Thirvnrob's First Grow In New Grow Room

I’ve been trying to get a grasp on VPD lately, thus the purchase of the humidifier. Un-checked, the humidity may be as high as 80% in the growth atmosphere, but I’ve gotten it down to 48% with the dehumidifier in play. I had been using the A/C unit to control the humidity but that kept it too cold for the girl’s comfort. So now I’m creeping the ambient temperature up by a couple degrees each day so as not to shock them. My plan is to keep the ambient to about 78f during the day & 68f at night so I’m working on keeping them in the VPD sweet spot. There will be a learning curve but I’m studying on it…
That said, I’d like to invite comment from @Emilya & from @DonkeyDick . EmilYa because she stated recently that her flower room is not humidity controlled, but the results of her current grow can’t be denied. DonkeyDick because I’ve heard you’re a VPD guru…
I’ve been trying to get a grasp on VPD lately, thus the purchase of the humidifier. Un-checked, the humidity may be as high as 80% in the growth atmosphere, but I’ve gotten it down to 48% with the dehumidifier in play. I had been using the A/C unit to control the humidity but that kept it too cold for the girl’s comfort. So now I’m creeping the ambient temperature up by a couple degrees each day so as not to shock them. My plan is to keep the ambient to about 78f during the day & 68f at night so I’m working on keeping them in the VPD sweet spot. There will be a learning curve but I’m studying on it…
That said, I’d like to invite comment from @Emilya & from @DonkeyDick . EmilYa because she stated recently that her flower room is not humidity controlled, but the results of her current grow can’t be denied. DonkeyDick because I’ve heard you’re a VPD guru…
Once donkey dick replys click on the vpd in his signature , I refer to it frequently and do quick silent reads
I’ve been trying to get a grasp on VPD lately, thus the purchase of the humidifier. Un-checked, the humidity may be as high as 80% in the growth atmosphere, but I’ve gotten it down to 48% with the dehumidifier in play. I had been using the A/C unit to control the humidity but that kept it too cold for the girl’s comfort. So now I’m creeping the ambient temperature up by a couple degrees each day so as not to shock them. My plan is to keep the ambient to about 78f during the day & 68f at night so I’m working on keeping them in the VPD sweet spot. There will be a learning curve but I’m studying on it…
That said, I’d like to invite comment from @Emilya & from @DonkeyDick . EmilYa because she stated recently that her flower room is not humidity controlled, but the results of her current grow can’t be denied. DonkeyDick because I’ve heard you’re a VPD guru…
I have always just tried to rely on a good air exchange rate in my gardens, and I like to whip up the air with big fans so much that it causes a bit of leaf damage. I try to keep it comfortable in the grow rooms, but sometimes that just isnt possible, like during mid summer under a metal roof in an attic grow room... even with lots of fan action it was everything I could do to keep the temps under 100 degrees some days. Humidity in Missouri is legendary, but I do keep the house as close to 72 as I can and that cuts down on some of the RH, but other than all that, I never have done anything special to keep in a certain VPD. As you mentioned, my results can't be denied, but then again I can't deny that they might have been even better if I had been better able to keep the conditions in line. For me as an economist it always comes down to a cost/benefit analysis. Yes I could have installed a window air conditioner up there and ran it full time during these hot months. Would adding those hundreds of dollars of extra cost to my grow have been worth it? Would I have grown enough extra pot to justify those costs? Somehow, I don't think so.
I have always just tried to rely on a good air exchange rate in my gardens, and I like to whip up the air with big fans so much that it causes a bit of leaf damage. I try to keep it comfortable in the grow rooms, but sometimes that just isnt possible, like during mid summer under a metal roof in an attic grow room... even with lots of fan action it was everything I could do to keep the temps under 100 degrees some days. Humidity in Missouri is legendary, but I do keep the house as close to 72 as I can and that cuts down on some of the RH, but other than all that, I never have done anything special to keep in a certain VPD. As you mentioned, my results can't be denied, but then again I can't deny that they might have been even better if I had been better able to keep the conditions in line. For me as an economist it always comes down to a cost/benefit analysis. Yes I could have installed a window air conditioner up there and ran it full time during these hot months. Would adding those hundreds of dollars of extra cost to my grow have been worth it? Would I have grown enough extra pot to justify those costs? Somehow, I don't think so.
Thanks so much for the response - I know you’re a busy human. I have to say I believe my girls are happier with less humidity in the room. Of course I’ll post my thoughts on whether I think it made a difference once the final curtain is drawn. For reference, I paid 180.00 for the dehumidifier. Time will tell the expense of operating it. I think it’ll be a wash since the A/C won’t be working as hard. Also, I’m so much more comfortable with the humidity lowered I have to assume the girls are breathing easier too…
DonkeyDick because I’ve heard you’re a VPD guru…
Rumours of my dearth have been exaggerated :p
Thanks for the shout out. Like HF said the VPD link below takes you to Archie’s thoughtful exposition on the subject.

