Looks good. If the inner branches on the top 2 main branches end up outgrowing the ends of those mains, you could probably let up a little on the the first hook that is facing the camera in the last pic. See how that branch has that little up and down wave to it. My Chemdog was like that and the middle branches were growing straight up and the ends stopped growing. I wouldn’t change it unless you see that happening though. She’s purdy! What I had done by training it that way was confuse the plant. It started pumping auxins (growth hormones) into those inner branches thinking they were the tips. Gravity plays a part in where the plant sends auxins so the wave I had in mine threw it off. Let me see if I can find a pic of when they were outgrowing the rest of the plant.Not the best picture, just transplanted this morning into its final home.
I’ve been letting the lowers 2 catch up to the uppers to try to even the canopy.
Here is a picture of the root ball as I transplanted
You can kinda see it in this one! She still turned out beautiful but it took some extra training to get her there. Lol. Anyway...keep up the good work!