The Root Causes Of Anxiety And How Cannabis Can Help

Sister Vee

Active Member
If you are like me and suffer from severe anxiety then please know that this means that you have a super sensitive nervous system.

Some psychiatrists and even psychologists will tell you that anxiety happens when we think negative thoughts that stem from fear. Yes this is true, anxiety affects our thoughts and our thoughts affect our anxiety. Both feed upon each other in ways that make it really hard to control negative thought patterns, over thinking, OCD, triggers, panic attacks and manic behaviour.

Be that as it may, I always like to look at the root causes in each patient dependent on their symptoms and I have found that genetics only accounts for about 5% of mental and physical medical conditions.

Let’s take a look at the some of the root causes of anxiety and how the human companion plant can help us to overcome this new pandemic of modern society.


So many people have suffered such tremendous childhood trauma that has followed most of us into adulthood. Loss of loved ones and the entire grieving process is utterly traumatic for humans and many never recover.

I believe that everyone has the right to be happy and I’v always been super passionate about human health and happiness. Truly I’v said this many times but somewhere in the sinister prohibition parade I have always believed that it is illegal to be happy in this manic matrix we all live in.

Regardless of my opinion, the truth is that good health cannot live in an unhappy body and this is not my truth because I learnt this from a very young age from my Bible and later found a similar teaching in the Holy Quran.

In the book of Proverbs chapter 17 we learn that “A broken Spirit dries the bones” and I have always understood this based on my teachings to mean that in order to be healthy one has to be happy. When a human being’s Spirit becomes so broken that their bones begin to dry then we know that they no longer have healthy bone-marrow. And bone-marrow is the epicenter of our immune system. In my opinion a “broken Spirit” is the root cause of so-called autoimmune conditions.

In the Holy Quran the Scripture speaks of “a piece of flesh that when not well, the whole body is not well and when well, the whole body is well, and this piece of flesh is the heart”.

And we must remember that trauma is not only stored in our memories but in every single living cell in our bodies.

Cannabis can help you to focus on your thoughts and can help you to observe your behaviour, triggers and emotions.


In my opinion at the heart of disease management today is the way that we can handle our life-stresses. Please don’t get me wrong a little bit of stress is good for us but today we have two types of stress, good and bad. Good stress is the type of stress you put on yourself, like setting targets and goals etc and bad stress is what the government and corporations give away for free every day, illegal taxes, cost of living, inflation and some seriously dark agendas (excuse the pun South Africa). These things are slowly killing our people as stress manifests into dis-ease in the human body.

All of our stress hormones, Cortisol, Norepinephrine, Adrenaline and others all are known to cause an up-regulation in tumor formation. Even young people are struggling with their hearts and cardiac arrest is still the number one killer.

Stress vampirically feeds off our Vitamin B and if not supplemented this is very dangerous resulting in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, impaired cognition and neuropathic pain. It can get so bad that your body stops producing red blood cells that need Vitamin B and then oxygen supply becomes crucial. All of this from stress! Cannabis seeds are known to be one of the highest sources of Vitamin B in the world.

The human Endocannabinoid System is incredibly sensitive to stress because truly we were not designed to deal with these levels of “new age” stresses that are designed to keep us in fight-or-flight mode.

This is when our hormones become so unbalanced and triggers a release of our stress hormones. Remember that the Endocannabinoid System controls the Endocrine or hormone system and this is how Cannabis is able to help calm and balance our hormones at all the different stages of human life.

Stress not only blocks the Endocannabinoid receptors but also halts the production of our main Endocannabinoid named Anandamide by the scientists. Anandamide is the human version of THC (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) and it is the Sanskrit word meaning “Bliss”.

This is why I always tell my patients to double their CBD dose when they know that they are going to be facing heavy stress. We absolutely have to supplement the Endocannabinoid System in order to survive stress and anxiety and this is why millions of people use Cannabis for depression, pain, insomnia and mood elevation.

And ask yourself why does Cannabis make us laugh?

In my book Cannabis is The Human Companion Plant I end off with this question because apparently scientists still do not know why humans laugh! Cannabis eases any form of suffering and makes any disease easier to bear, mentally and physically and spiritually.

It is because of the way that Cannabinoids interact with not only the Endocannabinoid receptors but also the whole human receptor system

Binding affinity to the Serotonin receptors is a tried and tested therapeutic target for anxiety so this is a big reason for the mood elevation properties of the plant. And it’s not only the Cannabinoids but also the terpenes that offer healing through our receptors.

