The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Don't think we've seen that pheno yet Ice!
It’s crazy seeing these different ways this plant is growing. Wonder what’s going on with these Brooklyn. I can’t wait. To see the end results
@Pennywise @Kingjoe83 and anyone else with a quantum board light. So I’m having a issue. Not really but I just need information. So this new. 320w qb xl hasn’t bin par tested. They suggest 24 inches in bloom. But no suggestion on grow. I will be buying a par meter soon but that’s another chuck of money. Can anyone give me suggestions on hight that I may be able to safely use.
biggie has got a stretch on over night. She looks lovely and healthy though. Ive put them outside with the lids off and there they shall remain for a few hours. Then ill give em a little water chuck the lids back on and back under the hps. The weathers been baking recently so the sooner I get em used to it the better. Shes at 27 today which is just about perfect. Still light at like 9pm and the suns still upish by 5am. It will soon start getting dark earlier though so definitely the sooner the better.
When they get up potted ill be burying the pete pot anyway so wont be a problem.
Lanky! Looking forward to seeing that grow out.

Here are my two this morning...

BSA #1 on day 24:

And #2 on day pistils yet on this one :):
They look good though fam. Apart from the mini girl lol. Na f it though she should get some stretch on her
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