UK Cheese Auto 2020 #1

It's been a little over a week since the last harvest and I started a final clear water flush on these final buds before their harvest later this week. They are actually the first I've seen with cloudy trichomes under the burble Mini's light. In the past I have had to remove into nature light to get an idea of the trichome condition.

Last weeks harvest has been hanging and is ready for a final cosmetic trim. I'll weigh and add them into the jar with the first big bud.
I cut and hung the last few little buds of this grow this morning. I had flushed with clear RO for the last three days and in the dark for the last day and half.

Earlier at the beginning of the week I did a final trim on the 2nd part of the harvest after drying for a week. the yield on the second set of buds as 9.8 added to the 6.2 of the first primary apical bud I have a total of 16grams. This will certainly not be a really great grow yield wise vs energy spent. I am hoping the taste and smoke with make up for it. Then again I'm not sure how the first UK Cheese i grew in 2018 could be surpassed in quality.
Final Yield Report: I had forgotten to begin wrapping this journal up. The final part of the phased harvest yielded a little more than an 8th at 4grams. My total for this grow was right at 20oz which considering my previous UK Cheese Grow is fairly pitiful.

The seedling did have significant issues getting started. For some reason the seed husk just wouldn't let go and held the start back by what I consider 2weeks. More significant was my complete and total mistake with my nutritional feed mix. I actually over fed the plant by an extreme amount. I was mixing 1.5 liters at the one gallon mix rate and fed the poor little plant this mix for several weeks before realizing what was going on. That was I feel the major hit to the plants progress.

As with most things and especially those of little life or death consequences I say "Lessons Learned" and move on. Fortunately I have had very few if any of those real critical situations in life and feel quite privileged and lucky to be alive. Especially considering our current state of affairs with Covid-19.

Next up this weekend I'm going to do a Vape Test/Smoke test and report back and then this journal will be ready to retire and move to the completed bin. Thanks all for tuning in.
Smoke Test - I processed and ground about 2grams to be used in my favorite delivery method vaping. I have been using the Arizer Air for a couple years now. I find that dry vaping meets my over all needs with using cannabis best. It is basically smoke odor free and leaves no residue on surfaces in the house. Since it doesn't burn I feel it is healthier for lungs. I also find that I can actually taste a difference between strains and enjoy the aromas each have with their individual characteristics and qualities. I have also interestingly discovered that pulling through the nose instead of the mouth allows a much more interesting take of the aroma and the delicate intricacies of each.

This grow delivered a high very similar to my experience with my previous UK Cheese grow. It has a strong build and extremely sedative and comfortable high. The flavor and aroma haven't quite matured at this point so I will put the remained aside for that to develop.

Over all a great taste, flavor and aroma with an exceptional high. I certainly would have likes a better yield but that was of my own mistake so I can't blame the plant for that. I appreciate that I got some nicely usable material.
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