Trying to figure why i'm getting low yield


New Member
Hi, i'm a new grower and this is my 2nd grow only.
I've found myself doing alot of reading on this forum's posts therefore i decided to signup :)
Sorry for my English, i'm trying to do my best.

I have a small grow room 100cm high, 70cm wide, 50cm deep.
This is the biggest & highest closet i can use for now so i can keep it discreet..

The grow room/closet is pretty short so i'm using a 250hps but still the plant
is stretching too much so i'm getting very low yields.. I doub't it will get me more than 10 grams..
I did some cutting and i'm doing alot of reading on the web and watching videos but still
i can't point on the problem and i don't want to get into deep expenses without figuring the problem.
How can i get it more bushy?

I'm using a 250hps, i have a strong vent.
The temperature is around 24-30 celsius, Humidity arround 40% and less.

My pot size might be too small (about 1.5 gallons) but it seems to work fine..
I'm growing in a very light soil mix.

The stain is AK48.
4th week of flowering.
Was vegging for about 10 weeks.

Attached images


You can see that there is a pretty long distance between the branches..
Only the tops looks nice..


Pictures of my grow room


The fan is no longer on the bottom, its hanging from the top with nice angle

Thanks to all helpers!
Topping and tying is what works for me. Also when you see a sing of stretch lower light a little closer. Put hand on the highest point of plant and feel if light burns hand. If not then it will not burn plant. Here are videos that might help.
Thanks CO Finest.
The main idea is to separate all sticks to get 100% light on all leaves?

I've been watching few tying tutorials for getting more tops but would it solve my stretching?
I made a new plant and started it about 30cm far from the 250hps and it still stretching too high..

Light assistent should solve this? i thought of 10w led projector



Might be over looking some basic fundamentals from other sources which may increase stretch !

Hanging distance of bulb from tops of the plants (inverse square law of light effect) here's a chart which you may like to take a look at.


Not sure about what type of bulb you are using for veg ?

HPS are pretty well known to increase stretch of plants if using HPS for vegging...
Thanks Fuzzy Duck :)
Now i see i should set it 4 inches from the plant which is much closer then i thought.

For vegging i also use the 250hps..
Should i use MH for vegging? Which bulb will get me the best results please?
Is it a matter of spectrum only?

1 More importent question
What happens when my plant gets tall?
I mean, the lights will need to be high and the light might not reach
the lower leaves

hey steve47
Yes you should use a MH for vegging as it has a different spectrum to a hps. A mh bulb has more of a blue spectrum which in turn lets the plant thing its spring/summer.
A hps has more of a red spectrum which lets the plant think its late summer and therefore start flowering before it dies.
Because your grow room is small i would not recommend going any more than a 250 watt mh/hps unless you have a really good ventilation system.
Also make sure that your ballast is interchangeable between mh and hps because otherwise you will have to buy a new one.
So to answer you question about getting your plants bushy you will need to veg them with a metal halide and flower with high pressure sodium,and as CO Finest said topping and tying will make for bushier plants.
Hope this helps.
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