Typical cost of Cannabis across the world

Not to offend anyone, but, I gotta air this out...

All this jazz about the cost of Cannabis.

Feels like a sick joke to me.

Supposed to be free-ing the weed, not imprisoning it with all these stupid over-hyped, artificially induced, illusional values and over-inflated prices in this current tyrannical, insane, abusive, "profit above all else" global money-market system.

Quality (in the case of Cannabis - quality and potency) to only those those who can financially afford it. To hell with all those people without the financial means, or the means to grow their own. Let them suffer...RIGHT!!!

One person can comfortably and easily grow enough Cannabis to satisfy the needs and desires for many other people. Likewise, one person can easily grow enough fruits and veggies to feed many people - and that's using no-tech or low-tech methods. With the technology (both hard tech and knowledge tech-wise) we have available means to feed, clothe, house, heal, and nurture the entire human species 100x over without taxing the environment, without the menial, degrading, and mentally stifling slave labor many of us are so comfortably accustomed to.

But no. Do we do that? NO!

Everything comes with a price tag. There's always some kinda puppet strings attached. Freedoms and quality of life measured by purchasing power. If that isn't enough to piss you off, then how about all the wanton destruction of many of this planet's eco-systems, environments and atmospheres that we humans are responsible for with this stupid, hapless, age old pursuit, of the ideal world!

And screw all these ridiculously high Cannabis prices and, I mean, really..

Prices are so high because it's still illegal. Prices are so high because people are willing to pay top dollar.
It's risky to sell bud and in return want to be compensated for it.
I recant my formely announced pricing ... I have found a dealer that sells "fire" (low-highs maybe mid-highs grade buds) for $120.00 an ounce . Pretty good deal if you ask me . Not sure what a half oz is but a 1/4 is $50.00
Vancouver Washington is around 3- - 40 for an eigth. Depends on the circles you run in. I know some people who pay 90 a 1/2 ounce :) .
Not to offend anyone, but, I gotta air this out...

All this jazz about the cost of Cannabis.

Feels like a sick joke to me.

Supposed to be free-ing the weed, not imprisoning it with all these stupid over-hyped, artificially induced, illusional values and over-inflated prices in this current tyrannical, insane, abusive, "profit above all else" global money-market system.

Quality (in the case of Cannabis - quality and potency) to only those those who can financially afford it. To hell with all those people without the financial means, or the means to grow their own. Let them suffer...RIGHT!!!

One person can comfortably and easily grow enough Cannabis to satisfy the needs and desires for many other people. Likewise, one person can easily grow enough fruits and veggies to feed many people - and that's using no-tech or low-tech methods. With the technology (both hard tech and knowledge tech-wise) we have available means to feed, clothe, house, heal, and nurture the entire human species 100x over without taxing the environment, without the menial, degrading, and mentally stifling slave labor many of us are so comfortably accustomed to.

But no. Do we do that? NO!

Everything comes with a price tag. There's always some kinda puppet strings attached. Freedoms and quality of life measured by purchasing power. If that isn't enough to piss you off, then how about all the wanton destruction of many of this planet's eco-systems, environments and atmospheres that we humans are responsible for with this stupid, hapless, age old pursuit, of the ideal world!

And screw all these ridiculously high Cannabis prices and, I mean, really..

I understand. I am puzzled by the prices in the dispensary. Looks like they are making a tidy profit, so I can see why the govt is getting pissy. That's why my grow went right to my card holding roomies and friends, I did not ask for money. Some gave me money anyway. Most just gave me a big hug, and that's worth more than anything man can print.IMHO.:peace:
I understand. I am puzzled by the prices in the dispensary. Looks like they are making a tidy profit, so I can see why the govt is getting pissy. That's why my grow went right to my card holding roomies and friends, I did not ask for money. Some gave me money anyway. Most just gave me a big hug, and that's worth more than anything man can print.IMHO.:peace:

TS, you do realize that when people are in dire need of meds they do not care what the price is? People would rather over pay for a safe med than pay less for a pill that will ruin your life.
Not to offend anyone, but, I gotta air this out...

All this jazz about the cost of Cannabis.

Feels like a sick joke to me.

Supposed to be free-ing the weed, not imprisoning it with all these stupid over-hyped, artificially induced, illusional values and over-inflated prices in this current tyrannical, insane, abusive, "profit above all else" global money-market system.

Quality (in the case of Cannabis - quality and potency) to only those those who can financially afford it. To hell with all those people without the financial means, or the means to grow their own. Let them suffer...RIGHT!!!

One person can comfortably and easily grow enough Cannabis to satisfy the needs and desires for many other people. Likewise, one person can easily grow enough fruits and veggies to feed many people - and that's using no-tech or low-tech methods. With the technology (both hard tech and knowledge tech-wise) we have available means to feed, clothe, house, heal, and nurture the entire human species 100x over without taxing the environment, without the menial, degrading, and mentally stifling slave labor many of us are so comfortably accustomed to.

But no. Do we do that? NO!

Everything comes with a price tag. There's always some kinda puppet strings attached. Freedoms and quality of life measured by purchasing power. If that isn't enough to piss you off, then how about all the wanton destruction of many of this planet's eco-systems, environments and atmospheres that we humans are responsible for with this stupid, hapless, age old pursuit, of the ideal world!

And screw all these ridiculously high Cannabis prices and, I mean, really..

