ViparSpectra Giveaway For Amazon Prime Day, 20% Off: XS2000 & 48"x24"x60" Grow Tent

#ViparSpectra PrimeDay Sale Now the yellow is acceptable and welcomed

I think I will try some thing different.

The image you are seeing is how I determent net height.

I grow hydro, so my first measurement is normally the height from the bucket to the top of the center or main stem.
This is to decided where you want to stop the FIM or top, mainly to stop upward growth.
Once you get your first basic measurement, and then measure the height from the floor the the top of the stem. This will give you an idea of where the net will likely be placed.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,


2 HSO-Creen Crack F-F Veg 5-24c.jpg
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Last 7 days for entrance.
@HashFart how are you finding the Purpinator? Notice any benefits?

#ViparSpectra PrimeDay Sale

Let me fill your tent up, @ViparSpectra

I love it for what I use it for ,,,,, I don't know if it helps with color change ,,,, but I grow in promix and sativas take forever so I flush with purpinator , I like to think of it as a gentle pk booster,,, I ended up buying multiple bottles it's honestly my new favorite it does enhance tepenes I used it on 4 grows now ,,,,,,, and #ViparSpectra PrimeDay Sale
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