Twisting leaves, new growth

Its nothing you did bro... its part of veg, they go threw grow spurts they will grow roots for awhile then grow up top..something will happen during flowering. Your just in the room to much lol :p
You didnt fuck them up she is healthy looking as can be everybody else on here will say the same they will grow then not grow not everyday will you have growth that u can see
Growth is less twisty today!!! Definitely nowhere near to being the way it was before but much better. The only problem now is that whatever happened also made the notes to grow unsymmetrical. It’s grows 1 fan leave at a time (instead of 2). Don’t know what this is called and if it is normal :/ hah 1 problem after the next
Its nothing you did bro... its part of veg, they go threw grow spurts they will grow roots for awhile then grow up top..something will happen during flowering. Your just in the room to much lol :p
You didnt fuck them up she is healthy looking as can be everybody else on here will say the same they will grow then not grow not everyday will you have growth that u can see
Also I think what could’ve been contributing to the problem was the size of my plant and it turns out it was only a 1.5 gallon bucket. Went to the store and got a 3 gallon. Also better soil (black magic potting soil). Gonna transplant tonight
Growth is less twisty today!!! Definitely nowhere near to being the way it was before but much better. The only problem now is that whatever happened also made the notes to grow unsymmetrical. It’s grows 1 fan leave at a time (instead of 2). Don’t know what this is called and if it is normal :/ hah 1 problem after the next
Notes do that when they are female males stay directly across from each other and grow bigger
Also I think what could’ve been contributing to the problem was the size of my plant and it turns out it was only a 1.5 gallon bucket. Went to the store and got a 3 gallon. Also better soil (black magic potting soil). Gonna transplant tonight
There isnt away your close to root bound or even close to tight roots with the size of her and that point of her being in a 1.5 gallon you dont want to transplant inless you have signs of root bound and twisting isnt a sign of root bound you should of waited till flower like a week before flower so you wont lose any growth during veg period bc specially if she isnt root bound your gonna stress her out badly bc your gonna upset the roots so bad and dirt gonna fall off roots and move the roots around to much. You only transplant before flowering and if you have been over watering and you were fine on both dont panic and break something that isnt broke mine are in 3 gallon pots and maybe only 2 gallon of soil in im not even close to root bound. No way that you are!!
There isnt away your close to root bound or even close to tight roots with the size of her and that point of her being in a 1.5 gallon you dont want to transplant inless you have signs of root bound and twisting isnt a sign of root bound you should of waited till flower like a week before flower so you wont lose any growth during veg period bc specially if she isnt root bound your gonna stress her out badly bc your gonna upset the roots so bad and dirt gonna fall off roots and move the roots around to much. You only transplant before flowering and if you have been over watering and you were fine on both dont panic and break something that isnt broke mine are in 3 gallon pots and maybe only 2 gallon of soil in im not even close to root bound. No way that you are!!
You sounds like you know what you’re talking about. I’ll hold off on the transplant. I’m pretty sure I’m week 1 of flower. There are pistols everywhere. Dozens of them. Doesn’t flowering start earlier for autos?
Yeah but your still in veg i cant find any pistils in your pics iv been zooming up and everything for awhile now even with starting to get pistils your still considered in veg id wait another week n a half to transplant if i was you
Yeah but your still in veg i cant find any pistils in your pics iv been zooming up and everything for awhile now even with starting to get pistils your still considered in veg id wait another week n a half to transplant if i was you
Just a quick update. I had my girlfriend lift my plant up so I could shine a light on the bottom (to see if I can see any sign of my roots through the drainage holes). Not only did I see a crazy ammount of roots trying to get through the drainage holes, but I also found that on 3 out of 6 of the drainage holes had a whitish mold growing near and on my roots/dirt. Not sure if I should transplant and try to carefully get rid of the mold. What do you think?
Just a quick update. I had my girlfriend lift my plant up so I could shine a light on the bottom (to see if I can see any sign of my roots through the drainage holes). Not only did I see a crazy ammount of roots trying to get through the drainage holes, but I also found that on 3 out of 6 of the drainage holes had a whitish mold growing near and on my roots/dirt. Not sure if I should transplant and try to carefully get rid of the mold. What do you think?
