Using kneem oil durring bud cycle?


Nug of the Month 3rd Place Winner (Nov 09')
how long can you use kneem oil into the bud cycle? i dont want any residue or taste on the final product.

i sprayed my ladies 1 last time with Kneem oil about 1 week after i put them into 12/12. no bugs yet but im heading into week 4 and im wondering if i can spray em one last time. if not is there another thing i can get to help prevent an outbreak for these last 4 weeks

here are some pics
Grow Journals
thanks a bunch for the replies... i havnt had any buggies come back yet but i was worried about it happening late into bud and no option but to harvest early or to let em maul the plants.

lady bugs sound like a great way to control pest population, can i buy them somewhere or just bring em in when i find em outside? in the final weeks where sprays and pesticides will be most harmful this is a great idea!

thanks again for the replies everyone, from what i have heard in the past, kneem oil becomes a bigger problem the later you use it in the bud cycle. im going to look more into the chemical properties of kneem oil and see if it breaks down in light or air to get a better idea of its properties.

if i find any more info on what you all have posted ill put it up for you all to read, thanks again
:roorrip:you just need to use the kneem every 2 weeks max. i try once every 3wks. its all about the preventitive maintainence, i had to learn the hard way. im in a room now that had all sorts of problems and i didnt take the time to clean thoroughly, now im payin the price. kneem is good all the way up to the last 3-4wks before harvest. if you use too much it will clog the pores on the surface of the leaves. so kneem or use whatever bug treatment even if you dont have em, it will prevent them from showing up...keep on it and youll be good to go! good luck man!:bong:
Where did the K come from? I have neem oil concentrate, but have never heard of kneem.

You could hit them again, but if there are no buggies I would avoid it. I hit mine in veg and perhaps just into flower and then nothing if I'm lucky. Neem and Safers both seem to be hard on flowers. Learned that long ago with orchids.

I use both quite a bit, but far into flower, I'd go with Pit and get some ladybugs.

they are same thing, neem might be the brand... neem and kneem both come from the same tree Azadirachta indica
from what i have heard in the past, kneem oil becomes a bigger problem the later you use it in the bud cycle.
Any spray is a problem once those flowers set in. I mean if you want to spray during the transition phase, fine, but anything beyond that point is just hurting your plants as well as the end product (taste, smell, etc).
thanks for the continued replies.

i'd rather be safe than sorry so as long as i dont have a bug outbreak im going to avoid spraying late into flowering

i have some plants that were sprayed late in the 2nd week and some that were sprayed a few days after going into 12/12. i may go and spray a single branch of some buds starting their 5th week and mark it with a string. as i harvest them ill take note of the smell and taste fresh off the plant and after it has cured. ill post my results when i get em
Neem is a long term insecticide. It permeates the plant and will leave an unwelcome taste at harvest if used too close. I'd give it 4 or 5 weeks without Neem. I know that my applications seem to wear off in 3 or 4 weeks, so 4 or 5 weeks with some good flushing seems safe.

If you run into an issue, you might consider some safer topical application, but not in the last 2 weeks.

I'm a fan of Neem. I find it to be an effective preventative. I'm applying at 3 week intervals and I don't see much bug activity at all.

thanks for the info
ok everyone thanks again for the replies, my plants have made it to the final week without any bugs showing up. some had kneem applied 10-12 days into bud, some had the last application right as they switched to 12/12. no bugs anywhere so im very happy.

in another 7-10 days ill be able to sample the bud and make sure i didnt get any kneem flavor nugs.
yes, i started the flush on day 7 of week 7. since they get a good dose of light and CO2 i am assuming they will finish 4-5 days early. you can check out the pics in my journal, i would love to hear any feedback or suggestions.
Although ur done thought I might add my 2 cents. I damaged a lot of plants with neem oil. I have since switched to a neem based product made by Green Light. Works good.m I had a problem in last grow. I sprayed 3 plants (in 1 pot) with the solution 5 weeks into bloom and a noticeable affect was observed. Resin production diminished and the plants didn't gain the hues that they normally would have. These were the major differences. Didn't notice any smell or taste resulting.
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