The plant also interacts with the Limbic and Para Limbic systems and GABA receptor binding by Cannabinoids is now well established. Basically all of this means that the components found in the Cannabis plant interact with our entire nervous system and it is CBD that completely calms our nervous system down. And it is CBD that offers neurogenesis and neuro-protection by taking care of our brain cells.

There is a reason why I refer to CBD as the “King of Cannabinoids” !

People sometimes think of CBD as the weaker sibling of THC because scientists write that it is “inactive” meaning in their language that CBD will not make you feel “high”. Well I always ask my patients whether they are high or if they just feel better? 99.99% they tell me that they can admit that they simply feel better.

We have to accept that even though only THC has the deep binding affinity with the CB1 and 2 receptors, it is by no means the “be-all-an- end-all” of Cannabis medicine.

In my opinion and when I consider overall medical benefits of CBD I truly believe in this molecules healing powers especially in the way it can completely calm the nervous system down. I suffer with tachycardia often during the day it goes up to 140 and I simply puff on a CBD joint 3 puffs and it’s coming down already. That is a 19% CBD strain that belongs to South African Breeder Dean Malan and is called Canna Health Genetics #16 (CHG#16) and I highly recommend this strain for helping prevent anxiety from becoming all encompassing.

We must never underestimate the power of CBD and CBDA (the acid version within the growing plant) is 1000 times stronger than CBD in nausea and migraine studies!

Why are seeing such an increase in anxiety among high THC consumers?

In the 1970’s a 6% THC level was considered high and today we have “over 30’s” clubs with the average percentage testing around 25. In my judging work over the past 4 years I can tell you that for sure the THC is getting stronger and stronger.

The biggest problem with super high THC plants is that there is hardly any CBD in there so the medicine becomes super potent and the body lacks the natural plant protection that is CBD.

And then you also have to think about synthetics as well like Delta 8 and THCP products, even some “CBD isolates” that are super potent. Synthetic THCP is 33 times stronger than plant THC and 60 times stronger than Delta 8 THC.

In general pharmaceutical cannabinoid synthetics are up to 800 times stronger than plant medicine. There is a very good reason why THCP and Delta 8 THC are only found in miniscule amounts in the actual plant!

Synthetic THC products act a full agonists of our receptors where plant THC only acts a partial agonist and this is the reason for super-potency.

CBD is naturally found in higher amounts in low THC varieties such as Cannabis ruderalis and some so-called hemp strains. So if you are looking for a high CBD plant you must look for a low THC variety. We have to be careful that in our quest for super high THC strains we do not risk out breeding CBD.

What is the Biphasic Effect of Cannabis Medicine and how does this affect anxiety?

Biphasic medicine means that high and low doses can have opposite effects and this is a common effect in many medications for example the contraceptive pill, some insulin drugs, antacids and of course alcohol, you can see it clearly how like the first 2 drinks can appear to calm a person and raise their spirits but after that “1 too many” a certain type of psychosis seems to set in and a lot of people simply pass out.

In Cannabis medicine I call this “dagga psychosis” (dagga’ being a colloquial South African word to describe Cannabis, like Marijuana) and I attribute it to the super high THC levels people are now consuming and believe me, I also enjoy these strains especially for the pain but the truth is that it does give me and so many others who have come to speak to me, disturbing anxiety symptoms like tachycardia, anxiety, depression and so many other symptoms we so often experience.

We can see the biphasic effect in how the high THC is giving the opposite effect that lower THC strains offer like calmness and euphoria instead of psychosis and paranoia that I am seeing so much of today and this is obviously a huge concern for me for the future of our freedom to access this plant.

At my recent talk at The Canna Club in Plettenberg Bay someone in the audience told a story of how he had lost consciousness and passed out due to loss of oxygen according to the medical team that assisted. He informed me that there is now published scientific research to prove that high THC can alter oxygen absorption and I still need to locate these studies.

If you consider that the average rosin press extract is 4 times the THC potency as in the bud then shoo! That is super high, but what is really interesting, I was recently having a chat with one of our Master Growers, Natie Fereirra and he told me that this is not strictly correct because he can take a “4% THC plant and convert it to an 80% dab” Wow that is pure alchemy right there!

The biphasic effect of Cannabis medicine is not only involved in mental health, I see this a lot in my sleep clinic patients when so often it is the lowest possible dose that ends up stabilizing sleep architecture as opposed to higher THC dosing. In other words when the THC is too strong for a certain patient then the medicine will have the opposite effect and in the case of insomnia, can end up keeping the patient awake.

