Well that is just awesome Morglie, glad to hear it. If you have any questions about any thing feel free to ask. Its kinda funny, most of the people I know who grow are older and its hard to get them to change their way. So no one except Sue uses the bag method. This guy a few years back tried to do it but took clones with spidermites on them and put them in the bags and when he opened them to check them the spidermites had layed them to waist. To this day he swears that the bags caused the spidermites and tells every body not to use the bags. I just tell them fine if you want to wait 21 days to root a clone, when you can do it with the right strain in 3 to 5. If you get every thing right you can do 4 full on indoor crops a year and then what ever you can do out side during the summer. Congratulation on your clones, thanks for letting me know that it worked for you, that makes me real happy. TTYL TOAST