Update time! Day 23 Flower.
Lots going on with the ladies. The flowers are starting to put on bulk and get bigger. The Purple Kushes should have some good size buds (hoping
). The PK's have a lot of bud sites at all levels of the plant. I will post a pic of it in another post (I have a question for you all). The XJ's are streeeeeeetching! I have another question on height that I will post in another post. Man I am high maintenance tonight
Now to the pics.
All plants Day 23 Flower - Notice the difference between the XJ's and the PK's. Really glad I have 2 lights. I had to use some string and staples to pull the XJ's back on their half of the cab. They were not being good neighbors.
Purple Kush #1 Day 23 Flower - This is a picture of one of the main cola's. It looks like it will make a pretty good size bud (fingers crossed).
XJ-13's Day 23 Flower - These ladies are amazons. They just keep growing and growing.
XJ-13 #1 Day 23 Flower - This is the main cola for XJ-13. She is the runt of the group. I bet that the other XJ will produce 4 times the haul of this one.