Viet Black By SnowHigh Seeds Grow Journal


420 Member
Hello everyone, I’d like to take the first few sentences to say thank you for having me in this group. It is a pleasure to be among people who are just as passionate as I am to this plant we call cannabis. To be able to share ideas and knowledge is overwhelming in the sense that there are still so much to learn but very happy to do so together!

So, the title says it all. This will be a grow journal of Vietnam Black Pure Du ma den by SnowHigh. It is a cross between Viet Black 1968 & Viet Black. I know very little of this strain but what got my attention was its lineage.

Upon more research and the help of the community, I was able to find out that this strain has lineage originating in the Southern Vietnamese Saigon x Northern Vietnamese/Chinese border. South East Asian bud is what it’s looking like to me.

The Northern Vietnamese leaning pheno types run 9 to 10 weeks flowering while the South Vietnamese leaning run 12 to 16 weeks.

I will quote a grower that I have interacted with at Overgrow as this was his personal experience on the effects it had on him when he consumed this strain.

Viet Black Combo x Vietnam Black

“Offspring of this cross has produced a range of outcomes from the trippiest to soaring highs while others can bring on paranoia, racing heart beat and hallucinations for those not used to it.”

Reading this made me that much more excited to grow these plants out.

Speaking of these plants, here it is.

I am germinating 3 beans of Viet Black Pure by SnowHigh seeds.
I first started by soaking all 3 in 1 part h202 and 4 parts water for 12-18hrs.
Then, I put them in paper towel for another 24hrs only to find 1 has sprouted, we will call this one Viet Black 1 or VB1. The second seed after using the paper towel method, only the casing had cracked, which gave me hope that this bean might actually make it. We will call this VB2. And the 3rd seed failed to germinate in the paper towel completely and was still very hard after it as well. As if it never saw water.. ever lol I sowed it in soil anyways…
After 3 days of soak/paper towel and 5 days in the soil, VB3 has finally emerged to seek light. I was so happy like you wouldn’t believe.

The main issue with growing out SnowHigh gear is that the community has always said that they were very extremely difficult to germinate. And boy were they right. Although 1 gave no issues, 2 of the beans sure took their time. Patience was key to germinating these seeds but I always hoped that if they were this hard to germinate, I hope that they are just as hardy and strong throughout their life cycle.

Well, now that we talked about what I’m growing, it’s time to talk about something just as important.. and that’s what these beans are going to be growing out of.

I am using a 3x3 tent by Ac Infinity to house a 45gal no-till living soil pot energized by a Mars Hydro 300W light.

The fabric pot consisted of the very bottom being a layer of large size rocks. That is followed by gravel to cover the gaps. About 2cm of sand on top followed by natural dirt. With this technique I am trying to mimic how earth is naturally formed. The theory behind this technique is to improve aeration towards the bottom of the pot.
I then use the lasagna method to layer in compost and high quality potting soil. In between the compost and soil, I added in a bin full of red wigglers and European night crawlers. I then covered the bed with cover crop and used straw on top to keep moisture in the soil.

Currently, VB 1 is on day 5. VB 2 is on day 3. And VB 3 makes today day 1. I have kept them in solo cups on top of the pot with the light at about 30” giving off about 200par.

The environment that I currently have my tent has a stable relative humidity of 75-78% with temperatures in range of 77-80F.

I am also using the Exhale365 co2 bag that i activated the day I sowed the beans into soil.

I will continue to keep this grow updated as the grow progresses. I’m currently on week 1 of the seedling stage so I am just starting










Great Start :thumb:
Love your setup.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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