Veins in leaves turning yellow and purple super pretty what's wrong?

Should I worry and if it is the ph what are the best ways to adjust up or down ?
You do not have to worry about the pH of the soil. It is set at 6.8 by the Fox Farms people.

I see that you were able to get a water pH test kit. Check the pH of the water you are using for the plants. Once you do that then you will know whether you need or even want to raise of lower the water's pH.
So I'm out in the Stix of nh and I had to drive a hour to find any Fox farm nutes
Let your fingers do the walking. Do a google search and a good basic question to type in is something like this:
garden shops near XXX

Then you can make slight changes for more searches by using:
hydroponic growing shops near XXX

Where the XXX is type in the name of the city of town where you live or the one closest to you.
I've looked everywhere online I had no luck maybe someone can
no one will likely know the specs, because there are no real standards in the LED market... wattage for example means nothing until you examine the claim and see what is really being pulled from the wall. I would start at 18" and see how they do. Leaves do turn up ... whether they are being damaged is the question. I suggest getting a cheap $35 LUX meter from online, and then compare your numbers with what folks say is appropriate at each stage. I built my own light and then did a study on it, relating its LUX power to each stage I would be using it at. Check it out: here

You didn't get the correct Fox Farm nutes... I gave you the 6 specific names up above for the basic trio and then the next level supplements.

You will learn, but the base pH of your water is most likely within 2 or 3 points away from neutral, like 7.1 or so. Almost always to get to the desired 6.3 pH of your incoming water on the water only pass, you will need to use a pH down product, such as diluted battery acid or the much more expensive commercial product. Nutrients are acidic, so after adding them to your water on a nute pass, you will need to use a pH up product to get the mix back to 6.3 pH. I like very diluted pickling lime (stored in a glass jar)... again, very cheap. If you didn't notice, I am strongly recommending using the soil's ability to store nutrients for a second pass. Feed/water/feed/water, all through the grow.

If you have had a chance to download the Fox Farm feeding schedule, you will likely have some questions. The periodic flushes are necessary, 3x the container volume. Feeding once a week equates to feeding every other time, with plain pH adjusted water in between. It's all very confusing at first, so please hit me up here if you have any questions... I know I did.
I've looked everywhere online I had no luck maybe someone can
Just gotta tell Mr Google what to look for. I threw the following line at him

quantum 600 grow stealth led lights

and one of the first links that caught my attention was to an old one which pointed back here to the Sponsors forum. If the lights in the link are what you have then we now have a model number.

My problem is I'm out in the middle of know where I'm lucky I found those nutes I had to drive 3 hrs to get my soil and start up stuff I moved my lights 30in above they were starting to what looked like burn the leases they were turned down and looked unhappy like they needed sunblock apparently ive got to much light to close for starters 4 quantum 600w and 4 alleged 1000w full spectrum which is more like 50w Chinese knock offs you can see my NURSERY from the space station lol I think I might of gone overboard all this in a 8x8 grow area this is my first grow I expected to screw up just need to get it right for #2 I have 3 lsd fem autos and 3 g13 female autos ready to go once I get this right
My units are not dimm able so I set up the lights to stagger to simulate sunrise and sunset turning on half then all then back to half then sleep restart only quantum on at the moment
I personally have grown in ffof for 5 years now...water for first 3 weeks and then start the foxfarm trio nutrients...never had a problem ..If i were too guess i would say they are about to get nute lock out from to much potassium if your using flower and bloom nutes because they are loaded with phosphorus and potassium just my 2 cents...I'm in mass and I order from amazon 30$ for Foxfarm Trio Nutrients
me. 🤣
Hey @smileyfaceelectrical , and welcome to the forum!

My plants are growing in a very-close-to-natural environment. The main difference is that they are in pots, not in the ground. I use my own custom organic living supersoil mix. I hand water them. Anyway, good luck with it. I agree with @Wastei... looks like too much light intensity for the little ones. Let 'em get well established before full power lighting.

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