Thats normal..roots grow down and towards those holes looking for oxygen roots take in oxygen in it is what delivers the nutes to the plant. Are u running off when you watering? Take your hand and fingures and hold them flat up and down take your hand like you would a butter knife and run along the outside of the inside of the pot kinda work your hand along outside rim to move the dirt slowly if you can move the dirt around in not hit good size roots not fine small one but average good size roots and if the dirt doesnt move giving it some force to break up then let me know in will go from there but for the mold put a fan on floor i have to do
The same thing gotta have air flowing around everything in the grow room. But yes roots grow down my white widow is already got roots out the bottom of her pot and she still has 3 weeks in this lil quart pot be almost 4 weeks in a quart pot
Just a quick update. I had my girlfriend lift my plant up so I could shine a light on the bottom (to see if I can see any sign of my roots through the drainage holes). Not only did I see a crazy ammount of roots trying to get through the drainage holes, but I also found that on 3 out of 6 of the drainage holes had a whitish mold growing near and on my roots/dirt. Not sure if I should transplant and try to carefully get rid of the mold. What do you think?
yo where u at buddy
lol, hang on to your bippies... that twisting is the beginnings of flower! The plant is converting from veg to flower right in front of you and that twisting is what happens as she starts converting veg leaves into bud parts. 6.3 is the pH sweetspot by the way, right at the bottom of the soil range of 6.3-6.8. Adjust your pH to 6.3 every time to take advantage of the upward drift of your soil... 6.5 can easily lock out Iron and cause all sorts of trouble.
lol, hang on to your bippies... that twisting is the beginnings of flower! The plant is converting from veg to flower right in front of you and that twisting is what happens as she starts converting veg leaves into bud parts. 6.3 is the pH sweetspot by the way, right at the bottom of the soil range of 6.3-6.8. Adjust your pH to 6.3 every time to take advantage of the upward drift of your soil... 6.5 can easily lock out Iron and cause all sorts of trouble.
The other day you were saying 6.1 was the sweet spot lol...
i was saying 6.3-6.8 is the recommended ranges and you were assisting on 6.1...
I have searched in searched in searched in asked many of people what is due to the twisting in i couldnt find anything on the internet to make one validating claim except that most are thinking its a lockout of a nute something that the plant is needing i just looked in looked again most saying molybdenum gets lockout quick which is caused by the twisting of new growth..
idk where the twisting of new growth is from flowering??? if you could please send me the
Link varifying this so i can have it for future references ...bc iv looked everywhere in cant find nobody saying that , there all saying its something to do with a nute lockout even the experienced growers are saying this..
Im not seening bc its a transition to flowering..
The other day you were saying 6.1 was the sweet spot lol...
i was saying 6.3-6.8 is the recommended ranges and you were assisting on 6.1...
Please stop with the attack MGR... in that other conversation we were talking about a specific soil and growing a very picky plant, and my personal experience was that unless you play with that low end of the range, that combination was likely to give you a molybdenum deficiency. Because of your reaction to that conversation, I have tried to not be so controversial in giving that recommendation and am happy to just try to fight the bad information that is prevalent today where people are advising that 6.5 is the sweet spot, by recommending adjusting pH to the bottom end of the scale. Sorry to offend, but if you will please note... I did not say 6.1 here.
Now on to the twisting...
Please stop with the attack MGR... in that other conversation we were talking about a specific soil and growing a very picky plant, and my personal experience was that unless you play with that low end of the range, that combination was likely to give you a molybdenum deficiency. Because of your reaction to that conversation, I have tried to not be so controversial in giving that recommendation and am happy to just try to fight the bad information that is prevalent today where people are advising that 6.5 is the sweet spot, by recommending adjusting pH to the bottom end of the scale. Sorry to offend, but if you will please note... I did not say 6.1 here.
Now on to the twisting...
im not attacking you emilya... your following my post in changing what im telling people when iv spent my time in energy trying to find these members the help and doing the research. now im asking a question not attacking those are 2 different things attacking would be alot harsh then what im saying, i asked you if you would please post the claims of it being due to flowering so i could have it for a reference bc i have looked for that in i cant find anything on it and alot of people ask why it happens ,theres no attacking going on havent done that to one person on 420 in im not doing it to you i just said the other day you were saying 6.1 is the sweet spot thats not attacking you could of said what u said in this post thats its due to different soil instead of insisting im attacking you when im not at all, just was referencing to why 6.1 was the sweet spot friday and today its 6.3-6.8 is all i was saying
I am sorry, but I do not understand your question. What exactly is the "it" that you are referring to?
meaning to the twisting like we have been talking about.. bc iv searched about the twisting a million times bc 1 of my plants did it your saying its due to flowering in im asking if you could post where you know this and and can verify it. bc i cant find anywhere on the internet claiming twisting is due to cannabis transitioning from to veg to flowering.. im not saying your wrong or trying to be attacking you but iv read post after post in thread after thread after thread and most either saying its a lockout of some nute, or they dont know, or that it is missing a nute from its feeding, and its nothing to worry about thats the most claim i find on twisting is people saying grow on its not really known why they twist on the new growth is to not worry and let it work its way out like rrand1999 how he said his got better..
