ViparSpectra KS5000 New Grow Journal

Looks like a typical late stage calcium deficiency.
Do you have any Epsom salts.
A foliar spray will help.
Don't pluck them.
Do you use calmag?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I think I feed double by accident yesterday had claw then today got that very sad as she my very beautiful baby which I've put so much time into yes cal mag every feed I've been doing x
I think I feed double by accident yesterday had claw then today got that very sad as she my very beautiful baby which I've put so much time into yes cal mag every feed I've been doing x
That happened overnight????

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Ye man sad 😢dunno what to do first reaction was feed just water
3x the size of the pot plain water.
Run through.
Sink or tub?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Is it bad as it's all over the top of x
Flush it out.
She will recover.
Do you have any b1, kelp or Superthrive type product?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
3x the size of the pot plain water.
Run through.
Sink or tub?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Wow so 75l needs to go though her bit hard with net like got super trive that u recommended however think it's nasty gots katarna good for stress I'm told ?
Wow so 75l needs to go though her bit hard with net like got super trive that u recommended however think it's nasty gots katarna good for stress I'm told ?
You have to run enough through to get the old crap out.
Then something good for her health.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Does this have to be done with light on or is when light of ok ?
Does this have to be done with light on or is when light of ok ?
Sorry had to run.
In flower with lights on.
In veg what ever is convenient for you.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
One of the downsides of a net is you can't take them out if you need to or rotate them if there's some weaker growth on one side you'd like to get into the middle for a light boost.

Flush away as Bill explained!
Flushed like 40l through her flooded me tent 😂😂 do u think it needs more as lights gone off as I was doing so stopped hoping she will repair herself but looking sad man and so disappointed 😔 u said don't remove the leaves but google says take a them away will she fix them leaves ? I dunno what to say really don't want her to die my flowering clone ...


Ye hopeing the flush had helps and sorted her out the leaves I pluck will grow back wouldnt it and maybe push myself back a week or so I'm hopeing she's still going to produce and be nive its proper depressed me lol the Babys are looking very good 😊💯 got to say the ks5000 is a awesome light so far hope Ur all well guys and thanks for the grate advice x




I think it's about time to split up that row. Taller two in the back, shorty in the front!
I will do and maybe Introduce the net too x
If you go with a net I would put the shorter plants on boosters now to level the canopy.
The shorty won't need transplant as in final pot straight way however the others will need a transpot soon I'm thinking x
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