The Tardis ReGenerated (Doctor Who's Grow)

What's up brother! How are the girls doing? Are you enjoying DrWho on the netflix?!? I love netflix, but don't watch any of the instants unless I'm on the 'puter. But it's cool cause I get 3 dvds at a time. :)
What's up brother! How are the girls doing? Are you enjoying DrWho on the netflix?!? I love netflix, but don't watch any of the instants unless I'm on the 'puter. But it's cool cause I get 3 dvds at a time. :)

The instant or streaming is cool as heck Bro, but I am going thru my Xbox not the computer, and the streaming is free so I use that constantly, been watching the Red Drawf series, funny as hell!

I use the DVD's for episodes they don't have on streaming, 1 DVD at a time but that's cool loving it.

Yep the plants well their all doing their thing out there in the yard, I have 3 plants drying right now, and been keeping myself busy trying to rebuild one of my PC's out of 3 others that went down in the past couple of years sort of Frankenstein them together to get one and rebuilding my bookkeeping and reformat invoices and on an on! bloody computers, keeps my mind off the stuff drying a least.

How is your grow going my Bro.
That's cool. Bet your loving the mac right now. :) I'm a PC guy only because I've never used a mac.

No grow at the moment, been too hot for an indoor bubble grow here. Depending on the weather, maybe end of Sept or during Oct for sure I would imagine. I'll let you know when I start it.

Agent Green :smokin:
That's cool. Bet your loving the mac right now. :) I'm a PC guy only because I've never used a mac.

No grow at the moment, been too hot for an indoor bubble grow here. Depending on the weather, maybe end of Sept or during Oct for sure I would imagine. I'll let you know when I start it.

Agent Green :smokin:

Yeah the Mac is cool little bit of a learning curve but only takes a short while to get the basic's but most the programs are designed in away where once you learn one the others are much the same, but I do kinda miss the chaos of a PC.

Yeah my growroom is ready to go, I still need to get the T5 rack lighting I want to use! there something like 750 total wattage but uses less energy to run, use those into flower, but there still is also the work factor there too! no work no grow but I'll try growing auto's outside during the winter I have with regular plants before and had no problems, not the later part of winter, early! first few months, their weeds bro! they will grow just about anywhere and just about anytime of the year providing it doesn't get to cold at night check out youtube there is these guy's who travel all over the world exploring the plants an bring back seeds, this stuff grows in the weirdest places.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: thanks for the morning funny. Now that your PC has given your sanity back you'll have more time for your plants. :rofl: congrats on getting a mac.

Thanks! those buggers outback have been doing great till the hot weather and now 3 days of high temps again but their all bigger, still wondering how they get plants to grow in places like Afghanistan where the the temps hit 127* most be some tough plants to grow in that.
Wingman420 glad to have you stop in your welcome anytime.

So here is an update on the plants drying as I type! here are some finish results of some bud which is next to my mouse to compare size, and then in curing jar's for curing! and amount! and No haven't weighed it yet sorry, this is only one half of the plant that was dried in in a plain brown paper shopping bag! the other half is hanging in a drying tent (to compare taste in the drying process between the two) also their are 2 other plants hanging and drying, and No! I haven't tried this stuff! "Yet" But!! I am about too, and since it is smokable but not cured in jars.

:tokin: Yes the doctor is about to take a small time trip be back before I go? Ha brilliant!


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: thanks for the morning funny. Now that your PC has given your sanity back you'll have more time for your plants. :rofl: congrats on getting a mac.

Thanks FrostyBuds, this Mac is so streamlined damn thing runs to smoothly I'm use to the chaos of the a PC! "you know" it will ask? which of a half a dozen programs to open this file with! not on this computer just goes to what's needed and opens! no fuse.

To hot now to tend to the plants in the 100's outside now and next few days, I been going out later when it cools down and water them, not much I can do for them about the heat!

Dang! That's cool! You're getting all the good toys!

Oh I would rather my old computer didn't break down on me, the air mouse was a $1.99 program that downloads on to the iphone then links up wirelessly the technology just keeps getting away out there.

The days are growing shorter everyone who is growing outside should be flowering right now.
DW, did you see what your mouse rounded up. Nice nugs. Got some heat going on out there. It speaks to the hardiness of of mj being that it grows in all parts of the world. Truly is a wonder plant that it can survive what it does and grows just about everywhere. enjoy the smoke and keep cool.
You like the Bud's! Thank's, hey Frostybuds nice to have you here welcome anytime! yeah I got 3 plants drying out in a small 3'x4'x4' tent in the garage generally used for clones works great! if you've checked any of my other threads or go back on this one you will the Tardis grow room ready to go with an ebb & flow system, here at 420 mag you find a bunch of great people all with an abundance of knowledge, good place good people.
Okay so far the remaining plants are having a hard time of it from the heat but it's suppose to start cooling back down Sunday and should be good after that! I will have some pictures up tomorrow sometime!
Here we go updated pictures of some of what is still in the ground and flowering there are others I haven't posted, all are in different flowering stages but flowering.








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