Using Miracle Grow Seed Starting Potting Mix For Autoflower - Need Advice

Good evening everyone,

It has been 26 hours since plant. Both of my seedlings in my 5 gallon pot have broken through the soil. I have another seedling in a 2 gallon that I planted at 10AM this morning. I am doing a deprecate experiment with it.

It has been under continuous light for 26 hours. It is 10PM cst in my location. I go to bed at midnight and I will turn the lights out for 6 hours.

In my opinion please correct me if I'm wrong my seedlings need to process the sunlight they received today. Turning off the light will truly start the process of photosynthesis from what I read about plant biology. My plants sat outside in the sun 90 degrees from 7AM to 7PM.

So in conclusion, should I turn the lights out for 6 hours at midnight or keep the train rolling? Scientific what's your opinion bud?
Good evening everyone,

It has been 26 hours since plant. Both of my seedlings in my 5 gallon pot have broken through the soil. I have another seedling in a 2 gallon that I planted at 10AM this morning. I am doing a deprecate experiment with it.

It has been under continuous light for 26 hours. It is 10PM cst in my location. I go to bed at midnight and I will turn the lights out for 6 hours.

In my opinion please correct me if I'm wrong my seedlings need to process the sunlight they received today. Turning off the light will truly start the process of photosynthesis from what I read about plant biology. My plants sat outside in the sun 90 degrees from 7AM to 7PM.

So in conclusion, should I turn the lights out for 6 hours at midnight or keep the train rolling? Scientific what's your opinion bud?

Plants like sleep, I read that some people in Alaska recorded 6 inches of growth in the 4 hours of dark they get on summer nights.
I move the plants inside during the night and they are under CFL for now. I have a 300w led coming next week. I also have a 400w hps I plan on using during the flower stage. I will turn them out at midnight.
Good morning all,

Here are photos of day 2 I have 4 that I planted. 2 in 5 gallon, 1 in a solo cup( transplant experiment, and one in a 2 gallon.







Solo cup


They have all broken the surface. Now I will keep a close eye on water levels. The first 3 inches of the soil were a little dry this morning after all night of no water. I misted the top now they are outside to catch all the suns light. I will post to the forum again tonight.
Good evening every one. Below you will find a recap of day 3 of my journey.



Bubbles (should pop tomorrow)

Mr. Lahey (should pop tomorrow)

I will update in the AM
I just ordered the fox farms Nute trio FX14049 big bloom, tiger bloom, and the grow big it will be in on the 21st. How do y'all recommend I use this?
Thanks a lot. In your opinion do you think the 300watt LED hydro light will be enough for 3 plants?

Yes, until they start getting big. Then no.

Just for reference, for my hydro grow I had 200 (actual) watts of CFL + LED on one 14" tall dwarf (and it gave my over 500 grams of buds wet). (Your 300 watt LED is probably only actually using 150 watts, so...)

Cannabis will grow without a lot of light, but to get a good yield, you need a lot of light--like bright summer sun. Bright.
Good morning all,

I have ordered the following
2 300w LED lights
Fox farm trio Nutes.

The girls received a fresh 6 hours of sleep last night. It's going to be around 90 outside today so they will sit outside for about 10-12 hours.

I will have all of my things in by Friday of next week.

Day 4







Mr. Lahey


Have a good Saturday. They are for the boys.


What is the recommended Square ft. Per plant. I'm really only hoping to get 150grams to 200 per plant. What would be the ideal space for 3 plants

What is the recommended Square ft. Per plant. I'm really only hoping to get 150grams to 200 per plant. What would be the ideal space for 3 plants

That's going to vary with strain, and maintenance and training make a big difference in size and yield per square foot.
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