Timing the cationic drench

water weighs 8.34 lbs /gallon..its quite heavy


And the soil, plant matter,, it adds up. I'm no young guy anymore..... i drench them good in veg. In flower im just guiding them along the course, watching my environment :)
Getting the cat next,,, mefuckingyow

Wekk 3 4ish

Lemon kush (figures i didn't clone her)
Getting the cat next,,, mefuckingyow

Wekk 3 4ish

Lemon kush (figures i didn't clone her)

Take you a clone now

I take them all the time 3-4 weeks into flower 24/7 till she revegs, will be funky for awhile and grows back bushy

You don't have anything to loose

If you don't have a cloner
One idea
Take one put in a rapid rooter fill a solo with soil place clone on top cover with a ziplock
Keep rooter moist and warm soil is optional I just use it to elevate it to the top of the solo
Half strength Destress (7.5mm per 32oz of H2O) couple times a week they will green right up
Good Luck

Looks sweet
Shiggity, I can't believe I missed this. You guys made this like a quick review of the method, and thank you so much for that, as I just flipped my first today and was sitting here looking at schedules and reviewing my notes when I found this thread. I'll be sure to watch over the shoulders and learn to schedule this properly. I can't give you reps for this today Shiggity, but as soon as the clock swings in my favor I will.

This will make it so much easier for those coming behind us to learn. Serious kuddos Shiggity. :high-five:
Shiggity, I can't believe I missed this. You guys made this like a quick review of the method, and thank you so much for that, as I just flipped my first today and was sitting here looking at schedules and reviewing my notes when I found this thread. I'll be sure to watch over the shoulders and learn to schedule this properly. I can't give you reps for this today Shiggity, but as soon as the clock swings in my favor I will.

This will make it so much easier for those coming behind us to learn. Serious kuddos Shiggity. :high-five:

This thread is teaching us all what all the other Brixers call "bud set", I started it for selfish reasons because I didn't know exactly when that was! I am much more comfortable now choosing a time. It is also fun to see when people change that time a bit!
That's one of the reasons most everyone seems to grow better produce as they progress through a few high brix grows IMO. The kit (and its instructions) are solid enough to allow anyone to grow good herb, but as their respective understanding grows as well (and they realize it's pretty hard to fuck it up) most become less-focused on the process and more focused on the "dance".

This thread is teaching us all what all the other Brixers call "bud set", I started it for selfish reasons because I didn't know exactly when that was! I am much more comfortable now choosing a time. It is also fun to see when people change that time a bit!

Reps+ Shiggs! Great thread
Alright guys, help me figure this out. This is my CBD Critical Cure, 24 days out from flip and three days from her last drench, a TransWater. She'll need drenched in about two days. I'm thinking it should be the CAT. What's the consensus?



I would. :thumb: is my vote.
I say yes. At the point the buds actually start taking some shape is a good indicator. :cool:

Thank you Governmentchz. That's what I was thinking. I'm trying to pay closer attention to them this grow, get a better feel for it. This thread was a great idea.

I had another revelation, or at least I think I did, that I wanted to run by you guys. I was looking at the branches this morning and it suddenly occurred to me that Doc concentrates his growth at the top, getting the best of the colas. That means on this branch


had I followed Doc's recommendation I would have trimmed it up to the point right below the tip of my thumb, where the buds obviously pull further away from the stem.

Am I correct in assuming this?
What am I? Chopped liver? :rofl:
I use the whole plant (i.e. popcorn and larf too), so I worry less about pruning. However, I still always strip the lower 1/3 to push the energy higher into the plant. Fact is, you can still take most of that lower stuff as your buds are still forming. They'll appreciate it if you do.

I use the whole plant (i.e. popcorn and larf too), so I worry less about pruning. However, I still always strip the lower 1/3 to push the energy higher into the plant. Fact is, you can still take most of that lower stuff as your buds are still forming. They'll appreciate it if you do.


Ok, I was wondering about that. I'll do that today and not waste any more time. I use the whole plant too, but popcorn frustrates me. I like big, dense buds like this system was designed to grow. That Carnival I grew in this soil spoiled me rotten. :laughtwo:
Pruning also has to do with effective canopy depth. Indoors, we only really have a foot or two of growing zone - any closer and the plants get overloaded with light, any deeper and there isn't enough. If your lights are closer than average, you'll have a shallower canopy. If they're farther away, the canopy will be deeper. I found that my lower popcorn is much better with 1000 watts of light vs 600. The canopy is 4-6 inches deeper.

So, you want to trim off the lower growth that light won't get to. If the plant stretches a foot after the flip, you may get very little produce from the foot of foliage that you leave on the plant after a trim - maybe 6 inches will be worth harvesting. If it stretches 2 feet, everything left on the plant at flip will be wispy and useless. It's only useful for fueling the stretch.

[Edit] Light spacing and canopy depth are counter-intuitive. If you have a foot of headroom, then another foot of canopy is twice as far from the light, which is about 1/3 strength. If you have 2 feet of headroom, you get 2 feet of canopy before the intensity fades to 1/3. Deeper canopy = more light and more headroom.
Pruning also has to do with effective canopy depth. Indoors, we only really have a foot or two of growing zone - any closer and the plants get overloaded with light, any deeper and there isn't enough. If your lights are closer than average, you'll have a shallower canopy. If they're farther away, the canopy will be deeper. I found that my lower popcorn is much better with 1000 watts of light vs 600. The canopy is 4-6 inches deeper.

So, you want to trim off the lower growth that light won't get to. If the plant stretches a foot after the flip, you may get very little produce from the foot of foliage that you leave on the plant after a trim - maybe 6 inches will be worth harvesting. If it stretches 2 feet, everything left on the plant at flip will be wispy and useless. It's only useful for fueling the stretch.

Here's what I did. I figured anything that was looking stretchy I didn't want with this one. So I trimmed her up nice and clean.


That left colas from 12-14" each. I think this was a good move on my part.


Then I opened her up so the light can get to the surface.


I feel like I made a giant step in understanding today guys. :slide: Thank you so much for the advice. Graytail, good points about the canopy depth. I didn't even think about that while I was trimming, I was just acting on instinct. After I read that I went back over to the tent to measure the length of the colas. Whew!!! :laughtwo:
What am I? Chopped liver? :rofl:

:laughtwo: The posts were flying and I completely missed yours Major. The funny thing is, I saw Gov's post and my first thought was "How did he beat Major?" Lol,

Thank you so much. She'll get her first CAT sometime this week. So exciting!!!

Thank you too Ziggy. I like having this little spot to check up on the drenches. Another couple plants and I'll be more confident with knowing that moment.
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