Trim all leaves that get damage?

Hey CJ,

It’s an old thread from 2016 so a lot of those peeps have moved on..

What is food for a plant? Photons yep light is their main food. Rhetorical but how do we capture more food? By keeping all the fan leaves… Fan leaves are what build buds…. fan leaves are how we get photosynthesis, fan leaves help with transpiration aka the movement or shedding of water, fan leaves are also where already processed nutrients are stored,

Ever heard of high brix? You use refractometer to measure sugars in the plant. Once you get above like 14 brix insects choose to leave the plant. Insects find and attack weak plants but they move out under high brix conditions. One of the rules of high brix is to avoid any & all defol… the only thing you defol is 1 fan leaf periodically so you can roll it, crush it & squeeze just 1 drop of plant juice onto refractometer lens to take a measurement.

So yes many people swear by defoliation but typically it just forces a plant to add more leaves to replace the ones you just trimmed off. Yellowed out fan leaves look bad to humans but the plant doesn’t care. Towards end of flower the plant will yellow out a lot of fan leaves- this just indicates the plant is pulling those stored nutrients out & using them to build buds.

So personally I don’t monkey with fan leaves regardless of how bad they look. My deal is to pick them up after they have fallen from the plant.

But as always- to each their own!
Hey CJ,

It’s an old thread from 2016 so a lot of those peeps have moved on..

What is food for a plant? Photons yep light is their main food. Rhetorical but how do we capture more food? By keeping all the fan leaves… Fan leaves are what build buds…. fan leaves are how we get photosynthesis, fan leaves help with transpiration aka the movement or shedding of water, fan leaves are also where already processed nutrients are stored,

Ever heard of high brix? You use refractometer to measure sugars in the plant. Once you get above like 14 brix insects choose to leave the plant. Insects find and attack weak plants but they move out under high brix conditions. One of the rules of high brix is to avoid any & all defol… the only thing you defol is 1 fan leaf periodically so you can roll it, crush it & squeeze just 1 drop of plant juice onto refractometer lens to take a measurement.

So yes many people swear by defoliation but typically it just forces a plant to add more leaves to replace the ones you just trimmed off. Yellowed out fan leaves look bad to humans but the plant doesn’t care. Towards end of flower the plant will yellow out a lot of fan leaves- this just indicates the plant is pulling those stored nutrients out & using them to build buds.

So personally I don’t monkey with fan leaves regardless of how bad they look. My deal is to pick them up after they have fallen from the plant.

But as always- to each their own!
Yeah I totally understand what your saying lol I been growing almost a decade and don't seem to have to many issues with my grows but sometimes I do. I personally always take dead leafs out rather its on the plant or on the floor. Personally I'll just leave part of he leaf if I feel it's save able but yes I know the plants couldn't care less as long as they have leafs for the bud sites it's trying to form or for the buds that are already formed. As far as leafs turning yellow of course they are supposed to do that toward the end. I'm not a newbie I appreciate the breakdown but basically this is all things I learned in the first couple years of growing. I see this is a old post but apparently I didn't when I commented lmao. Anyways yes I heard of the high brix method but I personally just use lost coast plant wash and then boom bugs gone. Plus I always showed and ensure everything is sterile in my grow environment but thanks anyways for the info bro. Probably would be more valuable info to someone else though. I periodically give my microbes unsulphured molasses as well but I'm not sure if that counts as the high brix method but I don't seem to have to many pest issues usually. If I was then I would probably look into it a bit further and who knows I may still read up on it just to expand my grow knowledge because I've heard of high brix but never attempted it myself and don't even have the meter I would need to do so but it does sound interesting and I bet it can help to produce even more flavorful cannabis. Kinda hard to believe though cause normally it's already extremely flavorful but we will see in time. Definitely interesting stuff regardless buddy so thanks for the extra insight
Hey CJ,

Thanks for the reply. Also please forgive- it’s kinda occupational hazard for folks that reply to questions because we never know if it’s from a newbie or seasoned pro unless we’ve interacted with them before so we often write towards the newbie side just to be clear.

Cool thanks- Lost Coast, I’ve heard of this but never tried it. When mama gives me my allowance money might have to purchase a bottle. :laugh: Yeah just kidding only thing she gives up is being a pain in the ass and a big headache…. :rofl:

So brix here is cool but there’s 2 main routes. One is a high brix crew that’s all based off Doc Buds High Brix kit. You buy a bale of the pro-mix soil since it’s nation wide in USA, you buy your own EWC and of course buy the high brix kit from Doc Buds website. You mix the ingredients by kit instructions, cook the soil for 30 days then move forward. The whole crew over there provides live support for the “kit”… here’s link to Doc Buds High Brix >>> Doc Buds High Brix

The other high brix method is jump in with few other DIY brixers like Gee64… he does a lot more than just high brix but he’s cool as a moose plus he just gets it, from root exudates to how weather stomps on brix readings, so yeah he’s the real deal!! Hers link >>> Gee64’s… G-Spot journal

Alright gotta check out, have a great nite!
Hey CJ,

Thanks for the reply. Also please forgive- it’s kinda occupational hazard for folks that reply to questions because we never know if it’s from a newbie or seasoned pro unless we’ve interacted with them before so we often write towards the newbie side just to be clear.