Another good example is a patient I treat for arthritis, a person who has a well established Endocannabinoid System and I made him a high CBD and very low THC oil extracted with virgin organic coconut oil. Well after checking up on him he explained and sent me photos of how he experienced the complete opposite effect and had to go for a steroid injection! I was horrified as I had never seen the biphasic effect in arthritis and the patient was not allergic to coconut oil.

Well I love a good medical mystery and I asked the patient who truly believes in the benefits of the plant but had never used topically or internally before, to give me a chance and do some more research and make him a new batch of medicine. All my research kept coming back to the biphasic effect I even looked at his blood grouping and consulted with my mentors and still nothing was coming up from the science or from common sense.

Long story short I made him a new batch of medicine using a different plant and I waited a week (serious anxiety) before checking up on him and Give Thanks all was well and the photos revealed the reduction in inflammation and I was so happy for the patient.

This is a classic example of one of the ways the biphasic effect can manifest and we must never forget that this plant is a medicine regardless of how you consume it because it causes changes in the body....just like coffee and sugar!

For those who are curious about how I made the new batch of medicine I am happy to share that I decided to use a male plant that is higher in CBD and this turned out to work really well for this patient. All Praises to the Plant!

So I really loved the way our Cannabis lawyer, Brett Pollack expressed his perspective in the recent “Phakisa Interview” on The Canna Club channel and I asked Brett if I may use his words that I would like to share with you

“There’s more to this plant than just a 30% THC content, and a plant with less than 20% is jut?...No….it’s not….it means that there’s other things in there potentially taking effect on your body and your mind” ~ Brett Pollack Cannabis Lawyer

Give thanks Brett for these words of wisdom and I can tell you that “these things” Brett is speaking of are things like CBD, CBG, CBC, and the terpenes and the flavinoids present in the plant that botanists refer to as The Entourage Effect.

And this why in my country in the rural lands of Mpondo grows the perfect ratio of CBD to THC, the sought after 1:1 ratio that doctors love and adore for so many reasons but mostly because of the incredibly low risk of side-effects. In my opinion this is the competitive advantage of the medicine that has always been produced in rural Transkei.

So my message about ‘dagga psychosis” is to be conscious of responsible adult consumption and harm reduction methods.

We must always respect the plant as a medicine and as a teacher plant.

Another thing I am very concerned with that we are starting to see a lot of is people with pre-existing mental health conditions consuming high THC levels and many people that have weaned themselves off their pharma meds and are self medicating with THC without consulting with a registered practitioner.

As a society I would like to see all of us looking out for our brothers and sisters and becoming aware of what your friends, family, club members, work colleagues etc are dealing with in their lives so that if the time comes, hopefully never, then you will have a better perspective and point of reference on how to help them.

And the best advice I can give on this topic is to always make sure that you have a high CBD oil and bud available, because truly the only way to calm the nervous system almost instantly as we know from epilepsy studies is by using CBD.

Cannabis also offers spiritual nurturing to help us deal with anxiety and there is a lot of science that I discuss in the book about how Cannabis helps with aversive memories and even nightmares and terrors so common in people suffering with anxiety and PTSD.


There is a lot of science that you can research on how these two can cause anxiety. Both of these are fast becoming a chronic health crisis today.

By the time your mouth tells you it is dry…you are already dehydrated and not only your body but your brain also becomes dehydrated.

It is crucial to consume 35 ml of clean structured water per kg of body weight every day. Nothing more and nothing less because we can also over-hydrate but that is another study.

Dehydration depletes our Tryptophan that is the building block of Serotonin and this is how it causes anxiety.

Today it is becoming a challenge to get clean structured water that isn’t filled with high levels of heavy metals and other chemicals and these days they are also adding sulphites to drinking water, tap and bottled even so-called "spring water" and sulphites are known to cause anxiety even in tolerant people.

There is a very good reason why the plant makes us thirsty! In South Africa we speak about "the droogies"! and I have seen this so often how this plant can force human beings to hydrate with water! Also another study!

Scientists speak about the “Inflammation/Anxiety Connection” that explains how inflammation leads to oxidative stress throughout the body and causes anxiety. Cannabis is a known potent anti-inflammatory and through its binding affinity with the Serotonin receptors offers relief for anxiety and depression.


I can almost guarantee you that every person suffering with severe anxiety also has imbalanced vagus nerves. These are the two longest nerves in the body and they control the “gut brain connection” for mental and physical health. On a spiritual level they have their origin in the Pineal and Pituitary glands. (6th and 7th chakras)

There is a very simple test you can do that Iv mentioned in previous papers but happy to repeat here. Take your torch and look into the back of your throat at the “small tongue” or uvula. This little tongue should be pointing directly down into the throat but if pointing to the left or right this is a sign of imbalance and you need to take steps to rectify this. I use these techniques almost daily and it is incredible how 15 minutes can completely reduce tachycardia.

