Thanks bro! I am loving those PK's for sure. The nugs are as hard as rocks. I am really happy how dense they are. Your XJ's (at the same point) do look to be quite a bit bigger than my buds (and frosty as hell). What is really different with my plants is the amount of LST'ing I had to do with the tops. I have a canopy of tiny buds all over the place. I am hoping that they put on some weight soon. I am shooting for 77 days with the XJ's.
Man I can't tell you how bad I want to smoke one of those buds. What really sucks is that I haven't smoked in over 3 weeks. I am looking for another job (still have one, but my company is laying off) and I my line of work almost every company requires a piss test. I can't wait for prop 19 to pass. I hope that will change some of the employment requirements. What really sucks about not being able to smoke is that I will be harvesting the Pk's in about 5 days. I have been dreaming about smoking some of that scissor hash. I almost look at it as a right of passage. Something all farmers get to do after a successful grow. Maybe I will try and save some. hehe...I will stop my bitching.