VIVOHUT 2 Point Oh! Bill284 Grows North Atlantic Seed Co. In Coco

Just a little glimpse of winter up here.
I use the greenhouse as a carport in the winter.
Want to trade climates? :rofl: @mandalaGreen42p

Charlie :love:

That's the greenhouse
Snow is almost as high as the roof

That's outside my front door

Howie the boss:hug:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Winter up here can be brutal.
I'll find you a pic.
On a funnier note ;)
Just finishing up a harvest, Purple Kush, Platinum Tahoe OG and an oddly named strain Vibe Shift.
Stacey and I found out why it's called Vibe Shift last night. :lot-o-toke::rofl:
She had a bong :bong: and says what do you call it again?
I ground a bud I accidentally broke off 10 days ago.
Harsh because it's not cured but very nice. She says
My head feels wonky 🤣
I said do you feel a Vibe Shift? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Fek did we ever laugh.
Took us that long to figure it out.
Great name for that strain.
Preliminary reviews are all positive on the Vibe Shift.:thumb:
I'm hoping to pull 5 pounds this fall from a plant I have in the greenhouse .
Can't wait for the properly harvested buds to cure.:rollit:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I saw some Pics of your Harvest Nugz Bill, they look fantastic !
98F and humid here today, just North of Boston
Just a little glimpse of winter up here.
I use the greenhouse as a carport in the winter.
Want to trade climates? :rofl: @mandalaGreen42p

Charlie :love:

That's the greenhouse
Snow is almost as high as the roof

That's outside my front door

Howie the boss:hug:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

How does that roof not cave with snow?

BTW.. I am Excited to see this finish!
Gag Bill heck no trade for me. Have many friends up north who are struggling now with -10 during winter & spring. Some are snowbirds some just sit tight for months. I was never one to be able to live in 6months of cold snowy weather. My body just says sleep looking at that snow.
I sure love that dog of yours Charlie he's a doll.:circle-of-love:
I saw some Pics of your Harvest Nugz Bill, they look fantastic !
98F and humid here today, just North of Boston
98f yeiks.
Actually just turned on the AC inside.
Wasn't a scorcher today just regular heat :rofl: what ever that is.
Did you see these pics?

Last years greenhouse harvest, just some of it.
12 or 14 pounds I can't remember. :Namaste:
The greenhouse roof.:oops:
It's a Costco garage I put poly on.
I clean the snow off regularly or it would collapse.
Well worth the investment. ;)
It's all in Heaven's Shores

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

How does that roof not cave with snow?

BTW.. I am Excited to see this finish!
Hard work and Christian science. :rofl:
A big bloom ;)
Thanks buddy :thanks:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Gag Bill heck no trade for me. Have many friends up north who are struggling now with -10 during winter & spring. Some are snowbirds some just sit tight for months. I was never one to be able to live in 6months of cold snowy weather. My body just says sleep looking at that snow.
I sure love that dog of yours Charlie he's a doll.:circle-of-love:
My dogs are awesome, such sweet boys. :thanks:
Salve and a heated grow facility help but I hate winter too. :Namaste:
I'm not allowed anywhere warm anymore ;)
Thanks my friend. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
:eek:Try working in the greenhouse when it's that hot.:rolleyes:
The girls love it though.
Stay in the shade buddy. ;)
And drink lots of water.
Don't need sunstroke.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hi Bill!
At that heat, doesn't the humidx provoke PM?
I lost everything last year

Yet you do live considerably north of me.
I was trying to mainline for the 1st time and was attacked by a sneeze-fit. Kept on sneezing "till my diaghram was empty. Was cutting down and ended up topping my second branch. FFS

Now I have only one node for crying out loud! :straightface: Cloned the top.

Cloned the top, hope it's succesfull but a freakin' embarassement for my banana jeolousy competitive grow.

Not looking forward to posting that picture!

