Third Set to be Planted - BlackJack Seeds

10th day into grow. BlackJack
When I transplanted mine I forgot to water her before hand so when I turned her upside down to put her in the bigger pot all the dirt fell off her roots and they were exposed. I got her it the new pot as quick as I could and got her covered up but the repot is aweful so as soon as she re-coops from my abuse I am going to have to do it again but I will make sure I remember to get her wet first but she is still growing and striving. They are both going to be big and strong...:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:
if something happens to her. i have another for you.

Im going to clone this one few times to make more. some reason i cant get these auto seeds sprouting. i got like the 3rd set in water now.
first few seeds just would not grow. not sure if there old or what. i been using the water off the A/C unit and Ph is good. but no sprout yet on them. doing same thing as always, but something wrong with the my system with them. first one sprouted and i put in dirt few days and then light fell on them. killed both plants. broke them in half. i could have save one but i went head and pulled it. and started new seed on the BJack.
Black rose seeds are the pain atm. not figured out whats the deal with them. if not just going to plant reg seeds of it. and clone them too.. whos knows. but Bjack is going to be the main one. . i still have the Wild Ti going to seed it in few weeks. try to space them out some. I dont have the room to do to many. so i have to space them so i can keep some here at all times.
i might try to use the hyrdo unit some and see if i can get one started in it. with the trio you turned me on to should be great for it.
When I transplanted mine I forgot to water her before hand so when I turned her upside down to put her in the bigger pot all the dirt fell off her roots and they were exposed. I got her it the new pot as quick as I could and got her covered up but the repot is aweful so as soon as she re-coops from my abuse I am going to have to do it again but I will make sure I remember to get her wet first but she is still growing and striving. They are both going to be big and strong...:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:

if something happens to her. i have another for you.

Im going to clone this one few times to make more. some reason i cant get these auto seeds sprouting. i got like the 3rd set in water now.
first few seeds just would not grow. not sure if there old or what. i been using the water off the A/C unit and Ph is good. but no sprout yet on them. doing same thing as always, but something wrong with the my system with them. first one sprouted and i put in dirt few days and then light fell on them. killed both plants. broke them in half. i could have save one but i went head and pulled it. and started new seed on the BJack.
Black rose seeds are the pain atm. not figured out whats the deal with them. if not just going to plant reg seeds of it. and clone them too.. whos knows. but Bjack is going to be the main one. . i still have the Wild Ti going to seed it in few weeks. try to space them out some. I dont have the room to do to many. so i have to space them so i can keep some here at all times.
i might try to use the hyrdo unit some and see if i can get one started in it. with the trio you turned me on to should be great for it.

Some how we always seem to keep these plant going!! Glad you recovered that transplant Dennise!

I'm like you Greyhawk - I don't have a lot of grow room. I'm a little worried about actually buying seeds and then doing something to kill them! Your sprouts always look healthy to me Greyhawk - I have no experience to help out much, but maybe the watering is the key. (??)

Good grow luck to you both!
I still couldn't get the black rose started. I tried two more seeds other day with afgan and white widow auto seeds and they popped today. so I don't know what deal is with black rose. oh well. going to send them with a friend see if she can get them going.
When I germinate seeds I use a matchbox lined with about 320 sandpaper to shake the seeds in for a minute, it scrapes the sides of the seeds to aid in moisture penetrating the seeds shell.



After having germination issue with Jiffy peat moss pucks and soil I switched to Rapid Rooters and have had much higher germination rates. Rapid Rooters seem to provide the seed with the perfect amount of air and moisture. I soak my seeds in pH adjusted water for 30-36 hours or until i see tap roots. I cut the Rapid Rooter mat into individual squares then I soak the Rapid Rooter squares in pH adjusted water for 15 minutes before use. Then I place the seeds tap root down into the Rapid Rooter square then place them underneath a light with 18/6 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. I do not use a humidity dome. I hand water with a syringe each day to keep the Rapid Rooter square moist. when I see roots emerge from the Rapid Rooter square I transplant to 5" pots in a mixture of peat moss, perlite, vermiculite and mycorrhizae. Rapid Rooter gh rapid rooter mat 98
king, yeah I did that before but I take sandpaper roll it up and put seed and shake it.

I tried everything on BR seeds. their just no good. I guess.

I got white widow auto going now. so no biggy.
:passitleft: High Hawk... If ya need me to I will come get the SBR and get them popped for ya and bring them home to ya.... I don't remember them being a problem but that doesn't mean I didn't have a problem it just means I don't remember but I think I could get em' to pop for ya.... I will post up some current pics of my Black Jack in a bit so pop over and check her out......:circle-of-love:
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