Third LED Closet Grow - Mars Hydro 1000W - 750W

Thanks, :tokin:

That's good yield for an auto, did you smoke/taste it?

Yes I did :lot-o-toke: the pheno he had leaned more towards the blueberry, it was very sweet and fruity with undertones of musky peppery hash very tasty. I saw the plant aswell it stayed quite stout from what I can remember :)
Yea you are definitely taken it up a level!!! Nice mix of autos and photos. This is gonna be good!!! Im gonna steal your idea in how you wrap your rope around your smart pots so you can use it as a anchor for your rope stress training your plants. I use to use pins but they would loosen up over time. Great idea!!!
Planted 2 more :cheertwo:, others wait till roots are 0.5-1cm


Time for a smoke, :rollit:

Yea you are definitely taken it up a level!!! Nice mix of autos and photos. This is gonna be good!!! Im gonna steal your idea in how you wrap your rope around your smart pots so you can use it as a anchor for your rope stress training your plants. I use to use pins but they would loosen up over time. Great idea!!!

1 level up :high-five:

Im better prepared this round what to do with these autoflowers. ;)

Learned from previous mistakes auto's :)

The photo's plants do great.

Rope around as anchor is easy,fast way to train them, do this with all my plants. :thumb:
:rofl: done that before. At mo im having trouble in a slightly different way. Ive got my Pineapples mixed up, there all within 3-4 days of each other but ive lost track whos what, wether they been in 48 days or 44. I think I got it right though.......... Stoners eh

Herb :yummy:
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