oil 35.45%w/w,Dementholised mint oil 35.45%w/w, Cajuput oil 18.5%w/w, Menthol 4.1%w/w, Wintergreen Oil 3.7%w/w, Juniper Berry Oil 2.7%w/w and Clove Oil 0.1%w/w.
Sounds terrific, thank you so much :thanks:
I’ll tell her now :thumb:
What you made just now is green dragon tincture ( made with consumable alcohol )
You could consume now but with wicked alcohol burn
Rick Simpson never had access to everclear he used ISO
If you don't like the alcohol burn for oral use you can evaporate it off & make CCO If to thick you can add MTC oil
Thanks Joe.
I appreciate it :thanks:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey Bill sorry to hear your ill. Wishing you a speedy recovery 🤞🤞

I have some bits saved to make some oils but I always bake with mine just to be safe. If Stacey is cooking it in a shed make sure their is plenty of extraction.. had many friends with no eyebrows or hair lines 😬

Get that blanket and dogs on ya 💚👍
Thanks buddy :thanks:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Far as I remember rso is not fancy and can/should sit before reclaiming or evaporating the alc. The name of the game is to leach everything. Go to bed!
Way ahead of ya. :thanks: Thanks Stone

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Don’t blow yourself up! Be careful with that stuff. CL🍀
Thanks Cap’n :thanks:
It’s up there on the list of priorities :thumb:
Hope your having a good New Year’s Eve my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Far as I remember rso is not fancy and can/should sit before reclaiming or evaporating the alc. The name of the game is to leach everything. Go to bed!
Yes for @Bill284 purposes he should let it sit longer
It doesn't matter as much if you are reclaiming your alcohol but if just evaporating into the air best to get the most for your buck
You can see in the chart it gets stronger the longer it sits
But it also gets stronger when evaporated

I like this test by birdies

Red Dragon Oil
1st how much cannabinoid Oil is there ???
(( What percentage of cannabinoid Oil is in Trichomes
VS non desirables such as fats, waxes, Lipids, etc. in the Trichomes.
Answer—1 Trichome is ~67% cannabinoid net Oil,
30.5 % wax/fats (mostly wax)
& 2.5% plant fiber ))
There you have it…
Take 10 grams of Trichomes (Kief) soak in 190 Proof Alcohol & you’ll get approximately 6.7 Grams of pure Cannabinoid oil after filtering (coffee filter is fine).
6.7 Grams of pure oil &
NO UNDESIRABLES “ONLY” IF YOU DROP “EXTRACTION TEMPERATURE” to Minus -45 or lower…I prefer minus -55
How ???…
Dry ice-190 Proof Grain alcohol-Mason jars-Kief (or Marijuana)-Food cooler-Thermometer-
Metal Screen (holds Dry ice above mason jars-why?, Because of a process called sublimation
yes, we need a few more items for evaporation, but that’s later.

Red Dragon Oil Pics






Nice Ho Ho Ho



Bubbles you see here are not alcohol. It has long evaporated. This is the residual water left over from the alcohol & at this point, you can naturally let it evaporate off or continue to heat it until all micro bubbles are gone.

Red Dragon Oil

How did I learn how to do this?
Forums like 420, & extensive research !
Best article (this article was the catalyst for me to take action & develop a technique based on the information given to me)
Hash Oil Test Results Room Temperature method vs
Super Cold method:
—I’ve done my own testing, here r results:
(because I want to know how much of the waxes, fats, chlorophyll and other lipids, & undesirables are in room temperature oil VS super -50f low temperature extraction used for vaping in CCell vape carts,
honey Straw or other methods of vape/smoking etc.
Used the Same strain GSC Auto for experiment (Girl scout cookies) for the test rated at 22% Thc.
Performed two batch runs with 2 different temperatures…1 Oz each.
Test Batch #1:
Using Room Temperature of 74f.
Using 1 Oz of very dry herb & ground up using a hand crank nut grinder slightly larger than joint material, After allowing cured herb to dry for one more week covered with cheese cloth on a cookie sheet, thus removing most moisture !)
14 Oz generic Everclear at 74f.
Mix herb/alcohol together in mason jar, shake several times over 25 min time period.
Result after alcohol evaporated & “ALL” Micro bubbles disappear from fluid & residual water evaporated out.
7 grams black oil.
Net Yield of ~
24–25% of Black Tar Oil

Test Batch #2:
QWET method -55F
Using 10lbs dry ice inside of a food cooler placed above (on a metal screen) over herb & ethanol (Generic Everclear) filled Mason jars
for 3Hrs. to cool.
Cooler temperature minus -50 to -55f
Herb & Ethanol temperature of -55
Mix both mason jars in cooler & leave in cooler for 25 minutes, put dry ice back in cooler & close lid, stir 4-5 times.
Drain extract “ASAP” immediately using 75u
bubble bag or other filtering screen,
then use a 25u bubble bag or brown paper coffee filter for 2nd fine sediment filtering.
Evaporate Ethanol off…using a hot plate @ 160f or lower, double boiler, or naturally evaporate.
Result after “ALL” alcohol & residual water evaporated on coffee hot plate is…
4.3 grams oil…
Net yield ~ 15.4% Red Dragon Oil

*Conclusion: So I’ve removed about ~38% of undesirables (fats, waxes, chlorophyll, other lipids, etc) mentioned above in test batch #1.
((I have run this test using GSC, Tangie’matic & Northern Lights with similar results ~ 34-36% of undesirables removed using Super Cooled QWET
Results—Vapes great, even without emulsions or Terps added.))

I can post the entire process if anybody is interested, but if you read that article several times, I believe you can come up with your own technique…
Yes for @Bill284 purposes he should let it sit longer
It doesn't matter as much if you are reclaiming your alcohol but if just evaporating into the air best to get the most for your buck
You can see in the chart it gets stronger the longer it sits
But it also gets stronger when evaporated

I like this test by birdies
I’ve got a big bag of these syringes.


I’ve got a big bag of these syringes.


Then you want it on the thicker side you can always warm it to squeeze out what you need Don't want them to leak
Sorry to hear you've been crook Bill. I have been battling a respiratory infection myself, on the tail end now but unbelievable how long it's be taking to see the end of it. All the best brother!
After a few days soaking I finally warmed off the alcohol.
I totally screwed this up.
As soon as it cooled it became a brick.
It’s trapped inside a couple syringe’s.
But most of it looks like Hash.
@94xjjohn Help, hehe.








I think you can add more alcohol of it starts to do that but now its hardened not sure. I’ll send the picture to my Engineer buddy who made ours and see what he says.
I overheated it guaranteed.
All my fault. :oops:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I overheated it guaranteed.
All my fault. :oops:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Overheating happens he was talking me and my Farmer buddy through all the things that can go wrong - he’s had fires and all sorts I think to prevent burning you add more booze - I’m not sure what you’re left with - sure it will have happened to him at some point so see what he did!
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