Tiny white & clear worms in coco

They're fungus gnats. They're easy to get rid of. Don't over water.

good advice. especially for soil. i have friends who bottom water which works to keep them down.
coco is a water intensive media makes it hard when they get a foot hold.

Disrupt the top layer often. Place a potato slice on the surface and they'll go for it then you can toss it out and get rid of a few.

potatoes are easy to come by. that and yellow stickies help.

Peroxide treatments help,

i always flood them out with a heavy h2o2 flush. i use a flood technique so they literally burn , or rush to the top then burn ..

so does just a bit of diatomaceous earth sprinkled on top of the medium to choke them out.

a few will dig past it, even if it doesn't get them it messes the wings up and they spend their lives as crawlers.

The main thing is to not create an inviting environment.

an indoor winter grow is great for avoiding pests. in i summer always expect to deal with something, usually minor.
You all know this thread is almost 5 years old and the OP has not been here since before the pandemic in 2020...

You all know this thread is almost 5 years old and the OP has not been here since before the pandemic in 2020...

lol. it's not the first time. i only scan the last active post for date.
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