Does not just fall from the sky and some guy pick's it up and sells it, it takes time and money to grow (D.A) get a grip
TS, you do realize that when people are in dire need of meds they do not care what the price is? People would rather over pay for a safe med than pay less for a pill that will ruin your life.

No, I do not realize this. I realize that when the price of a lid of high-quality bud is $300 and there are people living on a fixed income, disability, minimum-wage job, et cetera and have $1,100/month or less to cover the cost of housing, utilities, food, medicine/medical care that they more than likely care a great deal indeed what the price is. Especially since the really poor don't have luxuries like cable/satellite television, cell phones, or Internet service that they can give up to pay for it - they're lucky if they've got a running vehicle. When the only "negotiable" expense that they've got to work with is what they spend on food and a fine dinner isn't at a fancy restaurant or even McDonalds, it's the one at the first of the month when they can actually have meat (if they didn't need to run the furnace the month before), and it's time to decide whether to buy meds or buy food... Yeah, they care what meds cost.

First time you let some withered old crone slide on the price of an eighth because you're creeped out standing in her threadbare home while she frantically searches for the money that she kept saying that she was sure she had - because cannabis was the only thing that allowed her even older husband to sleep and eat so she always made sure to put the money aside each month before going to the store - and she starts crying and trying to hug you, you'll see what I mean. Speaking from experience, it might just be the last time you sell cannabis. Or... maybe not. If you're sitting there with a pile of freshly-harvested buds and thinking, "People will buy this and they won't care what the price is because they need it," then maybe you don't get it. <SHRUGS> I didn't get it until that night. It's one thing to hear about poor people on television, but it's an altogether different experience when you're standing there with one of them clenching your arm and leaking tears over what a great thing you did when the motivation you had for doing it in the first place was just so you could GtFO and head to the next customer who'd hopefully want to get real weight instead of wasting your time with an eighth. Call it one of those life-changing moments if you like.

But I'm rambling. When states started legalizing cannabis for medicinal use, a lot of people expected the price to fall over time. That doesn't seem to have happened. For a while, a person with limited income who used cannabis for medicinal reasons was better off living in BFE than in one of the legalized (for medicinal use) states because they could get cannabis cheaper off their dealer than they might in a dispensary. Lately, though, it appears that the price of decent bud has equalized - but instead of it dropping at dispensaries, it's gone up everywhere else. Makes me wonder sometimes just how helpful dispensaries will ultimately turn out to have been... Selling medicine to people who need it - but at a price that they cannot afford.

That's not every dispensary, of course. I've read that some of them offer a discount to people of reduced financial means. And that a lot of them have a "shake" or a "mixed bud" jar that they stick their scraps into and sell at lower prices.

Then again, when I was young we'd get a "bum" at the door around dinner time once in a while. Mom would always set them out a plate and even though a lot of time it'd be in the kitchen (not many showers on the road) she didn't give them scraps - they ate what we ate. If they looked hungry enough, lol, they ate more than we did.
I do get it,<SHRUGS> Instead of buying a lid at 300$, why not get a caregiver? For 300 you can get a years worth of bud if not more. I used to deliver pizzas in some pretty run down areas and I've been to houses where people have nothing in their apartment but a bed. I've seen what it's like to be broke, have no car, or any clothes. I don't give out free pizzas when someone frantically looks for the 13.34$ for a pizza.

You're right though, people do care what the prices are, but only to an extent.
I live next to a bus station and I see hundreds of "bums" a day but I don't go feeding or giving out stuff to everyone who comes up to me. Don't let bums fool you, they can make a LOT of money standing on the side of the road and asking for money or supplies.
lol! TS just described my average customer. & btw, who are these magical caregivers who can keep u in meds for $300 a year. they're not in oklahoma city, where u live, or here either. u get caught being a caregiver here, u go to prison. no exceptions!
TS said"I've read that some of them offer a discount to people of reduced financial means. And that a lot of them have a "shake" or a "mixed bud" jar that they stick their scraps into and sell at lower prices."

Yes, BPG has a Helping Hands program for low income, 2 grams plus an edible with 15% THC for free. They also have low cost kief, hash,shake, and buds. Harborside Heath Center has a compassion program 1 gram a week for low income.
CBCB does not have a compassion program, they give when there is need.:peace:
Depends on how much you smoke. I know of one family that smokes about an ounce a week between 3 people. Thats a whole lot of weed and expensive. But...do they NEED that much...no...only because its made affordable to them do they smoke that much. Before...they spent twice as much. They are very happy now. I say its what you can afford....thats what you do. If ya need more...get a grow light like us. Everyone does what they have to just to get by....those less fortunate hopefully find someone who has the meens to make it affordable.

And the search for the magic flower continues!!!!!! Worldwide!!

Ive got my own problems.....I help where I can.....I havent met to many people who cant afford enuff....especially if they are regulars. I personally think that anything over 90 a 1/2 ounce is to much. Thats 180 and ounce and it was the price I paid back in early 80s. It doesnt cost that much to grow but 90 a half you could operate a garden and maintain a garden fund to keep it going. Thats what people I know do : ).

BTW...thats 22.50 an eigth...pretty cheap for custom grown killer weed.
Well all I know is I never got a hand out. I have always paid for mine. Now I am waiting for my card and setting up/ building a grow room. And to add to that my brother was just diagnosed with lung cancer.... My first grow will be dedicated to him and helping him heal. I will however keep enough for my medicine and to cover my costs...
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