Hey, all. Weighed harvest today. Twin peaks=7.4g Water farm=47g I think I could do better.
I've been feeding every other watering with 1tsp maxibloom, 1tsp tigerbloom, 1/4tsp dry koolbloom, and 1/4tsp superthrive. This time around I'm going to feed every watering, which is about every 3-5 days. Is this a good idea?
Here it is in jars.
I put one of the veg plants into flowering, and bolloks!
So, I put the other two in.
Twiggy is doing well. I will start flushing next watering.
Oh yea, smoke report.
Both the WF and TP are mild in flavor. Not much smell. TP makes a smooth joint. WF makes a green tasting joint. Both need to cure longer for a good smoke. Will report back.
The high is more narcotic than I expected. Makes me lazy and spacey, but feeling good!
Thanx for watching. More to come!