Van Stank's Nukehead Sponsored Grow

Hey Frosown, thanks for swinging through. Yeah definitely the Tale of Two Phenos with these two. I have 4 more beans that I will grow out later so hopefully more of the good pheno or at least some different phenos.

Of course the slow grower could surprise us all in flower so ya never know!
Good to know Doob! I am about to head up and take a look at the flower tent....the light just came on a few minutes ago. Might snap a pic or two of the buds forming. There isn't much stretch with this least not when its sitting next to my Stankberry (was 24 inches tall when I flipped.....over 40 inches tall now)
Yeah the Nukehead #1 has some sort of mutation. Its a real slow grower.....on day 6 of 12/12. No hairs on her yet. I am hoping she will pick up steam in flower. We will see! Hopefully #2 will yield enough to make up for the weak #1.
We managed to hit the five ounce mark with our little NukeHead so those suckers should yield well for you guys. It was some really good potent medicine, oirs could’ve been stronger but it did the trick for me personally. Made some good oils as well Mrs G made some awesome cupcakes and a few went stale so we threw em outside. Our token squirrel grabbed a whole cupcake and ran off. Party in the oak tree!
Well I am aiming for an average of 5 ounces per plant under this light so I hope we hit it!! Hoping we will dig the meds.

What kind of high is it.....more sativa, hybrid or indica?
I went camping in Ocala National Forest back in the early 90s. Had a bunch of squirrels and chipmunks around us. Any ways, I was sitting around the fire eating a Reeses Peanut butter cup when I had one (can't remember if it was a squirrel or chipmunk) hop up on my lap and tried to reach up for the peanut butter cup. I reluctantly shared a little piece with him.

DUDE! That freaking animal ate it and immediately went freaking nuts! It was on a sugar high from hell....zipping this way and that way, darting here and there. Funny as all hell!! My dad and I still laugh about that to this day.....never seen an animal ever go that apeshit.

I can only imagine what that animal is going to do after that a freaking nap!
I went camping in Ocala National Forest back in the early 90s. Had a bunch of squirrels and chipmunks around us. Any ways, I was sitting around the fire eating a Reeses Peanut butter cup when I had one (can't remember if it was a squirrel or chipmunk) hop up on my lap and tried to reach up for the peanut butter cup. I reluctantly shared a little piece with him.

DUDE! That freaking animal ate it and immediately went freaking nuts! It was on a sugar high from hell....zipping this way and that way, darting here and there. Funny as all hell!! My dad and I still laugh about that to this day.....never seen an animal ever go that apeshit.

I can only imagine what that animal is going to do after that a freaking nap!
Hungry - Happy - Sleepy
:popcorn::yahoo: -_-
Those are the side effects lol
Nukehead #2 Flip Day 22 (Day 15 with Hairs)

She is starting to pick up steam in flower now. I am going to give her a couple more days and I will do a bit of a defoliation on her. Frost is just starting to appear so it should get more fun from here on out

The main cola is definitely fattening up nicely now. I am going to be interested in seeing what the yield is like with really no training.

No pickup in smells at this point. I am getting anxious to start having the smell pick up. She got a big dose of ACT about 3 days ago. Ran it to run off just to see the run off pH and I am a bit alarmed with seeing it come out at 7.4 when it went in at 6.5. Makes me wonder what happened to the soil pH.....did it use up all the calcium so the soil isn't buffering correctly? Perhaps those colors earlier on in this grow were a pH issue.

I dismissed the pH as unlikely as I know the soils pH was about 6.7-7.0 on the previous grow. But apparently something is going on that I can't see. I will keep an eye on it and do what I have to do to bring her home.

well you have them looking health, nice work. Interesting strain but not sure they are living up to the hype. Certainly not something to get all worked up about and feign secrecy on its parents lol

Hey UA, good to see ya brother, its been a bit. Hope you are well.

Yeah she's a nice plant. Gotta agree, not sure it warrants the secrecy but oh well. We will find out if the hype is really warranted in about 6-7 weeks or a little less.

That's a pretty plant.

Thanks Sam. I am starting to pickup some lemon scents coming from her.
Nukehead #2 Flip Day 27, Day 20 With Hairs

Will do an update on the smaller Nuke later but I wanted to give an update on this lady. Her buds are picking up steam and putting on frost and size. We have some bigger fan leaves that are yellowing but most of those were on leaves that were suffering midway in veg. All the newer growth is nice and green.

This girl got about a gallon of ACT this afternoon for her watering. She will go back up into the flower tent when I grab her sister to update.

The top cola (I never topped her) is really getting big. Its fattening up and getting longer. First plant I have grown and didn't top at least once so this will be interesting to see the size!

And a little bud porn

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