Hahaha .why thank you sir. I drive my family and friends nuts with the information i find. They cannot cope with the sheer enormity of the global connections and ease at which the masses have been led. i have spent 20 years digging and researching connections and our own govts unbelievable corruption and continued psychological warfare on the dumb slaves. I have so much stuff on them alone its scary . The huge global pharmaceutical control and conspiricy . The findings in Antartica and global cover ups. The world is being woken up slowly and power is shifting with it. Look at all the countries rising against their govt/Royals yet media hides the huge scale it is happeing on. Good times to be alive my friend. The humans will prevail against the psychopathic minority zionists finally. Banks will topple soon enough. Glad i smoke weed. heehee
See the thing that really gets me mate. Is that guys like you and me get called delusional by people who believe their imaginary friend, who is the most pure and good thing in existence, will banish them to hell for all eternity if they don't beg on their knees every day. Some of them gotta do it like 5 times a day or they'll die. Eat bacon, you die. Don't spend your entire Sunday begging for forgiveness for being alive, you die.
Don't roll eggs down a hill once a year, you die. Don't thank the imaginary friend every time you eat a mars bar, you die.
As long as your thankfull every time you eat your mars bar though and you pray to that holiest and purest of imaginary friends then you'll be rewarded for all eternity in another dimension which is a completely different dimension depending on what imaginary friend you pray to. Some of them even give you 12 virgins for your troubles. Yup, that's right. Get on your knees 5 times a day at exactly the same time every day and you'll be granted 12 child sex slaves to abuse untill the end of time. It might actually be 18 of them. I can't remember.
Absolute madness though mate, and yet were the crazy ones for thinking they're all being brainwashed.
Religion is the biggest lie that was ever told in the name of controlling the masses.
How do you ensure someone remains obedient their whole life?
You tell them repeatedly over and over again, hundreds of times a week from the day they were born that if they're not obedient they'll burn and be tortured for all eternity. be a good boy though and you can have gangbangs for all eternity somewhere up in the clouds.
I think anyone in any position of power should be athiest. How can you possibley trust the judgement of someone running a country who believes eating a mars bar without praying first will result in eternal damnation.
Maybot likes her religion. She also runs a country. She and her buddies also like to create "terrorist" factions then arm them, train them up to behead and rape then sends our friends and family to die fighting them. That is absolute pure, concentrated evil.