Tiny white translucent bugs or mites on sides of smart pot


Well-Known Member
Ok so, I'm growing two purple kush in 5 gallon smart pots in GH coco coir inside of a grow tent. 2 300w Viparspectra LED's. Water is at 5.8-6.2 pH.

Ok so now that the grow info is out the way....

I was watering today when I noticed some white specs in the runoff that appeared to swim against the current. I looked to the sides of the pots and noticed a bunch of small specs (hundreds). Under naked eye close inspection I could see them moving ever so slightly. Under inspection with a 60x jewel loupe, I was able to see translucent/white mite like bugs. Oval shaped. Some slightly longer than others. What seems to be a good amount of legs and two long hairs in the back. I grabbed a shitty picture (it's nearly impossible to get a picture). I have not seen any flies or flying bugs so I don't think they are root aphids. From online they look similar to broad mites except they are visible with the naked eye (although they just look like slow moving specs). The longer ones look somewhat similar to springtails however they seemed to coexist peacefully with the more mite looking ones. I know it's tough to diagnose without a good picture but any ideas what these might be? I've yet to see a distinct picture online that looks the same.

So I know this is a terrible picture but it's the best I can do trying to take a pic from my phone through the microscope. You can't make out any details (legs, ridges, hair) however you can see the shape and color.
I was wishing these were hypoapsis (good predatory mites) but those are supposed to be pretty fast. I wouldn't consider these as fast considering they look like specs until you focus hard enough to see them moving around slightly changing direction.

Ok so after using a stronger microscope I was able to make out four legs on each side. The front two go forward while there's four in the middle and the then two pointing back, with long hairs in the back and an oval body. This picture of a spinach crown mite is the closest in looks except my mites don't have red legs/ head. Also mine are around the bottom half of the smart pot near the white and brown salt deposits (could be from the mites), not in the leaves.

Here's another pic I found online of an Unidentified mite that looks very similar to what I have, except mine are are the outsides of the smart pot. Like I said, not the leaves. I'm wondering if they are only around the pots feeding off of mold or something or if they're also deep in the coco. Would love help in identifying so I can figure out if I need to eradicate and what to eradicate with
I should also add that mine appear white with the naked eye and are translucent/white (some are beige) when observed under a loupe
I'm thinking they are tyrophagus . Any info on whether or not those are bad? I think I'll try the nuke em, azamax drench and de food grade
So I just took a moment to do some quick research on Tyrophagus putrescentiae.
I'm sure you found the same literature as I did but I will regurgitate a little of it here for those who have not.
This species of mite thrives in hot, and humid environments.
Under ideal conditions, with temperatures above 30 °C (86 °F) and humidity above 85%, it can complete its life cycle in under three weeks. It appears they are of no real threat to our cannabis plants due to their diet. They say this mite thrives in these conditions due to being the ideal conditions for fungi. Their main food is fungi. It makes perfect sense now why you have a thriving colony. Once exposed they exploded in numbers due to the cloth pots you use. I'm not saying someone in plastic containers would never get them on the surface but due to the nature of the cloth bags they grow fungi very easily.
Now you say you found one on a leaf. Perhaps they are migrating due to ideal conditions?
What is your Humidity, and temperature averages?
Maybe they are even beneficial to us??? Perhaps they won't harm the plants but instead help keep the pots clean?
If you want them gone naturally I bet lady bugs would feast on these.
Did you ever figure out how to get rid of the Tyrophagus putrescentiae? We are having the same problem.
judging by the latin, Id say they are just after some mold you are growing.

are you in fabric pots too?
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