Trainwreck vs Super Jack / Ebb & Growin


Well-Known Member
Hi guys
Where to start... Well after a great first run, and a horrible second run, here I am geared up for the third! My first run I had 8 Blue dream girls that yield 50+ oz's of killer bud. My second run I spent 5 weeks vegging/killing 12 clones, only to end up pulling them out and starting over.
Reasons why second grow failed.
Changed light from 24 - 18 right off the bat
: The clones I got where being vegged under fluorescent lights 24 hours a day. I think changing their lighting to 18 ended up stressing the crap out of the girls.

Ph meter was off.
: It took me almost a week to realize my Ph meter was off, and during that time I locked out nutes, and starved the girls.

Being too cocky...
: After my first run, I was on cloud 9. I simply wasn't being vigilant enough with my girls. Will not happen again.

Now onto the 3rd grow.
Strains : (6) Trainwreck clones, (6) Super Jack clones
Equipment: 1 400Watt metal Halide. with lumatek ballast.
2 1000watt HPS, with Nextgen Ballast
1 Ebb and Grow
2 6" vortex Fan
1 4" vortex Fan
1 Phresh in line filter
1 4" mountain air filter ( for intake)
Veg Nutes= BC Boost, BC Grow, Canna Rhizotonic, Cal Mag
Bloom Nutes = Full Canna line + Cal Mag
Growing Medium = Hydroton

So I planted all 12 girls on Saturday, and am currently running them at 600PPM, 4ml per gal Boost, 2ml per gal Grow, 3ml per gal Cal mag, and 10ml per gal Rhizotonic. This morning I saw a little bit of drooping leaves, and a tiny bit of yellow starting to creep. I had them at 7x30 floods a day, and I switched it to 4x30, after seeing a bit of leaf droop. I will post some pics tonight. Taker Eazy Guys.
Glad to see you guys made it!
I have noticed a small amount of yellowing on almost all 12 plants, could be shock? I also have 1 girl who started drooping yesterday morning. I thought it might have coincided with the lowering of my 400w MH from 36 to 24", so I raised it back up. The girl has not worsened, but she also hasn't perked back up. I am thinking it may be low RH% which is just around 35%, or??? Here's some pics guys.
PH 5.9 ATM
Canopy temp: 70F
Res Temp: 67F
PPM : 750, it has risen from 650 in 4 days.


Droopy girl is on right second one up. (below) Second pic is up close


Below is the smallest TrainWreck

Below is a Super Jack


Hey Slo.

As usual great pics man! I sense this is a re-occurring thing with clones and they just take some time to get acclimated to their new homes. You even suggest it with your shock comment.

I wouldn't sweat anything, especially with McB or Pit dropping by.

I'm sure this will be a much better run this time!

How many times u flooding, and how long? They look a little overwatered.

Hey PP4F.

Slo mentioned above.

I had them at 7x30 floods a day, and I switched it to 4x30, after seeing a bit of leaf droop.

Have a great night man!

PS. After seeing that amount, you may be correct on over-watered!
I ran my Blue Dreams at 8X30 the whole time, and I only had 8 pots to fill. We shall see though..


You know bro, I'm totally only looking out for you. Obviously I wouldn't tell you how to drive a car. I know I read something about 10 mins being optimal time for the roots to be fed. Longer than that and it drowns them.

Just wanted to post this info from the CAP system. I saw that you are only using 12 buckets.

3) To set the “Fill” times, pull the individual tripper “tabs” outward for the amount of time you want to fill the buckets. Each tab represents a 15-minute interval. Normally, 15 minutes is enough time to fill up to 24 modules. Up to 30 minutes may be required to fill more than 24 modules.

4) Normally, you should fill and drain about 3-4 times per day for 15 minutes each time.

I feel a little uncomfortable posting up this message, but I'd feel even more awful if shit went bad again. I'd hope you would do the same for me.

Obviously, you're going to do what you need to do, I just wanted you to have all the info.

