This Year's Outdoor 2012 Garden Diary - By JTG & My Wife

They are not competitors,just jealous Neighbors!!! He Knows everything that goes on Here, PERIOD. I stay legal and do 25 only, except some for SEED!!! They Grow many more, My 25, is equal to almost their whole garden, in a Space only 25 could fit into(MY WAY OF GROWING), if I had the amount of space they had, I would be using 300 gallon Squats, then we would SEE even bigger Plants I believe. Thanks for the Advice Buckshot!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:

Well ... I thought you may be able to loosen him up a bit, oh well. 25 giants man that would be sweet. Our laws are too strict... only 6 flowering plants, indoor only. If I have a problem like a hermie, male or disease I am screwed because I can not stock up either when the harvest is good. It is foolish
brother man, any pics of your garden keeps me in aw and I know you dont have time to do a close up on all! so your judgement on what you feature is good enough for me! grats on getting rid of the red phone.
welcome to the drab everyday life that most of us have lived everyday:)
also I know in my heart that Y will be better soon.hopefully its just the uphill part on the roller coaster of life.
OK no more cheesy anolagies(if it aint spelled proper hope you can work its phonics):circle-of-love:
Yeah I used to think my lil 3 footers were pretty boss. Then I met James and I realized I was still playing teeball level baseball, trying to be in the majors.

Now those 3 footers are 4 footers but James probably has 40 footers lol.
OK SB HOG X ORANGE KRUSH it will be. Biggest plants for Girth. My tallest Mazari Shareef is already about 15ft Tall, and really starting to Bush Up as well!!!:high-five: I think it may become the largest Plant in the Whole garden, in every way, if it keeps Bushing Up like it is, I am amazed by Her!!! I will Post some Pictures of her as well, for all's enjoyment!!! I have a few other ideas as well, like the Sativa Survivors, and how big and weird they are growing, they are getting awful tall as well,Bushing Up as well, there are like 6-7 plants in a 15 or 25 gallon container(WAS NOT IMPORTANT SO DID NOT REMEMBER, THEY WERE ALL GONNA GET CHOPPED AT ONE POINT!!!), Glad I did not, that way I can see if I actually got real DA-Purps SEEDS, do not believe so, way to Sativaish, but hey, maybe it's a weird Pheno, and it really is some, that would be weird??? Stem Pictures to, I think. But if Y is worse again, I cannot promise anything, as She comes first and Foremost, SORRY, 18 Years and all that. Our Anniversary is August 24th, gotta do something special, problem is Plants will be in Full Flower, and we cannot leave during this time. Saw a Mountain Lion this AM!!! It was about a 200 Pounder, HUGE, and I had no Rifle, or Pistol On Me for that matter,for some unknown reason. I usually have at least One on Me at all times because of things like that!!! Not for garden Protection really, at least not at 7am. I gotta remember, I am in the Woods, just like Iraq, You never know when some shit is gonna come Blowing Through!!! Won't make that mistake again!!! The one time I am not Legally armed, I see a Mountain Lion!!! My wacky Neighbors German Shepherd treed it, and got the shit scratched and bit out of him, before he treed It!!! Lucky Dog. Take Care Friends, anything on your Minds, just write, I will try and answer back ASAP. 6 days with mostly NO SLEEP!!! Starting to get used to it I think, just like in Combat, but still Physically And Mentally, Spiritually Exhausted. But think I got an unwanted Second Wind!!! Take care friends. Write Back with some more ideas!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
sorry boss but give up hope is not my bag, and I'am more then sure its not yours:circle-of-love:
Oh Jimmy, stop it, You Humble Me!!!:thanks: Your Shit don't look to bad either Bro!!! We maximize what we can Maximize, I just live where I can Really Maximize is all. Glad I live where I can, and Know how to Maximize. You can have all the Room, Sun, Nutes and Desire, but if You do not Know how to put these all together, You end up with Sub-Par Plants. You Know The Definition Of Insanity Right??? It is doing the same thing, the same, over and over again, and expecting different results!!! That is how a lot of people grow their herb, even when You tell them what they are doing wrong, they keep expecting a better result?!? My land lord is like that!!! And the new Guy that lives here. He has Nice Plants, just not SUPER PLANTS, because He is to stubborn to listen to a Hick Like Me, and would rather go see what, YOU PICK THE AUTHOR,has to say about it. I finally told, WELL THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING, you judge!!! I think that pissed Him Off, but right now, I really do not give a Go ahead and read your books, they will only take you so far,besides I think the Authors withhold a lot of info, so "they" always have the nicest Plants. I figured that out at 16!!! Take care Friend Jimmy. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
FC, please explain what You are saying, I am not catching it. Did I give up Hope??? Show me where, and if it is about Y as well, so exhausted, i do not Know what you are referring too??? Hope I do not sound STUPID, if I wrote that, maybe I worded it wrong?!? Take Care FC, answer back please!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
FC, please explain what You are saying, I am not catching it. Did I give up Hope??? Show me where, and if it is about Y as well, so exhausted, i do not Know what you are referring too??? Hope I do not sound STUPID, if I wrote that, maybe I worded it wrong?!? Take Care FC, answer back please!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
just saying that I'am not giving up on the good vibes for Y and hope that you will not either:Namaste:
Congratuations for making it to the home stretch. Only 3 days to go! Good for you. I hope you have fun at your going away party.