just curiuos where this claim is and if you could post it so we can use it for future references and help someone else down the road.. thanks for the conversation on this and hope we can get a resolution for this problem bc people worry to death over twisting of new growth in which i did my self. your saying that it is from the plant transitioning from veg to flower and just wondering where this claim is bc most experienced growers are saying what i mentioned above and just saying please post the verifing claim bc it seems as if your pretty knowledgeable on the twisting to say its from the transition from veg to flower, and the next member who worrys about it i can say read this article that emilya posted to help relieve you from stress of the twisting bc people on the internet talk about this alot there is thread after thread on this issue
MGR, I look at what I do here and on other boards as a sacred duty to help advise people on their medical grows. Some very kind people helped me out when I was new and with the knowledge I gained I was able to produce the medicine that helped my Aunt lead a normal life for the first time in years, away from all the meds that were turning her into a zombie. Since then I have helped many patients in my area start and maintain their own gardens, and I have been a presence in the online growing world, helping people for the better part of the last 10 years.
It offends me when I see someone throwing out bad information to patients who need their medicine and are counting on the "experts" out here in the growing world to show them what they are doing wrong. There are no dumb questions and I have found over the years that I am very good at explaining to people about pH and soil and watering.
So, I come to this with a bit of experience. I have seen a lot and I can clearly see when plants are in the switch. The OP, Rrand clearly stated that his plant was an Auto and it was on 24/0. I don't need some article or some reference to prove to you what I can see with my own blinking eyes...
... this twist that you now have him all nervous about is nothing more than converting over to flower. You have gone on for post after post pontificating, and now arguing with me, over nothing. I fail to see how this is helpful to a new grower. Please be sure of your facts before posting them or be willing to be challenged by folks like me who will not let misinformation be spread. It is too important to these people to take chances on their grows, recommending they do this or that, if you don't know for sure and have to look it up on the internet.
Rrand... congratulations... there is no problem. Sit back and watch the pretty flowers form.
MGR, I look at what I do here and on other boards as a sacred duty to help advise people on their medical grows. Some very kind people helped me out when I was new and with the knowledge I gained I was able to produce the medicine that helped my Aunt lead a normal life for the first time in years, away from all the meds that were turning her into a zombie. Since then I have helped many patients in my area start and maintain their own gardens, and I have been a presence in the online growing world, helping people for the better part of the last 10 years.
It offends me when I see someone throwing out bad information to patients who need their medicine and are counting on the "experts" out here in the growing world to show them what they are doing wrong. There are no dumb questions and I have found over the years that I am very good at explaining to people about pH and soil and watering.
So, I come to this with a bit of experience. I have seen a lot and I can clearly see when plants are in the switch. The OP, Rrand clearly stated that his plant was an Auto and it was on 24/0. I don't need some article or some reference to prove to you what I can see with my own blinking eyes...
... this twist that you now have him all nervous about is nothing more than converting over to flower. You have gone on for post after post pontificating, and now arguing with me, over nothing. I fail to see how this is helpful to a new grower. Please be sure of your facts before posting them or be willing to be challenged by folks like me who will not let misinformation be spread. It is too important to these people to take chances on their grows, recommending they do this or that, if you don't know for sure and have to look it up on the internet.
Rrand... congratulations... there is no problem. Sit back and watch the pretty flowers form.
You must not read post at all do you???? bc iv been telling him not to worry about it so i have know clue if you even read the post or not its like its a re take of MDR’s grow journal... im the bully and your the victim??
emilya will you please re read the thread and all of the post over again???????? he was worrying himself about it, i was spending my time and energy looking for him some solutions on the problem....... he was wanting to transplant and do this in do that when i advice him the
Plants look awesome and not to break something that isnt broke.. low in behold he came out with a health grow obviously from my
Reasearch and dedication to finding him the help that he needs....
Now for whome is spreading misinformation it has nothing to do with me if i look it up, ask other growers or whatever it takes i did my time to look up the facts and present to him what i have found but on 2 different threads now you have posted right after i add my post in to give your thoughts and to say im spreading misinformation and then claim that im attacking you!!!!
MDR took the stand and basically said i was his reason he kept growing and his babys were back to looking good and he had a happy grow finally.. this is his own words.. not mine!!