Perhaps wait for McBudz to offer insight, or suggestion?

Most Respectfully.

You know bro, I'm totally only looking out for you. Obviously I wouldn't tell you how to drive a car. I know I read something about 10 mins being optimal time for the roots to be fed. Longer than that and it drowns them.

Just wanted to post this info from the CAP system. I saw that you are only using 12 buckets.

I feel a little uncomfortable posting up this message, but I'd feel even more awful if shit went bad again. I'd hope you would do the same for me.

Obviously, you're going to do what you need to do, I just wanted you to have all the info.

Perhaps wait for McBudz to offer insight, or suggestion?

Most Respectfully.

I totally appreciate any advice, sorry if I came off as rude. I was simply saying that I flooded my blues a lot. I was reading back through my 1st journal, and Pit Viper told me he was flooding 8X1hr. I think its important to make sure you watch the girls carefully, because they will tell you what the like/dislike. I'm now curious how often all the other Ebb and Growers are flooding. Time to start reading through journals.

Taker Eazy.
I totally appreciate any advice, sorry if I came off as rude.

I didn't think that at all man! I've seen a couple of your posts...where you've "laid down the law". :cheesygrinsmiley: It's all good!

I just found an interesting article discussing flood length and frequency.

Cannastats - Ebb/Flow Tips

Bump on this man! Now I just have to find out the specifics for the STG I'm using to plug in the numbers. How did your evaluation come out using that calculator? Did you end up changing the cycles?

Have a great holiday weekend Slo.

sorry I just picked up the the thread. I disagree with CAP. I believe optimal output is min6 cycles- I use 8 myself. you will never overwater this system...Ive tried. I would rec 8 15's....only do 30 when your pot count goes up by at least 6. rreset to 15 mins. recheck your ph/ppms and leave them be
sorry I just picked up the the thread. I disagree with CAP. I believe optimal output is min6 cycles- I use 8 myself. you will never overwater this system...Ive tried. I would rec 8 15's....only do 30 when your pot count goes up by at least 6. rreset to 15 mins. recheck your ph/ppms and leave them be

Good deal PV!

I'm still doing 6 as you had recommended. Plants don't seem to be complaining. (Once we got passed that drooping leaves issue)

Thanks for reaffirming your previous info man!

sorry I just picked up the the thread. I disagree with CAP. I believe optimal output is min6 cycles- I use 8 myself. you will never overwater this system...Ive tried. I would rec 8 15's....only do 30 when your pot count goes up by at least 6. rreset to 15 mins. recheck your ph/ppms and leave them be

Sorry??? No need for that! Glad to have you on board Pit. As always, your company and suggestions are always appreciated. I just flipped it to 8 15's.

Next move is to start some LST, I plan to use binder clips and string like I have seen before. I have heard that Trainwreck is a gangley girl so I hope to thicken the stems, and bush it out. The Super Jack is just in need of some thickening, the main stem is barely bigger than a toothpick... Other than that, I have seen awesome growth on all the plants. I am currently at about 20" with my 400watt, I was thinking about dropping to 16". I have absolutely no heat issues.
Looking better. No more drooping, and decent growth on all 12 girls. Still a little bit of yellow, I have been raising the PPM slowly. I am currently at 1050, and I plan to raise to 1150 tomorrow when I do Reservoir change. Here's some pics below. I am also thinking about raising my cal/mag from 3ml per a gal, to 5ml.

Below is the runt trainwreck. (don't worry, I picked the fuzz off.)

Here's the Queen Jackie

Below is 2 pics of the droopy girl 4 days later.


Healthy Jack

Should I shave the legs this early?
Hey Slo finally made it. You're looking good.

FYI, I'm flooding 6 X 30, I think the Blueberries like it, and I could probably go to 8 times as well (but I'm not messing with anything).

I watched the South Park episode last night, before I read your journal, "classic"

I'm hoping for "Blueberry Haze" like results for you :goodluck:
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