Winter up here can be brutal.
I'll find you a pic.
On a funnier note ;)
Just finishing up a harvest, Purple Kush, Platinum Tahoe OG and an oddly named strain Vibe Shift.
Stacey and I found out why it's called Vibe Shift last night. :lot-o-toke::rofl:
She had a bong :bong: and says what do you call it again?
I ground a bud I accidentally broke off 10 days ago.
Harsh because it's not cured but very nice. She says
My head feels wonky 🤣
I said do you feel a Vibe Shift? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Fek did we ever laugh.
Took us that long to figure it out.
Great name for that strain.
Preliminary reviews are all positive on the Vibe Shift.:thumb:
I'm hoping to pull 5 pounds this fall from a plant I have in the greenhouse .
Can't wait for the properly harvested buds to cure.:rollit:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Sounds like u have a full schedule ahahaa
Hope all goes well for ya bro 👍
98f yeiks.
Actually just turned on the AC inside.
Wasn't a scorcher today just regular heat :rofl: what ever that is.
Did you see these pics?

Last years greenhouse harvest, just some of it.
12 or 14 pounds I can't remember. :Namaste:
The greenhouse roof.:oops:
It's a Costco garage I put poly on.
I clean the snow off regularly or it would collapse.
Well worth the investment. ;)
It's all in Heaven's Shores

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

Found it.... page 52... good way to get people to go thru your journals... I have to admit... after about 10 pages of reading, I end up scanning for picks until I found it!

If it works up there, I might be able to use it in lower Michigan?

At 12 to 14 lbs a summer, I could take 3 to 4 years off, although I would probably be trimming most of that time! 😃
Hi Bill!
At that heat, doesn't the humidx provoke PM?
I lost everything last year

Yet you do live considerably north of me.
I was trying to mainline for the 1st time and was attacked by a sneeze-fit. Kept on sneezing "till my diaghram was empty. Was cutting down and ended up topping my second branch. FFS

Now I have only one node for crying out loud! :straightface: Cloned the top.

Cloned the top, hope it's succesfull but a freakin' embarassement for my banana jeolousy competitive grow.

Not looking forward to posting that picture!

Good morning Scott :ciao:
Pm and rot are a major concern.
Lost half my harvest the first summer in the greenhouse.
SNS DC. For mold was a savior last summer.
The greenhouse traps humidity causing issues.
Especially at night in the fall when I close the vents.
That's partly why I'm running only 4 girls this summer.
I'm reducing the feed water volume gassing off in there.
But the only reason I did so well last fall was SNS. :thumb:
Sorry about the training accident. :rolleyes:
I've done worse, doesn't make it any better for you though.
We all have an accident now and then.:Namaste:
Not sure what's equivalent in Canada to SNS/DC.
I have it re-shipped by a friend.
If you can get some it will help Amigo.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

Found it.... page 52... good way to get people to go thru your journals... I have to admit... after about 10 pages of reading, I end up scanning for picks until I found it!

If it works up there, I might be able to use it in lower Michigan?

At 12 to 14 lbs a summer, I could take 3 to 4 years off, although I would probably be trimming most of that time! 😃
I knew it was in there somewhere. :rofl::Namaste:
Not part of the original plan if I remember correctly.
A last minute decision that has worked out well.
If your handy it's not hard to build a greenhouse that way.
Covered in 6ml poly, just throw the canvas roof on in the winter. :thumb:
Gives me all kinds of options you don't have outside alone.
It's paid for itself easily.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Just a little glimpse of winter up here.
I use the greenhouse as a carport in the winter.
Want to trade climates? :rofl: @mandalaGreen42p

Charlie :love:

That's the greenhouse
Snow is almost as high as the roof

That's outside my front door

Howie the boss:hug:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I spent 17 years in Northern BC. I DO NOT miss that $hit. My back hurts just looking at all that snow. I remember shovelling the snowbanks into the yard because I couldn't throw the snow up onto them at the sides of the driveway because they were too tall. Eeesh... PTSD is kicking in🤣🤣🤣
I spent 17 years in Northern BC. I DO NOT miss that $hit. My back hurts just looking at all that snow. I remember shovelling the snowbanks into the yard because I couldn't throw the snow up onto them at the sides of the driveway because they were too tall. Eeesh... PTSD is kicking in🤣🤣🤣
Why do we put ourselves through it I wonder. :Namaste:
It's heck on my old bones.
We need a Caribbean province to visit in winter. ;)
I'll take the heat any day. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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