In my opinion based on my research the secret to stimulating the vagus nerves is to have your head below your heart like doing a head stand. This is why many people find yoga really helpful. Many healers have a flip-bed in their rooms where you can be turned upside down to stimulate the vagus nerves.

You can do breathing and even cold showers there are a number of different ways to achieve vagal nerve stimulation and you can find what suits you best but this therapy is really helping a lot of people with anxiety.

Cannabis is the only plant that can induce autophagy and vagal nerve stimulation

Recently I wrote about this topic I will leave the links here below for you and I had my comprehension of how this works in the body confirmed by one of my mentors Dr Henry Ealy.


I would urge anyone with severe anxiety to ask their doctor for a simple heavy metal toxicity test to test for the main 4 culprits, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and lead. And while you are there ask for a Vitamin B12 test as well. You can also consult with a frequency vibrational healer who might have a frequency vibration machine like a Rife machine that will give you accurate results for both tests often more accurate than blood tests.

Some other pathogenic culprits for causing anxiety are parasites, viruses, bacteria and mold is a very big one. So many people been sick for decades and doctors don’t know the cause and it turns out to be mold and it is very difficult to get rid of but you can Detox from mold, parasites and heavy metals in a standard 90 day program.

All of these cause anxiety because of the severe damage they cause to our nerve endings and they way that they devour our Vitamin B and other nutrients. They can also cause pain, inflammation, tumor formation, hot flushes and cravings.

A lot of women believe that they have been in menopause for many years but I'm here to tell you that the menopause only lasts 12 months after the last menstrual cycle. This is a natural pattern of creation. I have found in many of my patients that there was always another root cause of ongoing hot flushes and I urge women in this situation to go and get tested or simply just do the 90-day-gut-detox to reset your system.


You would be shocked to learn how many pharmaceutical drugs can cause anxiety as a known side effect, so please do look at the insert inside the packaging because it is there in plain sight.

Drugs like benzodiazepines, epilepsy meds, anti histamines, sleeping tablets, ADHD meds like Ritalin and even certain nasal inhalers that contain Albuterol. All of these can cause severe anxiety and it is shocking that medications designed to calm the nervous system have such severe and opposite effects by design. We must seriously question this!

For stress and anxiety I highly recommend using high CBD strains and today we are blessed with strong and stable CBD genetics. Some of my favorite strains besides CHG#16 are Blue Shark, Feno Dream and Cherry Wine by Natie Fereirra.

With CBD I have seen healing occur at 20 mg right up to 1000 mg and while Cannabis can’t take our problems away it does help to keep our anxiety out of our chest, throat and gut, and stop it from interfering with our days and nights.

In my opinion the only way to get a grip on anxiety is to constantly observe ourselves. We must study ourselves, our behavior, mood, feelings and triggers. We have to know what makes us happy and we must be deliberate about the way we wake up and the way we go to sleep and how we structure the time in between and we must also remember to congratulate ourselves for showing up! No one else can show up and live your life for you only you can do this - and for myself and so many others, self observation is proving to be a valuable tool.

Through Cannabis we can learn to gauge what steps to take to heal ourselves, instead of just being a passenger in our own lives that prevents us from being who we wish to be.

Cannabis can help us to focus on our thoughts and become more aware of who we really are beneath our anxiety and to realize that fear is the real sickness. Cannabis can also help us to achieve greatness, to let our little light shine and to become the best version of ourselves and for this reason alone we should to continue to pursue medical freedom and education by always standing up for plant medicine.

This paper is based on my talk on Anxiety at The Garden Route Cannabis Cup in Plettenberg Bay 5 August 2023 and my recent talk about mental health at The Canna Club in Plett

I have yet to read this fully but started and ran out of time. I will finish it when I get back from work. I just wanted to say that there are 2 types of anxiety. One is psychological and the other is chemical. Dont know if you hit both in your post.
From reading the first few sentences in your post I can see you are speaking about the psychological at that point.

But chemical anxiety(that which is caused by hormonal or electrolyte imbalances) is extreme and can only be treated with something like a Benzo or other chemical. And in the mean time, dont abuse them and get to a Dr who specializes in hormones and electrolytes. Not to mention the electrical system in the body.

