Unknown strain - What's up with this ghostly grey plant

That plant is with a friend growing up. His temps are below average. That plant been in that shape from day 1. We have found a couple spidermites so will treat for them and see how it looks in a few days . Other plants with it are doing fine. No leaves curling. This plant is a mystery to lots of us !!!

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Here are plants with it looking ok.
they all in same cupboard

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oh ok.. yeah thats interesting.. gd luck wit that.. next time spray with neem oil as a preventive once a week..Spider mites are no fun
Will do thanks. Its my first indoor grow. And now I realize my mistake. I transplanted a seedling from garden into tent. Without checking for things like this. Never again . Thats the only way they could get to my tent.

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yea im still a newbie myself..its all about learning frm mistakes.. trial and error.. but yea anytime bringing girls frm outside you have 2 be cautious
Grow bro - If you have a plant at a friend's place and that plant has spider mites. You should not bring it home to your other plants. Never allow a spider mite plant inside your healthy grow. You risk spreading them to your healthy plants and to never get rid of them again. They very often spread from infected clones. Even if you spray you risk never getting rid of them as they multiply like friggin bacteria and like them they become resistant to every poison you throw at them. Spider mites usually require to be attacked from many different angels to avoid them becoming resistant to one of them
Ok. Let me explain. We germinated a bunch of seed. Been hasty to get something in tent in brought a plant in from garden that came up by accident. .
So at one stage had that plant and seedlings together. As space got limited we moved some out and built a cupboard to put at fried place.
So unfortunately all plants have been together at one stage. Have ordered neem. Should get tomorrow. And making home made bug spray too. Will treat all plants and next lot that go into budding tent will be well magnified by me to make absolutely sure that nothing on them.
So it is quite worrying. But on same note my white widow looking good so far and it was with ither plants too.

Like i say they will all be treated a few times over with 2 different sprays.
Thanks all. Let us hope pale grey delivers something exceptional so i can say . to everyone that said destroy it.

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I wouldn't say destroy it but it's quality should be dismal. I can explain if you'd like. It is definitely chlorophyll deficient. This was probably genetic defect or mutation since it was since birth. Lack of chlorophyll means lack of green and therefor lack of energy production. Hence, smaller plant in general, and leaves showing symptoms of not producing enough energy to grow, store and move nutrients around. Now while this is neat and I have always been a fan I kept my mouth shut for your enjoyment but the already stated hypothesis that it will be worse than if it was normal is most likely true in my opinion. It's still a work of art though. A proof is albino parsley, it's horrible. Contains very little oils or anything nice. Starts to occur once parsley goes to seed and leaves are bleached white.
Hey guys a little update.
All plants have been sprayed with a home made concoction from you tube. Chilli, garlic, veg oil and soap left to brew for 2 days. Should be getting bioneem and pyrol today or tomorrow in post. Will any of those poisons have a negative affect on the bud?
Well have gone from 4 to 2 plants in tent. Because i used bag seed. 2 males 2 females. I am hoping less plants in there will bring humidity down.??? It should logically because you putting less water in tent to start with i guess. Otherwise will have to get dehumidifier soon.
White widow looking happy id say? Not at home for now so i only have the updated pics to go buy.

Will try get pics of pale grey soon.

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The more the plants grow the more the humidity will increase. This is both due to the wet soil but also water transpires from plants leaves.

I see many people remove leaves to deal with this. But I don't like to do that as leaves are the plants solar cell panels. The more leaves you remove the harder it is for the plants to generate big buds. I only remove leaves when I have to

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A few years back a friend had some plants start showing white leaves. He has been growing 30 or more years and the plants showing the white was a strain he created so he knew it wasn't genetic. Nutes, soil, water were the same as he had been using for years. He moved across town the street and the problem went away. He never did find out what the problem was. It may have been environmental. Though he could find nothing that seemed wrong.
This all said. It is funny how mother nature keeps showing how little we don't know about this plant.
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