Perpetual bloom journal will be on next week cr8. I'll tag you on that one too. Pink Kush is producing amazing frost. Definately be a joy to watch these bloom. I am expecting some color because they will get cold on dark period through all of the flowering era. Expectations are really high this time :passitleft: cabinet runs 64-66 F lights out...the plants that want to go purple get supercharged with that consistent cool night air.
Looking spot on TC. Nice score on the promo pack. Bravo to Barney's.

Thanks MrS :passitleft:They'll be getting some amazing pictures from me for sure. We rented a high end Nikon machine for my BG41's harvest tomorrow. I don't know much about taking good photos but my gf knows that in a professional level. I might go crazy on the following contests :blunt: cabinet runs 64-66 F lights out...the plants that want to go purple get supercharged with that consistent cool night air.

Sounds amazing cr8. Luckily, I only have purple leaning strains right now. Pink Kush and Purple Punch mothers would do that job. They'll be able to go below 60F easily:passitleft:
It's been a long time since the last update. I topped the bonsai Purple Punch mom and sent this clone to a fellow master grower. We'll cross this PP with Dosidos 33 from Barney's Farm. I will try to make my own Slurricane and we'll see how that turns out. Four Pink Kush clones are ready for the big tent and some other clones still have a chance to make it. If they start growing soon, I'll move these into the big tent as well. I will start cutting some Purple Punch clones soon and I can't wait for a PP and PK sea of green.

That's pretty much it guys. Things will become more interesting after moving these Pink Kush clones to the big tent. Here is how the mini nursery looks. Cheers :passitleft:

I harvested my big plants and waiting for them to dry a little more. After that we'll move these Pink Kush clones in there and transplant the bonsai Purple Punch mom into a bigger pot and start cutting some clones. A friend will gift me one White Runtz bean from Anesia Seeds and I am planning to plant that one to be grown as another bonsai mom. I'll soon try how my Pink Kush tastes and hits. I am so lucky to have this Pink Kush as the main mother in the nursery.

I harvested my big plants and waiting for them to dry a little more. After that we'll move these Pink Kush clones in there and transplant the bonsai Purple Punch mom into a bigger pot and start cutting some clones. A friend will gift me one White Runtz bean from Anesia Seeds and I am planning to plant that one to be grown as another bonsai mom. I'll soon try how my Pink Kush tastes and hits. I am so lucky to have this Pink Kush as the main mother in the nursery. you have a lot going on. Bud is fire.
Congrats on the harvest TC, and your cob looks great. I'm not familiar with BHO or the process but it looks like you nailed it! :slide:

Thanks MrS. I am really satisfied with the Pink Kush. I will blast the secondary nugs and trim of the Pink Kush as well. I am smoking PK's finger hash now and I think I won't be able to type anything after I'm done with the joint. It turned out amazing I'm feeling amazing right now. Here are some more extraction pictures before I literally got shut down;

TC...I need to catch up on the cob cure...heard some things.

I'll open the cob tomorrow and smoke it if it is ready but I think it looks like it'll need a couple more days in vacuum. I'll wait until I smoke this cob before writing my smoke report on Pink Kush. It already taste amazing. My best particular plant in terms of quality for like four years. I had better ones in past but this is definately top shelf stuff.

I got some news from the nursery. I am currently using the nursery tent for drying so all of the folks in there are growing inside the main tent now. I cut over 10 clones from the Pink Kush mother and I only cut one clone from the bonsai Purple Punch mother. I hope her first child will survive :)

I also transplanted the PP mom to a bigger pot with soil. I'll root prune the PK mom soon and move her into a smaller container. I started using my DIY aeroponic cloner and mixed in 1ml/l of GH Flora Coco Grow. Dialed the pH at 5.8 and water temperature at 18 degrees Celsius. Humidity inside the dome is around %60 so conditions are pretty awesome. I also closed a dome on the cloner to keep the humidity high for the first two days. I am expecting to see some nice roots in day seven.

What I am trying to do here is to trim my bonsai mothers and get some fast clones ready with my aero cloner to fit more plants inside my tent before flipping the whole tent for the four Pink Kush clones. Mothers have a better chance to recover inside the big tent because conditions here is far better than the nursery. I will improve the conditions in nursery in following months. I will move my 220W full spectrum fixture inside the nursery and drive it around 50-60W. There will be no heat at all and both mothers and clones will be recieving full spectrum light.

Here is how the plants look. Cheers :passitleft:

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