That purple strain you have is amazing. I have never had a bud that had such colors so early in flower. My overnight temps are 75 degrees at the lowest. I wonder if that is too warm to get some really nice colors like you have.

Hope Y gets better. You never give up. You never will. That is not in your make up.
She really is a Pretty Strain to grow,Especially in Flower. It gets down into the 40's, even during the Summer here sometimes!!!:thedoubletake: But that is not why She turned Purple, it is the Strain!!! Maybe You Should Try Her Out??? Pretty easy to Grow!!! Take Care Friend CF!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
I had no Rifle, or Pistol On Me for that matter,for some unknown reason. I usually have at least One on Me at all times because of things like that!!! Not for garden Protection really, at least not at 7am. I gotta remember, I am in the Woods, just like Iraq, You never know when some shit is gonna come Blowing Through!!! Won't make that mistake again!!! The one time I am not Legally armed, I see a Mountain Lion!!! is what I live by on that, and other matters...

1=0 You might as well have nothing if you only have one. Failures happen. Murphy is always with us.
2=1 Because of the above rule, having two means I have one.
3=2 .....

Need I say more?

:Namaste: is what I live by on that, and other matters...

1=0 You might as well have nothing if you only have one. Failures happen. Murphy is always with us.
2=1 Because of the above rule, having two means I have one.
3=2 .....

Need I say more?


So what you are saying is my 12 gauge aint enough to protect my plants in the burbs and I gotta start walking around town with a 9 mill on my hip plus a samurai sword on my back?

... off the the store then.


Now well see just how much they want my Chem D!
So what you are saying is my 12 gauge aint enough to protect my plants in the burbs and I gotta start walking around town with a 9 mill on my hip plus a samurai sword on my back?

... off the the store then.

Don't forget the stun guns and the tazers!! A good AK or M14! Throwing stars are bad because they could lop off a few buds! The Samarai Sword could chop a whole plant. The shot gun would do the same! The purpose of the Weed Samarai is to protect the plants at all costs! LoL!

Great Photo! You posted it while I posted this message! Ha!! That is one cool weed fighting outfit!!
I live in the mountains too. Mountain lions, packs of coyotes, rattle snakes, illegal aliens, etc. Nearest help is 10 miles minimum on twisty roads. I would rather have it and not need it than the other way around.

And please don't start on the alien comment. Unless you live immersed in the problem, you have no idea.
Oh Yes I do!!!Half My Family is Illegals, or were,LOL!!!:high-five: Love Christmas time, the best Mexican Food!!! Tamales, Chicken Mole, I could go on and on, but won't!!! You need a Legal Firearm, I would Recommend an M-4 an M-14 or an AK-74(NOT AK-47) the AK-74 is what the Russians replaced the AK-47 with, I have one. More Accurate, and shoots a round the Afghans call the POISON BULLET, cause no matter where it hits you, Your Probably gonna at least lose a limb or DIE!!! A lot like the 5.56 round of our M-4-,M-16. It fires a 5.45 round, I am pretty sure. Nasty if you get hit with one, just like our 5.56 from the M-4,M-16!!! I have full body armor too, but I do not believe you need that!!!:high-five: Take Care Heirloom!!! And Yes, all my stuff is fully Legal!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
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