Cool thanks- Lost Coast, I’ve heard of this but never tried it. When mama gives me my allowance money might have to purchase a bottle. :laugh: Yeah just kidding only thing she gives up is being a pain in the ass and a big headache…. :rofl:

So brix here is cool but there’s 2 main routes. One is a high brix crew that’s all based off Doc Buds High Brix kit. You buy a bale of the pro-mix soil since it’s nation wide in USA, you buy your own EWC and of course buy the high brix kit from Doc Buds website. You mix the ingredients by kit instructions, cook the soil for 30 days then move forward. The whole crew over there provides live support for the “kit”… here’s link to Doc Buds High Brix >>> Doc Buds High Brix

The other high brix method is jump in with few other DIY brixers like Gee64… he does a lot more than just high brix but he’s cool as a moose plus he just gets it, from root exudates to how weather stomps on brix readings, so yeah he’s the real deal!! Hers link >>> Gee64’s… G-Spot journal

Alright gotta check out, have a great nite!
That's fine bro I totally understand. Some folks may of not studied about cannabis like I did. Hell I studied for a few years before I even picked up my first seeds. My whole thing was I want my buds to be tippy top shelf and I basically can get that almost Everytime as long as the genetics allows it but I know that I don't know everything. Especially about growing, I may have extensive knowledge about it but I'm still learning a decade later so IMO Im always open to learning especially when it comes to cannabis. Never know you guys may be able to help me hon my craft or teach me something i didnt know and i could potentially do the same for you guys possibly. Basically what I'm saying is I'm always open to criticism or people's thoughts about my grows. Feel free too let me know if I'm confused about something or if I'm wrong in anyways. I don't believe I am but I also know that I don't know everything even though some days I feel like I do 🤣. Anyways yeah lost coast is amazing stuff really. Organic and safe. You can use it up to harvest as well I'm pretty sure but anytime I have pests thats my go too. It works great but I've also used neem but recently learned its not very safe to inhale and even though it doesn't get sprayed when the plants are budding, I feel like it could potentially get into the buds traveling through the leafs maybe so I stopped using that crap. It does work though but at what expense. Sounds very interesting about the brix but what's root exudates? Not to sure on what that's all about also how would the weather stomp on the brix reading ?
Root exudates are part of the process where the plant calls for specific nutes, say it wants P so the plant tells the roots to mine up some phosphorus. The roots do that and shovel up some P but now the roots wants ROI (return on investment) so the plant pays back with root exudates to feed the microbes doing the work… it’s all way over my head but still love to read and try to better understand the science of the process even tho I’m scientifically illiterate…

No really sure on this one myself but Gee64 reports that brix crashes before a weather front moves thru and at some point in time afterwards the brix values return to same number as before the storm and without any interventions by the gardener
So yes many people swear by defoliation but typically it just forces a plant to add more leaves to replace the ones you just trimmed off.
This removing of fan leaves and then the plant's replacement of them seems to have come up many times. Basically the root system and the portion of the plant above the roots is in a balance. Remove part of one and the plant will start to replace that portion to bring the balance back.

So a heavy removal of leaves during the vegetation stage will cause the plant to start to grow them back. Once flowering begins the plant starts to direct energy to flower bud development. New root growth is at a minimum and any new large 5 and 7 fingered fan leaves that are removed do not get replaced. The best most of us see is 3 fingered fan leaves in the bud stacks and they stay small and do not grow to any size.

One result is a drop in the photosynthesis that builds the sucrose that feeds the growth of the buds.
Also please forgive- it’s kinda occupational hazard for folks that reply to questions because we never know if it’s from a newbie or seasoned pro unless we’ve interacted with them before so we often write towards the newbie side just to be clear.
There is that. Also, there are the ones we forgot about. We have to remember that at any given minute there are thousands of people reading the messages and they never participate nor log in to ask for help or explanations of anything. Unless there is at least a half way decent explanation of why the problem and how to fix the problem they are unlikely to have a successful grow.

A minute ago there were 99 members logged in. And, at the same time there were over 6,400 individuals lurking and not logged in.
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