Utopian Submarine - 2000W, Indoor, Perpetual

Morning update - All is basically well in the submarine. I discovered that one of the clones has not rooted at all. It's still green, but has no roots. I'm gonna leave it in there for shits and grins, and take another 2 from that plant today. Its the last of that pheno, and I'd like to keep it if possible.

I will try to get some pics of the plants today as well - after all - this is a grow journal.

Since everything seems to be going basically ok in there I'll do a little more on the controller today. Been doing a little pricing for the components and I think I have a plan.

I will post more later of course, but the basics are to start with Temp, Humidity, and Co2 sensors and controllers for Day/Night. This will get the basics of the board completely built and basically one of everything we will need for each component. I should be able to get everything I need for less than $100. Compared to the CO2 controllers and meters on the market - that should save between $300-600 right off the bat. Not to mention greatly improving the efficiency of CO2 use.

OK - gonna smoke, then I'll take care of the clones and grab some pics.
OK. Clones Taken. Got 2 pics for the update - one of the girls 5 days into veg, and the clones (and the one in front right IS missing a top - its just an experiment).



Unfortunately I'm pretty sure 1 of the plants in flower is Male. But oh well - got plenty of its pheno. So I think it'll be 3 out of 4 female not too terrible. Will get pics at 10 when the HPS goes off.
Evening update:

Just got done fixing a small leak on the second set of 6 pots. All good now I think. I am also pumping lots of fresh water through it right now for final test. The res will have fresh water sitting in it and will cycle as usual for the next 2 weeks. A day before use, I'll flush it for a few hours with pH corrected water and hydroguard. Don't want any surprises.

I discovered that although I think the reservoirs are getting plenty of oxygen when they cycle for the feeding cycles, I am seeing a build-up of nutrients on the bottom of the res. So I will put an airstone or two in there for circulation, if that doesn't work then I'll go get 2 small circ pumps.
Balllz !!!!!!!!

Well, unfortunately we have a male. The A2 plant, I'm pretty sure the second of the AK was the only male.

The little Kali-Mist may just be really late in showing - and that would suck, cause I think her(?) clone is doing well, and I like the way she grows short and bushy.
Read this before building the controller !!!


I am going to start laying out parts and programming for an Environmental Controller. Everyone should know that I am NOT a professional at this kind of thing and I will be learning along the way with everyone else.

I will be building a controller that interacts with HIGH-VOLTAGE equipment like lights and A/C. It will also control the CO2. Any of these things could KILL YOU if done improperly.

I will eventually add control of the water and nutrient systems. If this is done improperly you could flood your house or garden.

Also, as I(we) test circuits, it is possible to damage the chips, components, or your other equipment.


All that having been said - I will try to post pictures of everything and my sample code for the programming - so if you are patient, you should be able to let me do all the damage to my own gear and reap the benefits.

Welcome Aboard!
Controller Dev Outline

OK - here we go...

The first step in the process is a plan. Custer had a plan. Here's mine:

1 - Outline the basic setup
2 - Diagram the basic setup
3 - Flowchart the controller logic
4 - Put the SX28 chip on a dev board and get the basic structure written
5 - Write the individual module code
6 - Attach the components
7 - Complete the prototype
8 - Put everything in nice enclosures
9 - Prepare for record harvests!!
Phase I Outline

Nite and Day settings
Fans power and timing
Lights power and timing
Water in
3 Dif Nutes in
4 Additives
Ph Up and Down

Basic Outline:

Phase I - Atmosphere

  1. Get the basics of the box built
  2. Basic Coding for the Controller Interface and basic functionality
  3. Add photoresistor for day/nite
  4. Add the temp and humidity sensors.
  5. Get the CO2 sensor working and talking with the controller.
  6. Get the two fans for the Flowering area on relays (maybe do veg as well if we have the relays)
  7. Attach the relay for the CO2 and let the controller control the CO2.
  8. Get at least the main A/C on a relay controlled by the controller. (Might do the Dehumidifier as well if budget and/or necessity merit.)
  9. Test and improve the logic, efficiency and reliability of the Atmospheric Conditions

Phase II - Nutrients and Lights


Phase III - Interface and Remote Functionality


Basic Component list so far - this will be added to or refined as we think of other things needed:

3x Extech 601500 pH Electrode, BNC Combination, Plastic - 1 each for each res and one for the mixing res

1x Solid State Relay Board - 8 fast relays for use on the solenoids.

1x 8 Relay Output Board - normal relays for the fans and pumps

3x AD592 Temperature Probe - submersible temperature probe with a 1m lead for the 2 res and mixer.

2x CO2 sensor - One each for the veg and flower areas. The veg one is mostly for informational purposes as the co2 will be controlled by the flowering area.

2x Phototransistor - tells us when lights are on or off in each area

3x Sensirion Temperature/Humidity Sensor - nice combined sensor, and it includes a A/D converter and calibration so we only need to read 1 pin of data and apply the correct formula.

9x Solenoids - to control the flow from the nutes into the mixing res.

Connecting Wire
12v Power Supply
5v Voltage Regulator
Sounds pretty solid what you got laid out there.

Just remember to properly insulate any highvoltage components/wires where you migth be able to touch and/or they can touch other components.

Looking forward to seeing how this one plays out :popcorn:
Morning Update - all is well in the Sub. The girls in veg are looking good. The ones in flower are doing nicely as well. They continue to grow very quickly, and even the Kali-Mist is starting to sing! She was only 6" tall at 5 weeks now shes well over a foot 10 days later.

Now I'm beginning to wonder if there is enough room between the rockwool cubes to let me get the plants to 2-3 weeks under veg. They may actually get too big in that time. Not the end of the world, just means they go to flower sooner, but I'd like that extra 7-10 days to add a little more weight to the harvest.
Have started goofing around with the controller - will get some pics and code up later today. Got the chip on the board and turned on a few lights and sounds to test the circuits. Anyways - more on that in a while. Gonna try to make a run to Radio Shack real quick.
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