Growing a couple o9f plants with
@ViparSpectra XS1500 pro is just the tip of the iceberg. it can be used to grow seedlings like I am now, also great for cloning, or keeping a mother tree and much more. Follow along while I grow my seedlings till they are big enough to go outside. currently it is set at 40% at 24 in distance for the light
I will most likely add a few more when A, Find my Auto seeds B.Buy new auto seeds the best part is with
@ViparSpectra XS 1500 Pro I can add as much as the tent can hold thanks to that extra lens that gives me a even par. So I dont have to shuffle them around, age and size doesnt matter they will get the same even par light throughout my tent from the above Left we have Kosher Haze the middle White Widow, last but not least Amnesia Haze
from left to right Lemon OG, Purple OG Punch (auto) and the beast the original Landrace Durban poison which I have big plans for. I will grow them in a pot for the Durban poison I hope to put her in a 30 gallon pot it has alreaady been topped just waiting to grow*
Special thanks to Super Sativia Seed Club for the Kosher Haze. lemon OG and Purple OG Punch (auto)
Gotta make Hay while the sun shines when its not shining the
@ViparSpectra XS 1500 Pro is a perfect stand in