Hey Deege, sorry for the OH SO LATE response!!! I'll Your first question from the other day, I not believe that Transplanting would be a good idea at this point given the dimensions of said Plant, and the fact You might injure the roots because of how large it is already, 35 Gallons is Plenty of Room, as long as you Water Quite regularly, and Feed, plus it is about Bloom Time, and You do not want to F up Your Root Zone right before Flowering. As to Your other Questions, Today's, I WILL NOT TOP, DEFOLIATE, Remove Branches, or anything else that messes with the Plants ability to up take Sun, Water and Nutrients, plus cause un-needed damage. Leaves act as Solar Receptors, Filters for the Nutrients and an Emergency water Supply!!! As far as removing lower Branches, No as well, for the same reasons. The only reason, IMO, that a bud looks bigger when leaves are removed, is because since the leaf is no longer there to compare the Bud Too, the Bud automatically looks Bigger, but that leaf was providing nutrients to the whole plant, and eventually, as you can see Deege, the Plants remove their own leaves when they no longer need them, they Yellow and wither, or just yellow, or just wither, that is the only time I will remove them!!!
The Plant, It will Police It's Self, You Do Not Have Too!!! Especially Outdoors, and I grew My Indoors this way as well, only difference was that indoors, I would take the Plant in Parts, allowing the underneath Buds the oppurtunity to get more Direct Light from My HPS, and get Bigger because I could control the light as they were inside and the main Kolas were gone, and all the energy could go to the New, Formerly Lower Tops, because light indoors is so much weaker, but I would never take anything off Leaf or branch wise, unless the Plant said it was time!!! Outdoors, I am the same way with branches, if it starts to wither, and I give it a gentle tug, and it comes practically right off, then it was a dead or dying Branch, and time to Go!!! If I give it a gentle tug, and it does not come off straight away, I will wait and see what happens, sometimes they come back all healthy, others, they just die and virtually fall off in Your hand after gently tugging/pulling, this causes NO harm to your Plants, as it was gonna die anyways, so may as well remove it now!!!
Hey all, sorry for my Drunken Ramblings last night, I was quite drunk, and feel I embarrassed myself, last time I
post Drunk, I think!!! Thank You for all the well wishes, and it feels strange, not to be under the thumb anymore???
I'll get used to it though, I always have(HAVING MY OWN FREEDOM!), and Queen, I do not know about Art,but it certainly makes for some interesting reading(WHAT I SPELLED RIGHT ANYWAYS!). And Yes, it actually takes several weeks to get the Harvest in, one ripe section of Garden at a time!!! I do not let, or have Plants that ripen all at the same time, for this very reason, I could not possibly get it all in, one section at a time, and we are still Swamped, even with only 25MMJ Plants, separated by time of Harvest!!! Y sleeping NOW, Thank God!!! I came home, to basically what I left, a Woman in perpetual Child Birth. Man I hurt for Her, if I could make her pain go away, by giving it to Me, I would in a Heartbeat, She has suffered too long!!! Got sick at about 4am, and Puked Tequila, Beer, Nachos, Burritos, Tacos and whatever else I do not remember eating!!!:surrender:Last time I EVER do that, mix alcohol, at least not to over indulgence!!! No One can ever make Me Drink like that again!!! FC, I LOVE YOU MAN!!!
And Belushi ruled too as does Fried Squirrel!!! Well all, I think it is time for a FIRST TOKE SESSION!!! I am either gonna start with Orange Krush, or Kush(MY KUSH), I'll wait on the Hash and other Strains for later!!! I am gonna read and right some People on other Threads back, then I'll be back here in One Hour to Start, it is 13:05 Hours, oh yeah 1:05pm now, I'll be back at 2:05pm maybe earlier, I do not know how much I have to read and write, SO IF YOU CARE TO JOIN ME!!!
THAT WOULD BE GRAND!!! Thanks All, still have not won POTM yet, so no more premature Victory Celebrations!!! A lot can happen in 12 hours!!! But it would be cool!!!
Take Care Friends, Hope To Hear Ya Soon!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.