Tryan2grow1 Second Time Grow - Autos In DWC With Mars-Hydro LED

BM looks better and better, love her color:thumb:

A bit of leaf tucking tonight on the Blue Mystic opened up six growing tops.
Tryan2grow1 Second Time Grow - Autos In DWC

Here are the stats from the res' tonight. The Northern Light has a status of falling water level, ppm static and ph static. Awesome! The Blue Mystic has a status of falling water level, falling ppm (-11) and static ph. Both plants are doing well statistically. Now for the pictures.

Both ladies upon wake up

Northern Light

Blue Mystic

They are looking good!!!! Just wondering had your NL done her cal/mag deficiency?? I only ask cause it looks like she's getting a few more yellow spots not to mention the few dry spots on those 2 bigger fan leaves ...
Both plants suffered from their first weeks of life without cal/mag in the res. All new growth on plants is deficiency free at this time. The NL suffered the most. All spots visible at this time were prior to the res remedy of calimagic.
I'm rooting for the Northern Lights myself. Lol The Blue Mystic needs no help.

Agreed totally on that front. The poor NL is the runt of this grow. Got 4 more tries of each of these strains. It will be interesting to see how the next NL grows. But that is some months away. In fact that will be a 2018 grow. In either case both plants are living. And they are loved, hope they are feeling it. Thanks for following along Scoooter, I say passing this lit wonder of joy...eeeer.
Is it me or does the NL look like its got a deficiency? The leaves have those blotches I see in some that need cal mag, or is that from an earlier issue thats been dealt with?

You nailed it UA, cal-mag deficiency....rookie error on my behalf on the first week of veg, no calimagic in the res when I switched to RO water. Duh, live and learn. The NL took it hard and the spots you see on both plants are from this error on my behalf. All new growth is coming in green. Both plants are growing well. Changes can be noted daily. The NL is by far the runt of this grow. The BM is one very pretty plant if I do get to say that. Thank you UA for following along.
Just about the time you think it's all dialed in an anomaly appears. Each res tonight had a drop in water level, drop in ppm but the ph dropped. This is a first for me. Ph is always going up not down. Put both res' back to 6ph by adding tap, raised water and ppm level. Here are tonight's pics.
Your journal is just great. I find it hard to reply sometimes, as the only thing I can say is looking good, nice job, etc. Still following along every day. .

It's all good CG. Thank you so much for looking in daily. Both myself and the ladies feel your presence whether you make comments or not. For it is assured that if you saw something that was going south, you'd chime in. For me on this journal I am making daily entries and pics to be even better to refer back to in the future for there are 4 more each of this strain awaiting their turn. These two ladies the NL and BM are for sure different. The BM seems to have recovered from the bad start lacking cal/mag. The NL is slow in recovery. Both are getting alot of attention and seem to be happy at this time. Rock on my friend from the great white north. Glad to have you along.
This is an excerpt from an email I received from a rep with Flying Skull ref a question I had using both Z7 and Hydroguard:

The Hydroguard was originally introduced to help make the root system bigger. Z7 was formulated to keep the roots and growing system clean. Clean roots allow you to have better quality roots and ultimately less roots. The less roots to grow the plant the better off you are in a hydro system.

What do you think of what was said about roots? Less is best when clean and strong, that is what I am getting. Seems like more would be the best if clean and strong. Still using them both. Besides, the Hydroguard has an expiration date coming on soon.
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