TM420 Aqua Farm Journal

yea weve still got snow lying and really cold weather supposedly gonna have a colder than average april, so might have to just veg indoors and plant end of may
end of april mate, got 4 seedling which i plan on getting at least a months veg gonna throw the other 600w hps on when the seedlings are a bit bigger, also bought some garden twine so gonnadiy a screen and throw it over them
ok this plant?
my personal take on defol during veg is its only really useful for nodal distance, but since you are lsting so heavily your already going to have plenty of tops i guess.

i would grow it out to almost the size you want it, then do a strip 2 weeks before flip (shock time).

during veg, the whole plant feeds the whole plant, no real point in cutting back leaves to better expose more leaves ;)

Very Nice journal Taylor

I have been dying to try a Aqua Farm for weed. I grew some tomatoes in a home made one a few years back that was never phed, peters nutes, and outdoor, that was one of the best tomatoes I ever grew.

I read back in your journal ds hps, what brand is that?
thinkin about just leaving it mate, gonna need seeds, soil, ferts etc not worth the hassle this year, the cold snap might last till end of april, doesnt mean were gonna get a summer lol or more snow in may
now running 1200w in the groom, plans turned a nice darker green, lifted the lights coz its bleachin the shit outta the plants, added the seedlings today also, 1 ice cream 1 sensi star 1 white widow and 1 royal purple kush, ive got 2 cuttins of strawberry blue and 1 fruity chronic juice cuttin in the propagater/bubble cloner

ph has stayed steady at 5.8 for a whole week, plants are now drinkin around 3 litres per day so res change today i phed back to 5.8 and added 30ml gro,20 micro and 10 bloom and super thrive
dinafem white widow, paradise seeds sensi star and ice cream, and emerald triangle - royal purple kush, world of seeds strawberry blue and delicious seeds fruity chronic juice
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