Buenas noches amigas y amigos!
Sry for the delay, but…you know life can be challenging…and then you have to take a deep long breath and pause. And admit that you did wrong
This a „Rookie Tale“ after all…..
Looks good, right? Nope. Find the mistake. Or just let me help, so you all have a good laugh
Yep. Did it. Broke one of the two main stems while I tried to bend it.
Did a fixing with duck tape, but 24hours later the upper part started to wilt…it was
Doesn‘t matter now. What’s gone is gone. Trying now to pull some tops from the lower branches up through leaf tucking to fill the spot.
Otherwise, thank you
@Gee64 for pointing out the problem of the soil perhaps being too wet. Grapefruit Superstar wasn‘t given any drink since Tuesday morning when I had emptied the reservoir, both Kosher Choco since Tuesday evening. And I believe we can see an increased growth on all plants in the last two days.
However, when I entered the „grow room“ today after work, I could „smell“ them. I know from my previous grow that I watered by
@Emilya Green water tutorial that this is a certain sign that they are running dry. I will give them all a drink tomorrow when lights went on….Grapefruit Superstar straight ph‘d tap water in the reservoir…the others get their drinks w/ some nutes. They seem hungry, if I interpret the yellowish tops right. What you guys think?