Now please re read the posts in this thread bc your saying i got him all worked up when im telling him not to do all these things that it is not required and to just give it time.. i was telling him on acouple of post to not worry about the twisting that its nothing to worry about on multiple post on his thread where are you getting that i was keeping him nervous ??? Bc it is beyond me im the one who told him to create a 420 thread and to come here to get the best help that he could im sure he will come in on the post and take up for me like MDR did bc you obviously dont read the post on members threads..idc how long you have been on 420 or a member or how long you been growing but you are definitely trolling me and got something out for me for some reason obviously.. everybody i talk to on 420 you can ask them im respectful and i think them for everything that they do for me and i keep everybody pretty much happy threw there post only problem i have had on here is you emilya basically getting mad this time for asking a question when you were saying the other day 6.1 was the sweet spot and now it is 6.3-6.8 and i just asked why.. a simple answer would of been bc its a different soil bc idk everything in dont claim to know everything.. in then saying im attacking you for asking you a question again about where did you get the info about the twisting comes from the transition from veg to flower not attacking you or anything a simple where did u find it?? Bc i have looked hard in alot of time to find a solid answer on twisting and to find a solution to tell people hey it is this here are multiple claims stating this you just say it like you know and that it is true regardless..
idk but im sry if you feel offended about me wanting to give a person a link to a article of a plant issue (twisting) to say hey heres the problem and why you can think emilya for it bc she spread this info to me read this it is the answer to your solution.. this is what i would do but i guess you dont see it that way and im sry that you dont but will take your claim for what it is and hopefully this is the last time we have to do this i wanna be your friend and hang out on the same post with you i do just please dont bather my name into the dirt and get offend over asking a question and then fly off the handle in still not show facts for it.. bc i never said i new or claim to know..
then saying im attacking you for asking you a question again about where did you get the info about the twisting comes from the transition from veg to flower not attacking you or anything a simple where did u find it??
And there you go again... insisting that I had to have "found this" somewhere in order for my thoughts to be valid. I have been around pot growing most of my life and have seen this many many times. Why would I have to have read it somewhere or be able to provide you with a link with a picture in order for you to believe what my real world practical experience shows me with one glance?
This denying the validity of my knowledge and experience, simply because you can't find a reference to it, is attacking my words and thoughts, and since I have no desire to look on the internet to find examples to show you, you are alluding that I don't know what I am talking about. Now you added a new twist (like that pun?) and claim I am trolling you. I most decidedly am not interested in trolling you. You just seem to be showing up in the same threads that I look for, threads where newbies are asking good questions about their grows. If you throw out bad information or some myth that exists out on the internet in response, I am going to call you or anyone else out on it. A medical garden is too important not to protect in this way.
He said it was good in the post!!! that it was back to normal..he hasnt wrote for over a week in i ask him . hey buddy whats up .and then boom there you are again same way with MDR thread
Where im mostly talking just like this thread where im mostly talking what a coincidence.. done with this goodbye.. geez whiz but i sure if 20 people wonders what is wrong and we all have a answer for something that the 20 of us dont know in then you say hey i have the answer them 20 people are gonna wanna say hey how you know this not that u been growing pot for 80 yrs.. i mean anybody on here would agree with me on this, most people when i ask them something about a problem they have basically all the other answers to the question and they say here in throw up a link on the thread. I dont think you read post maybe you just get so mad easily that you skim over it or something bc thats nothing like how i said it.. i mean i can say hey im known around the world and iv grown for 25 yrs just believe me.. ok gotcha
He said it was good in the post!!! that it was back to normal..he hasnt wrote for over a week in i ask him . hey buddy whats up .and then boom there you are again same way with MDR thread
Where im mostly talking just like this thread where im mostly talking what a coincidence.. done with this goodbye.. geez whiz but i sure if 20 people wonders what is wrong and we all have a answer for something that the 20 of us dont know in then you say hey i have the answer them 20 people are gonna wanna say hey how you know this not that u been growing pot for 80 yrs.. i mean anybody on here would agree with me on this, most people when i ask them something about a problem they have basically all the other answers to the question and they say here in throw up a link on the thread. I dont think you read post maybe you just get so mad easily that you skim over it or something bc thats nothing like how i said it.. i mean i can say hey im known around the world and iv grown for 25 yrs just believe me.. ok gotcha
Hey! Sorry it took so long to get back. The twisting is definitely there but once the leaves started growing bigger they would untwist them selves for the most part. My new growth is still twisted. I’m having a weird problem now. It seems as though every time I water my plant it seems to droop like crazy about 15 to 30 minutes after. I only water every 2 to 3 days so it can’t be over watering and before I water the plant is almost perfect ( no drooping very perky ). It’s happened about twice now Ann takes a day-30 hrs For her to perk back up again. I made another video yesterday before the watering so you. Am see what I mean. I’ll put a link down.
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