I was living in Florida selling on eBay 10 years ago and making great money. Life was looking great for me. Then, while sitting there at my computer doing what I always do, While watching a show my heart felt like it didnt just drop into my stomach but it felt like it dropped into the basement. Then my heart started pounding and I couldn't calm down or breath properly. I had to call an ambulance it was so bad. When they got there they gave me Ativan 1mg IV and took me to the hospital. I thought I was having a heart attack. Once we got to the hospital the issue was gone completely. The Ativan worked. It happened a few more times and I kept thinking it was heart related.

At the time I had moved in with my brother to help with his kids because he just had a divorce and we were smoking at the time and it made it worse for me. Yes, Marijuana has made my chemical anxiety worse.
At the hospital I kept telling the dr that I didnt have any reason to be anxious and I didnt have anything to fear. That my life had just started turning to where i was making more money than I ever had in my life and it was growing every month to numbers I just couldn't believe. How can I fear at that point I said.
The Dr said to me, "Mike, this is chemical and it has nothing to do with worry or fear."

What I am NOT saying.... I am not saying Marijuana doesn't help people who have anxiety. I am sure someone who has anxiety, if they didnt get relief from Marijuana, would not be smoking it for relief!
I am just simply giving my experience with the chemical anxiety.

I want to read your post now but I cant until later.

Maybe you dealt with this in your post. I do not know.

But I do know that Benzos CAN cause worse anxiety. Which is why when I took them I cut my dose down to the lowest possible amount that would not allow my anxiety to come back. (There is a story there too but sharing it would make this longer.)
But so can Marijuana. I suppose it may come down to the problem and the persons chemistry. This is why in America we should all be free to and have the right to pursue happiness. Its OUR Pursuit. Not anybody else's. The right is not to happiness. The right is for us to pursue it.
In many ways we have been cut off from that "Self evident" right to the pursuit of happiness as written in the preamble to the declaration of independence.
monkey mart
I found so many interesting stuff in your blog especially its discussion. From the tons of comments on your articles, I guess I am not the only one having all the enjoyment here! keep up the good work...
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
Do you grow?
Are you promoting a game?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
Do you grow?
Are you promoting a game?
I have the feeling that the person is actually a 'young' AI bot or spider crawling the web looking for info to add to its knowledge base. @bluter would know more and is usually able to tell by reading the two msgs that the 'person' posted. And common to many AI bots each message has a link to a website that is unrelated to Cannabis or growing yet it makes no heavy promotion to direct anyone to that web site.
Thank you so much for this. Thank you to whoever dug up this old thread. My anxiety is mostly caused from the anti seizure med's I take. I haven't read all of this yet but I glanced thru most of it. the past couple of weeks,as my nuroligest calls the mini seizure have started up again and I've been trying to make a connection between what I'm doing differently over the past month. because of the heat I've been walking early in the am and have increased the time I can walk. that's never been a problem in the past. but after reading about dehydration and it effects on the brain has me thinking my increased anxiety and seizures could be because I'm not hydrating enough. when things are real bad I get these gummies that are 20-1. CBD 20% 1% THC. I've been wanting to try growing a strain that is high CBD and low THC. my issues are I'm a bit of a caveman when it comes to my setup I have no tent no climate control and old wornout lights. but I still can manage to grow a decent product not as good as most. do you think it would be waste of time and effort to grow a medical grade cannabis under sub-par condition
Thank you so much for this. Thank you to whoever dug up this old thread. My anxiety is mostly caused from the anti seizure med's I take. I haven't read all of this yet but I glanced thru most of it. the past couple of weeks,as my nuroligest calls the mini seizure have started up again and I've been trying to make a connection between what I'm doing differently over the past month. because of the heat I've been walking early in the am and have increased the time I can walk. that's never been a problem in the past. but after reading about dehydration and it effects on the brain has me thinking my increased anxiety and seizures could be because I'm not hydrating enough. when things are real bad I get these gummies that are 20-1. CBD 20% 1% THC. I've been wanting to try growing a strain that is high CBD and low THC. my issues are I'm a bit of a caveman when it comes to my setup I have no tent no climate control and old wornout lights. but I still can manage to grow a decent product not as good as most. do you think it would be waste of time and effort to grow a medical grade cannabis under sub-par condition
Hi Chris, I would definitely encourage you to grow your own medicine regardless of your set up! And I would also encourage you to interact with your plants, even play music for them and so is a scientific fact that human beings share 42.6% of our genome with Cannabis sativa L and there is a definite and delightful DNA exchange going on between the plant and humanity. In my younger days during prohibition, I used to grow plants for my patients and I would ask them to come and "visit" the plants and many did and it is really unbelievable how intelligent this plant is when it comes to the way it interacts with humanity this is why I refer to it as the human companion plant! Blessings to you and your garden!
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