so both girls are above soil. Northern lights (margaret) on left and (valentine) on the right is bloody skunk!
Things are looking good guys. When watering seedlings, try and water away from the stem. The roots should be searching for moisture. Don't make it easy for them by watering at the base of the stem.

Use as little water as possible. The solo cups should never really feel heavy. Keep up the good work!!
One of 2 in her permanent home. Realized I lost one of my pots and don’t have enough promix. So trip to the store. But Margaret is planted hopefully no shock happens because the transplant was a lil rough. She was not quite rdy and soil fell apart. I have to repot because I’m gonna be gone for a week starting tomorrow. But she has nice super white roots from what I could see.



Well been on vacation for a week. Had a friend feed the plants and all went great. I came home today to a plant that needs harvest and 2 that need moved to the big tent where I can fix the light issue the shot them up to fast. Got em braced and fed. Light adjusted to 30% at 25” I LST the stem a little. This is gonna have to work until it’s strong enough to hold its own and I’ll tie them down. Sorry for the delay kinda wanted to leave reality.




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