Yes. Using different meters similar to this in industry helped me to remember to use peripheral vision. It's a learned thing. I used to go into chambers with huge generator rotors spinning sometimes at 3960 rpm's and touch a wooden stick to the journal bearing to measure vibration to balance them. A hand held vibrometer was the tool held on the stick to read the width of a beam of light. Walking in there was a trip! Like going into the biggest storm you can imagine! My vision and BP was affected and time in had to be short! Lots of air and vibrations going on! Very cool! Glad to not do that any more!
It is not I promise.
I'd call it a fuzzy 17 . The fuzz is killing you. If we had a progressively fuzzier set of pics it may put you on it better. It's kind of like figuring a math problem. We have to have a base of understanding. 16 to 18 would be the zone I'd accept because people's eyes are a little different. It's interpretation.