Timing the cationic drench

I'm confident it refers mostly to bud size. i.e. you want there to be a visible bud and not just a little bud-let so to speak. If not sure, I'd wait until what would be considered the back end of the CAT window. You just want to make sure there is good, noticeable bud formation before applying cationic drench.

Ok I will wait the recommended time everyone suggested.
Good thing this thread is active. I was getting ready to do the First CD and would of
certainly hit mine if they looked like this.

I will need to wait longer than I expected, Thanks for the pictures it gives
me a better understanding of what I am looking for.

i'd be just about on the 2nd CAT by now...lol
I'm going to hit mine at day 30 per what I was told to wait until at day 21. Pictures are on page 24. Should I change that based today's pictures?

I would hit them now if they are thirsty but I don't think waiting would hurt either
The cat drenches are back to back aren't they? No water in between

:cheesygrinsmiley:I can answer! Yep Hey Nismo, you answered about 1 second before me! Still feels good to get it right!
I have decided to time my CAT Drenches using the END OF STRETCH as my TIMING KEY.

Mostly because I can see the END of this STAGE clearly and won't have to guess.

Pictures below are during tonight's First CAT, 8 days after END OF STRETCH

Seems easier to time, If I give the RECHARGE / EWC top dressing as soon as I
notice the stretch has stopped, I can use that as my starting point to bracket this in.
Adjust the timing of the 2 CAT drenches depending on the amount of RO Water I use,
I can adjust the for 1 or more weeks after END OF STRETCH and see what works best

I think I can really time this better using the stretch as a starting point.

mb X gg (sureman freebees) both hermied at main stem pre-flowers. Just at the main stem mostly! Chopped at 10 weeks. Flowers taste like gg- earthy. Olive oil extract has peppery taste. I won't ride, 1hr after 1-2 ml, a rubbery relaxation! Others who only smoke hi THC seem to like it, for taste mostly? they say! I like it!:cco::joint:

Hey Nismo and everybody, I need to report on the magic Bullet X Gorilla Glue freebee from Sureman that Nismo asked about. The plant did hermie 1st grow along the main stem nodes only. The clone grew outdoor had no hermies anywhere! Strange plant. I just need to mention it seems to be the jar I reach for to smoke, and the olive oil extract seems to be highly medicinal for fybro mialgia,stress etc. Pepper and dank. I am glad I bred it to a few females and will grow it again. Mostly body with a weird head sensation that I think is GG thc being subdued by MB cbd? I may have the original tested and report back. I like it!:420:Happy chopping and Sunday all
Hey 420 people !

My first post here on 420 mag but a long time lurker and reader.

I am putting together my own Cationic drench using; Fish hydrolysate, Ammonium Phosphate and Ammonium Sulfate. (Is this the complete list of ingredients for a Cationic drench?)

BUT, I don´t want to experiment too wildly with the concentration and the balance between the ingredients in the ready mixed Cat drench, and I want to start somewhere in the ballpark so I don´t either burn the plants or get zero to too little effect from the drench.

How much of each ingredient would you add to say, 1 liter of water or 1 gallon of water, to make a potent Cat drench without it being too concentrated?
Does the mixture require aeration or some type of activator or catalyst?

The reason for me making my own and not ordering straight from Doc Bud is that I cannot risk it with importing liquids or powders to my country (I don´t want nor need the attention from customs).

Also I can source the raw materials locally.

I am also wondering about the "Growth Energy".

I have found Calcium Nitrate (Ca(NO3)2) sold in powder form by the bag, this is what it contains:
Nitrogen: 15.5 %
Nitrate 14.4 %
Ammonia 1.1 %
Calcium: 18.8 %

They advertise it as "Almost pure Nitrate".
How much of the powder would be sufficient to add to 1 liter or 1 gallon to make a potent growth energy drench?

(I might add algae lime made from Lithothamnium Calcereum algae. (red Algae) containing 32 micronutrients almost every trace element, 75% Calcium Carbonate, 7 % Magnesium Carbonate amino purines and amino acids.)

Thank you!
You're going to have to get Doc's attention for this one. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Give it a few days, and if he doesn't respond here, we'll give him a shout.

Nice to see another one try the freelance high brix route!
Most likely I will need the Doc, yes! Has anyone on here tried to make their own Cat drench?

I hope I am not being rude by asking this, maybe the recipe is a secret? Either way I will experiment and hopefully achieve positive results!
Again,I only need ballpark figures and then I can take it from there myself.

Thanks for you´re reply Graytail! That sounds good!
Cheers brother I am new to high brix growing, but I always look for the most local sources of amendments in their rawest form.

I have made my own brix foliar spray already with great results, using; Kelp, Red Algae (Lithothamnium Calcereum), Limestone, Fish hydrolysate, calcium phosphate, phosphoric acid, dextrose and aloe vera.

I also made my own mixture of Calcium Carbonate from three different sources; Limestone, Seashells and Algae lime (Red Algae)
I am on the fourth run in the same super soil that was not mineralised properly from the start (but healthy and diverse),
and I have only sprinkled the mixture like a topdressing in the soil prior to this fourth run after learning about feeding microbes minerals instead of sugars.
Plus watered it in the soil mixed with cold pressed seaweed extract and Aloe Vera.

I am seeing instant results and signs of high brix within the plants but I have no refractometer yet.
My leaves are a deep healthy green, My HUGE spider mite problem is non existent all of a sudden (with zero use of pest control) Petioles are neon green only slightly purple on a few.
Leaves look leathery and about twice as thick as I have ever grown before.

Love it.
Most likely I will need the Doc, yes! Has anyone on here tried to make their own Cat drench?

I hope I am not being rude by asking this, maybe the recipe is a secret? Either way I will experiment and hopefully achieve positive results!
Again,I only need ballpark figures and then I can take it from there myself.

Thanks for you´re reply Graytail! That sounds good!
Cheers brother I am new to high brix growing, but I always look for the most local sources of amendments in their rawest form.

I have made my own brix foliar spray already with great results, using; Kelp, Red Algae (Lithothamnium Calcereum), Limestone, Fish hydrolysate, calcium phosphate, phosphoric acid, dextrose and aloe vera.

I also made my own mixture of Calcium Carbonate from three different sources; Limestone, Seashells and Algae lime (Red Algae)
I am on the fourth run in the same super soil that was not mineralised properly from the start (but healthy and diverse),
and I have only sprinkled the mixture like a topdressing in the soil prior to this fourth run after learning about feeding microbes minerals instead of sugars.
Plus watered it in the soil mixed with cold pressed seaweed extract and Aloe Vera.

I am seeing instant results and signs of high brix within the plants but I have no refractometer yet.
My leaves are a deep healthy green, My HUGE spider mite problem is non existent all of a sudden (with zero use of pest control) Petioles are neon green only slightly purple on a few.
Leaves look leathery and about twice as thick as I have ever grown before.

Love it.

Welcome MedicalMan!!

I never tried to make my own Cat Drench but have played and learned a lot with the kit ingredients.

Good luck and have fun!!

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