Tryan2grow1 Second Time Grow - Autos In DWC With Mars-Hydro LED

Here are the little ladies above ground photos about an hour prior to lights out for today.

Northern Light with dying foliage removed

Blue Mystic

Once the lights come back on tonight another photo shoot will occur. Vigilance will ensure these gals make it thru bloom.
A look under the hood.

Northern Light

Blue Mystic

Each is trying very hard to establish a great root ball. The nutrients stain the water therefore staining the roots as well. There is noticeable "stain" on the oldest roots already. But there is no build up of "mud" on any of the roots, no slime and no foul aromas. Grow babies grow.
The res water has been prepared for the next change. Hopefully the Z7 will arrive on schedule Saturday. For this 6gal change, 4gal will be ro water and the other 2 will be tap. This brings the starting ppm down to 255. The nutrient ratio will be the GH 321 at 1/6 strength. This will add 151ppm. Hopefully using the 2gal of tap water along with the GH Micro nutes for hard water puts enough calcium and magnesium to the res without the need to purchase an additional supplement. The additional 151ppm added is down from the last change of an additional 160ppm. This should keep the burn to a minimum. PPM will continue to be monitored daily to see if the plants are consuming the nutes. The ladies will shout if they are starving.
Tryan2grow1 Second Time Grow - Autos In DWC

It is 45 minutes till lights out. A res change has been made that includes the Z7. May the ladies grow wildly. Not beauty sleep, growth sleep.

Northern Light

Blue Mystic
A moment of concern. It has been almost 36 hours since the latest res change. The ph has risen a bit but not as quick as it has without Z7. Also the ppm on each res has risen to 405. Not really a concern as to how young the plants are. How many ppm could such small wonders pull anyway? Surprise me ladies. The Northern Light looks to be taking to lower ppm and ro water and the new Z7. However the Blue Mystic has the droops this morning. If she doesn't snap out of it soon another res change going back to what she was used to is the plan.

Northern Light

Blue Mystic

Upon comparing photos from yesterday to today it appears that both plants are drooping a bit. Got both eyes on these ladies.
Not real clear what caused the ladies to go into a slight droopy mood yesterday. Happy to report however that once the light was on for a bit the ladies again awoke to lift their leaves. New photos later tonight when the lights come on.
Here they are all perky for the most part. Watching some spots on the Northern Light. But both have good color at this time. And the roots have taken off.

Northern Light

Blue Mystic
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