Toucan Do It! Purple Cheesy Og-zie: A Dutch Seed Shop Grow By VG-zie!

I need to get on it soon. LoL

Can't move anything into flower until i cut a few. Guess I'll just keep topping them back until a slot frees up.

I need to get on it soon. LoL

Can't move anything into flower until i cut a few. Guess I'll just keep topping them back until a slot frees up.

Yours are just a bit behind mine right? Mine are 47 days today.
Yours are just a bit behind mine right? Mine are 47 days today.
Yup... I'm around 38-40 now... somewhere in that range, gotta check my calendar

And leave the rest of those perfect fan leaves on the plant please...

Or the usual B&D.
That leaf was from midplant...She had to go. She was creating a wet spot despite the fan being on her and refused to be tucked.I won't be removing anymore than I have to.
If it makes you feel better, it's going in my salad tonight.
My plants mostly look like 70s bushes during flower. Just unruly.
Flip it like Flipper at a flipping pancake flipping fliperthon!

I flipped last week and will flip again next week. Everyone's flipping crazy around here.
Flipping hell!!
How are you today??? Lol.
Flipping hell!!
How are you today??? Lol.
I'm just happy that I'm not working today. I've been worse but there's that dirty hangover feeling that doesn't come off in the wash. It'll be about 3 days before I can taste food again lol. I've got some watering to do shortly which will wake me up a bit. Nothing like staring into a 600w HPS when you have a headache. Coffee and doob first though. Hope you're doing better than me VG
I'm just happy that I'm not working today. I've been worse but there's that dirty hangover feeling that doesn't come off in the wash. It'll be about 3 days before I can taste food again lol. I've got some watering to do shortly which will wake me up a bit. Nothing like staring into a 600w HPS when you have a headache. Coffee and doob first though. Hope you're doing better than me VG
Sending sympathy...

Mornin y'all.

Not much happening around here. Fed the True Og this morning. Everyone looks happy.
Kinda wish that I did 48 hrs of dark before the flip.

Tons of stuff to do today and I'm already tired. Yesterday really took the wind out of my sails.
Looking good VG :) Looking good for flower time!

wish that I did 48 hrs of dark before the flip
This is a thing? Seems to me it would just introduce the possibility of light stress - but I’m a bit of a purist ;)

On the washy light and pics n stuff. If you can force you flash to go off hen you take pics, it can help to get more of the natural colours. Works for me under 3500k
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