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Occasionally, it takes more than 14 minutes to get an answer to a specific question here. It's a forum, not live chat, lol.
Does anyone know if no communication from Seedsmans from the day the order was placed three weeks ago is typical?Still no change in order status. Does it really take this long usually to ship to the US?
I read recently that the business was having issues and had stopped taking orders from new accounts (or something like that). However, I just visited their website to copy the telephone numbers so that I could post them for you. When I did, I saw a notice (that appears to have been posted this morning) stating that the business was again accepting new accounts. I'm guessing that, whatever the issue(s) was/were, it was deemed to be serious enough that the owner feared that they wouldn't be able to fulfill orders, and didn't want a bunch of people's first experience with the company to be a bad one. But that's just a guess on my part. Anyway... I suppose that, depending on exactly what was going on, it is possible that your order information simply "fell through the cracks," as it were. I suggest you call them and ask. I also suggest you call the UK number, but am posting the telephone numbers for all four locations. BtW, the UK is five hours ahead of the United States' Eastern time zone, so it's currently the middle of the night over there. On the other hand, someone ought to be in the office really early (our time) in the morning .
UK - 44 2038 932103
Poland - 48 22 263 02 28
Spain - 34 902 757 218
USA - Denver - 720 650 8315
You'll need to preface the out-of-country telephone numbers with the "exit code," which is 011. That assumes you are located in the USA, of course (which may or may not be the case). If calling from a cell phone instead of a landline, I think you can use a + (plus sign) in place of the exit code, but I'm not really sure.