Before joining :420: I had three small plants under 400W of HPS in a tent and no clue why they wouldn’t grow. Leaves like leather the poor things. As soon as I read what Archie had to say I started to try to keep conditions in the zone and hey presto!
I don’t have a handle on your particular issue there - I’ll catch up as I can. Thanks for the invitation.
Thanks DD! I’ve paid attention to ambient temp & humidity before, but since I couldn’t control it I worried myself sick over it. Thing is, I still grew good quality weed.Now I have several girls in early flower, one hallway there & one about to finish. Only the one closest to the finish line is in the BPD sweet spot. My impression at the moment is that being in or near the sweet spot is optimum, but if not they’ll still grow & thank me at the end for the effort…
Adding the dehumidifier was a good move, but cerebral flatulence occurred. I went into the grow room before the lights came on & the light from said appliance was casting an impressive reflection on the wall. This was after the 2nd night in operation & I feel fortunate to have discovered it. So in an effort to improve their environment I created a disturbance by interrupting their sleep. Lesson learned. The solution was simple…
Good catch on the light and covering it up. I definitely agree it is a spectrum. The more dialed in you are the better, being close is better than way off. I've even seen discussions regarding specific strain preferences. I really usually only grow a strain once or twice through so at that point its just trying to read the plant and not based on any historical comparison. Happy Saturday!
How rude of me. I haven’t introduced y’all to the bubble gum sisters…
The word that comes to mind when I look at them is cute. They’re like little ladies - non identical, but twins. They showed up on the same day, took the same amount of time to transition & are close to the same height but #2 has out stretched # 1 buy a few inches, but only one cola is showing off. The rest of their canopy is pretty even. They’ve been on a three day wet/dry cycle. I gave them the day off yesterday so they could drain their pots. Last watering they each took a gallon with almost 2 cups of runoff. Today they took a gallon with very little runoff, not enough to measure. I did a slight defoliation today, just to improve air flow & light penetration. Day 9 of flower…
The Sour Diesel is dropping her bottom fan leaves but no change in the trichs from two days ago. I smoked what I clipped off & it had a pleasant effect but she’s not ready just yet. Close, but not yet…
Adding the dehumidifier was a good move, but cerebral flatulence occurred. I went into the grow room before the lights came on & the light from said appliance was casting an impressive reflection on the wall. This was after the 2nd night in operation & I feel fortunate to have discovered it. So in an effort to improve their environment I created a disturbance by interrupting their sleep. Lesson learned. The solution was simple…
Good catch
Here’s the Durban Poison. I stated earlier this was my favorite plant to grow. What I intended to say it’s my favorite strain to grow. It’s a very hardy strain. My last Durban got dropped from almost 4’ when I was placing her on my work station at the time. I really thought she was toast as the bag she was in had a Velcro strip burst open & looking at that broken root ball was devastating but I put it back together as best as I could. Next day she was reaching for the light, leaves pointing up & never showed any signs of shock or even mild distress. I got 255g of very good product from her & a sister. We just finished consuming it.
This is one of two that got beaten up when I fell into the tent. One of the main colas was broken completely off & the other one was broken but still intact. I managed to shore it up with a drinking straw, twine & duct tape. Anyway, that’s why she has the strange shape. She took a gallon of water yesterday & she wanted more, but it was bedtime for her. The ties are just to keep her colas separated a little bit. Looking forward to smoking more of this…
Thanks DD! I’ve paid attention to ambient temp & humidity before, but since I couldn’t control it I worried myself sick over it. Thing is, I still grew good quality weed.Now I have several girls in early flower, one hallway there & one about to finish. Only the one closest to the finish line is in the BPD sweet spot. My impression at the moment is that being in or near the sweet spot is optimum, but if not they’ll still grow & thank me at the end for the effort…
Note to self: Wear glasses while journaling & proof before posting…

Halfway, not hallway
I’m not very far along in understanding the technical or scientific side of things related to our collective endeavors. I have more to learn than I have to share. So it humbles me to offer indisputable validation on something @Emilya posted. I’ve looked for the thread - I wanted to show photographic evidence there, but I can’t find it so I’ll post it here. The post had to do with men using duct tape to solve a multitude of problems in & out of the grow room. Look beside the Tiger Bloom…
I’m not very far along in understanding the technical or scientific side of things related to our collective endeavors. I have more to learn than I have to share. So it humbles me to offer indisputable validation on something @Emilya posted. I’ve looked for the thread - I wanted to show photographic evidence there, but I can’t find it so I’ll post it here. The post had to do with men using duct tape to solve a multitude of problems in & out of the grow room. Look beside the Tiger Bloom…
:rofl: It's true.

I’m not very far along in understanding the technical or scientific side of things related to our collective endeavors. I have more to learn than I have to share. So it humbles me to offer indisputable validation on something @Emilya posted. I’ve looked for the thread - I wanted to show photographic evidence there, but I can’t find it so I’ll post it here. The post had to do with men using duct tape to solve a multitude of problems in & out of the grow room. Look beside the Tiger Bloom…
With some wd40 and a hammer, you will be ready for anything! If it moves you duct-tape it. If it squeaks you WD40 it. If it's stuck you hit it with a hammer. ---Frank Reagan, Blue Bloods
With some wd40 and a hammer, you will be ready for anything! If it moves you duct-tape it. If it squeaks you WD40 it. If it's stuck you hit it with a hammer. ---Frank Reagan, Blue Bloods
:rofl: nice
If it moves and it shouldn’t, hit it with a hammer til it stops. If it doesn’t move and it should, hit it with a hammer til it comes right. —-DonkeyDick, 420 Magazine
Mallet, mallet, mallet. —-Angry Beavers, Nickelodeon
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